Search the web i.e. webcrawler, google, yahoo and aol…..”I WAS ONCE PROCHOICE…GOD SHOWED ME!” (At International Prolife Federation, click on Baba6274. For detail about what happened to my youngest son, Khallee, click on Ernie6558.)…”I had 8 abortions over a period of 20 years! I thought it was all right if done 2 or 3 days after confirmed pregnancy! GOD SHOWED me my other children twice! In 1995, I repented in the name of HIS SON, JESUS! The second time GOD SHOWED ME my children they were celebrating in a majestic place…toasting and play “regular music.” They held up wine glasses with the word “A’mori” written on them. I was baptized by the “HOLY SPIRIT” as in ACTS 2! For 2 weeks, I understood Russian, Chinese, Korean, Polish, etc. I also spoke my heritage language i.e. the “Calaba” language! A week later, I heard the voice of the LORD speak sharp and straight…”JOB 11.”
SHALOM, Miss Ernestine Standberry a/k/a Baba a/k/a
Sha ke’nun (Francis Cardinal George know that I use this pin name in respect to African and Indian Slave Ladies and Mother Theresa.)
Also, Founder and President of the INTERNATIONAL PROLIFE FEDERATION@WeCareToo – a Non-Profit Directory
Loudproductions2004 (at) yahoo.com
p.s. PAUL (Persecutor of the Christians) wrote 14 books of the New Testament….My Testimony will also help change AMERICA and the world!!