Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

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County, City Try to Dodge Sweeping Violations In Fire That Killed Six

They deserve justice.A startling new report, issued by the Illinois Department Of Labor, has outlined sixteen extremely serious safety violations related to the deaths of six people in a downtown Chicago fire last October. The Illinois Department of Labor is now, among other things, accusing Cook County of an act of "willful neglect" related to those deaths.

In what many are considering to be a heartless slap in the face to the victims of this senseless tragedy, both the City of Chicago and Cook County are refusing to take any responsibility, shrugging the report off as a "stealth" investigation, and calling it "weak." But others argue that ongoing efforts by government officials to cover up the facts and blame the fire on a phantom arsonist might actually be an attempt to cover up a much larger "sea of corruption" that led to the deaths these six workers, and the injury of many more. Read more from DB of Chicago Indymedia.




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