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Rockin' Against Bush

Rock and roll means rebellion. For some rockers, it isn’t rebellion only for the sake of it; it’s political. Political rebellion against conformity or conservative religious values set to music is, for many, the definition of rock and roll. From Woody Guthrie to Nina Simone progressive rockers have given voice and substance to this discontent, have raised the difficult questions about the system and the establishment and even have offered personal and systemic alternative visions. The dangerous Bush regime has spurred the revival of an old and the emergence of a new, diverse and progressive musical movement that values social and political commentary and the agony and beauty of artistic production.

Mature headliners like Pearl Jam, Bruce Springsteen, Sonic Youth, REM, the Indigo Girls, Melissa Etheridge, John Cougar Mellencamp, U2, Public Enemy, Mud Honey, Don Henley, the Beastie Boys, even Hootie and the Blowfish have been among the mainstays of rock’s politics. But these acts have large and loyal fan bases and saying something important isn’t always such a big risk. Sure, a handful of conservatives staged a walk out at a Pearl Jam concert last year when Eddie Vedder opened up on the band’s anti-Bush song “Bush Leaguer,” but for the most part fans have been loyal.

For new or less well-known bands, commitment to political values and artistic ideals means more and earns fewer rewards. Often it means the difference between being able to make a living as an artist and being able to find only spare time from the day job to put music out. Certainly the Internet has dramatically transformed the landscape of popular music.

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