Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights


Fraser Corrections Center, in Vancouver B.C. is withholding food from political prisoner Tre Arrow, following his historic 45 day fast WE MUST DEMAND JUSTICE!! Friends and supporters will launch a massive phone and fax campaign Monday, inundating the jail and the Ministry of corrections, demanding an end to these human rights violations
Following his April 26th immigration bail hearing, Tre Arrow (an American environmental activist in jail in Canada) made the difficult decision to end his 45 day fast. He had been fasting to protest his incarceration, as a token of solidarity with those suffering as a result of unequal food distribution, and to protest the lack of justice within the judicial system.

At great personal expense to his health and well-being he was able to focus attention on these issues and galvanize support for political prisoners in both Canada and the U.S. But however transcendent his spirit, his body is human, and after 45 days of fasting he understood that in order to continue to defend Earth mother he would need to sustain that human body.

On April 27th he began ingesting fruits and vegetables, although he has ended his fast, he has not ~and will not~ back away from his commitment to his buddhist faith or to being vegan. The jail initially accommodated his attorneys request for an all fruit and vegetable diet, but ARE NOW WITH HOLDING THESE FOODS and insisting he eat a "vegetarian diet" of grilled cheese and Tang. THIS IS A HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION This is absolutely unexceptionable. QUITE SIMPLY: IF WE DONT ACT, TRE WILL DIE.

The jail believes they have isolated Tre by keeping him in lock down with no access to the phone, writing materials or the outside. WE MUST LET FRASER CORRECTIONS CENTER KNOW THAT THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING!!!

Please take a moment to call or fax please CC the Director of Adult Custody [you can send identical messages to both] and express your outrage! Demand that they allow Tre a diet in accordance with his beliefs: all he is only asking for is raw fruits and vegetable for goodness sake! PLEASE CALL, OR FAX A MESSAGE, This time it's Tre caught in the cross hairs, but it could just as easily be anyone of us! WE NEED TO BOMBARD THEM WITH OUR OUTRAGE!!

North Fraser Pretrial Centre
Phone: (604) 468-3500
Fax: (604) 468-3556


Provincial Director, Adult Custody
Phone: (250) 387-5098
Fax: (250) 952-6883

I am contacting you to express my outrage about the treatment of Tre Arrow, currently being held in solitary confinement in your institution. I am aware that he is facing the inhumane treatment at your facility, including his being denied food, access to the phone, or contact with his family. In addition I am aware that he is being held in solitary confinement, despite having been cooperative throughout his incarceration, and that he is being denied access to the outdoors, fresh air and sunlight.
I am shocked that the Canadian Corrections systems feels that this is an acceptable way to treat a man who has not been convicted of any crimes, and has caused no problems while in your custody. I am writing to insist that a stop be put to these tactics, which amount to human right violations.

I understand that Tre is Buddhist, and is also lactose intolerant, yet despite your knowledge of these facts you have denied his repeated requests for a vegan (meat,
dairy and egg free) diet. It is within your power to meet his dietary and medical needs, and it is your duty to meet those needs. Your facility has access to produce, and you have no excuse for starving or torturing inmates. I demand that you put a stop to this immediately



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