The wacky water-wheelin' WaLLeYEs and the Cirque du Lake invite you to participate in the third annual Cycle Circus!!
This year's bicycle circus journey will have two branches: one through Ontario, Canada, and
the other through Wisconsin and Minnesota -- we travel by bike and do performances at towns, farms and communities along the way that focus on water issues. The US-side circus meets up in mid-May in Madison to build bikes and plan shows, we bike through
the month of June, and then meet up with our Canadian counterparts in early July in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan!
Who are we?
We are water animateurs and drinkers, bicyclists and concerned citizens
united in a search for clean, safe, accessible water…and we’re coming to
your watershed! Gathering audiences and participants at shorelines, markets,
town halls, theatres, parks, schools and places to pool. Our shows involve
theatricks, puppetry, musicals, toilet dams and watercrafts.
Join us!!
You're welcome to bike with us the whole way or part of the way (don't
worry, we are not fast super-cyclers, we wear costumes and decorate our
bikes as we parade through the countryside). We are looking for artists,
educators, bike riders, performers, citizens and water guzzlers to join our
merry journey. We also need to tap into the places we'll be drifting
through, so let us know how you can help with housing, food, or arranging a
performance and festivity.
You can check out our itinerary on .
To contact the Wisconsin cyclers, call 608-256-FREE or email
freewheel (at)
and for the Canada side, email
h2ocycle (at)