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News :: Protest Activity

Defy lit ban at D.C. demo Sunday

Organizers of Sunday's March for Women's Lives are banning lit tables---defy them!
Organizers of Sunday's March for Women's Lives are banning lit tables---defy them!

Unfortunately, organizers of the march this Sunday, which includes the ACLU, are banning lit tables at the demo, despite federal laws that allow groups to sell literature on the Mall. For organizations wishing to defy this outrageous "gag rule" on the rights of protesters to sell books, magazines, buttons etc. from lit tables (only the handful of initial sponsors are allowed to set up tables, not even other sponsoring groups can), please contact me, Sherry on my cell 773-991-3877. Since there's power in numbers, we can arrange to set up tables near each other on the Mall and attempt to embarrass these groups into retreating from an indefensible position. the right-wing in this country is doing a magnificent job of squelching dissent and the dissemination of alternative ideas, let's not accept this treatment from progressives.



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