Comrades! we are a homeless liberation group of "Association of Poor people in Nagai park", osaka, jpn. we would love to say our solidarity message to you. and if you can, we would love to get your solidarity message for our May day event!
“Words divide us, actions unite us.” however, solidarity messages unite us! thanks.(rebel_JILL)
we are a homeless liberation group of "Association of Poor people in Nagai
park", osaka, jpn. we would love to say our solidarity message to you. and
if you can,
we would love to get your solidarity message for our May day event!
“Words divide us, actions unite us.” thanks.(rebel_JILL)
------- Forwarded message -------
Subject: Solidarity message of May day from osaka!
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2004 23:32:43 +0900
> Comrades;
> year of 2004...all of the world is continued to be governed by nasty and
> evil system yet. victims of the war in Iraq, Palestine, Afgan...and on
> the street of all over the earth, there are numbers of poor sisters and
> brothers dead by ignoring & violence. on the other side, bosses of G7
> talk with their bloody mouth in somewhere of rich space, "for freedom, We
> never give up to fight against the terrorism." NO KIDDING! their freedoms
> make us a lot of victims, their freedoms make us a lot of tyranny, and
> their freedoms trample us. we don't need any bosses, we don't need any
> and we don't need any laws for helping fuckin' systems! we need hopeful
> self-determinations, loves, dignity, respects, mutual aid, and real
> with harmony.
> also this year, May day will come. May day is not a Holiday but a
> of our militant memorial day! we should remember victims of "Chicago 8".
> under the tyranny, only hopeful tough struggle will make our justice and
> places for living.
> also in osaka, on this year, we will plan some events at the tent village
> placed in a part of park and on the street of this city. we will organize
> gatherings, field-work, soup kitchen for homeless comrades, some movies,
> and militant demonstration. yes, we will pursue rebellions and enjoyments
> the struggle of poor community.
> anyway, we would love to say our solidarity message to you. and if you
> can, we would love to get your solidarity message for our May day event!
> will show your solidarity message for our comrades! "Ni ne estas la
> are NOT DUSTs or TRASHs) Ni ne transiru!(We shall NOT BE MOVED!) Vi
> venkos!(you will win!) Ni venkos!(we will win!) No pasaran!" if the poor
> united all over the world, we will be able to abolish any fuckin' systems!
> UNITE TO WIN!! in solidarity!(rebel_JILL)
>Association of Kamagasaki-Patrol:
>Association of Poor people in Nagai park:
Homeless Tour with Kama-Pat & Nakamanokai
Day: 4/30(fri)-5/1(sat)
10:00 Orientation and background info.
(at Nishinari Shimin center) in Nishinari-ku, Osaka
*we will pick you up at the nearest JR station: JR Shin-Imamiya station
11:00 Field works and lunch
visit homeless communities and the Japan’s largest day-laborers town in
Tennoji and Kamagasaki
16:00 MayDay eve festival and study session on war and labor issue in
Ogimachi Park
18:00 Soup Kitchen and cultural event
19:00 Film show
*after the film show, we are open for your request to go night patrol
(you may choose to bring your own tent or stay in a guest tent in
Ogimachi Park or Nagai Park)
8:00 breakfast and meeting
9:00 leave for MayDay event in Nakanoshima
(we rally to the event)
10:00 join Nakanoshima MayDay with Zenrokyo
13:00 Soup kitchen in Umeda Station,
protest against recent JR’s homeless shut outs
15:00 back to Ogimachi for feed-back and discussion
@rebel_JILL/ Michimune Kenumebachi
rebel_jill98 (at)
we'll be singing
when we're winning
we'll be singing
i get knocked down
but i get up again
u're never going to keep me down(ChumbaWamba)
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instead of THEIR violence,
all over the world.(@Libertaire-JILL)
rebel_jill98 (at)