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Activities for the G8 in Georgia!

Summary w/ point people for events being planned for g8 summit in Ga in June 04:
To volunteer to be a point person, contact Carol. To Sponsoror or Endorse a planned event, contact the point people and Carol to be added to this list. To participate/volunteer, contact the point people directly. To add an event, contact Carol (info below).

1. Interfaith service in Brunswick June 7, Mon. late afternoon for the eve. of the summit. Venue TBA Procession to vigil will follow service. To endorse/sponsor/volunteer/participate, Contact Marta kaufmanculebra (at) Harry 770-313-9110 Robert rrandall (at)

2. Candlelight Vigil in Brunswick Mon eve June 7 following the Interfaith Svc. This would be a vigil for the victims of the Global Economic Policies that are disproportionately shaped by the g8. This is designed to be a separate event, as it is more political nature. Possible remembrance for Ken Sawo Wiwa, other victims/martyrs from SE Asia, Central America, Africa.

To endorse/sponsor/volunteer/participate, contact Marta kaufmanculebra (at) , Harry 770-313-9110 Robert rrandall (at)

3. G8 Carnival in Brunswick Ga: This will be a multi day event with stage/screen/booths displays. This will feature sustainable living/environment, and alternatives to the current global policies. Music, films, speakers, information tables/booths demonstrations. More info at To endorse/sponsor/volunteer/participate Contact Chito chito (at)

4. Environmental Actions in Brunswick: Installation of 2 new air pollution control monitors in Brunswick. This will be coordinated with the Glynn Environmental Coalition To endorse/sponsor/volunteer/participate contact Sean se@n battlesick13 (at) or Scott thurston (at)

5. Symbolic Environmental Cleanups: To sponsor/endorse/volunteer/participate, contact Scott thurston (at) .

6. Toxic Tour of Glynn County: Tour of Glynn County's more than 17 toxic sites including the 4 superfund sites all located in the same county as Sea Island. Contact: Glynn Environmental Coalition info (at)

7. Environmental Video Project: Brunswick/environmental issues video project. Need volunteers to film in Brunswick. Contact Scott thurston (at) or indymedia imc-southeastus (at)

8. Nonviolence Trainings Sav & Brunswick: contact Marta kaufmanculebra (at)

9. Media Center: Atlanta IMC will set up an Independent Media Center in Brunswick. Contact Atlanta IMC imc-southeastus (at)

10. Wellness Center/ Medic Trainings: There is a Wellness center being planned for Brunswick Ga. Basic Health and Safety courses will be available. Contact Sarah Vaughn sarabritestar (at)

11. Street Medic Training: This will be an intensive 3 day training session in Atlanta dealing with issues/procedures to medics at demonstrations. Date/location TBA: Contact Leslie tranarchy (at)

12. Food Not Bombs Kitchen: FNB being planned for Brunswick. Need point person to liaison local organizers and FNB peeps. Local person in Brunswick: Harry 770-313-9110

13. Community Project in Brunswick: Bring tools or come ready to lend a hand for home repairs on a building that will be used to house pregnant homeless teens! contact Harry 770-313-9110

14. Peace Walks:
Peace Walk from Gainesville Fla. to Brunswick. Contact Florida Coalition for Peace and Justice fcpj (at)
Peace Walk from Hilton Head? Need point person Peace Walk from Atlanta? Point person

15. Bike Caravans down Coastal Bike paths to Brunswick: from Atlanta: Jacob bigchieftallfoot (at)

16. April 15: Activist Training in Atlanta! Nonviolence Training, General Street Demonstratin safety/Awareness Training Time/place TBA Laurel laurelrose (at) Sarah sagill (at)

If you are interested in hosting/organizing/providing training for a general Activist Street Safety Training in Atlanta: contact Laurel laurelrose (at) NOTE!! This is NOT a contact for planned direct actions for the g8 summit for either Savannah or Brunswick! This is for activist training only!

17. Legal observer training in Atlanta: legal observer trainings in Atl &Brunswick need point people to organize!

18. Marches Rallies Brunswick: Harry 770-313-9110 Sarah sarahbrightstar (at)

19. Civil Liberties March in Savannah: Tuesday June 8 March from Civil Rights Museum to Forsyth Park contact Kellie kelliegasink2002 (at)

20. Ticketed Concert in Savannah: contact Kellie kelliegasink2002 (at)

21. TOES conference in Savannah: (The Other Economic Summit) planned to coincide with Sea island Summit June 8-10. Possible venue, the Progressive. To Sponsor/Endorse/Volunteer/Participate contact Susan Hunt hunt (at) Savannah contact Margaret Betz margybb (at)

22. June 5 Old Fashioned Teach-In in Atlanta!! Forums, films, Activist trainings! location TBA contact Joanna
jbove87 (at) for more info.

23. Town Hall Forum on Globalization in Atlanta in May 5: Media Justice Coalition WRFG FM 89.3 FM, People TV and Atlanta IMC To Sponsor/Endorse/Volunteer contact Carol robochik (at) watch for more info.

24. Globalization Film Series in Savannah at the Sentient Bean through May. Contact Molly swampfire (at) or Chito chito (at)

25. Economics and Public Issues Conference in Statesboro, Ga. on June 4 & 5, right before the g8 summit. More info:

26. Globalization Film Screenings in Atlanta: Atlanta IMC April 2, May 7, June 4 Sponsored by Atlanta IMC and WRFG 89.3 FM. watch for more info.

27. GP&JC is sponsoring "Globalization 101" workshops throught Georgia. Film screenings/discussion. To host/sponsor a "Globalization 101" event in Georgia, contact Carol robochik (at)

Carol Bass
Globalization Education and Outreach Coordinator
Georgia Peace and Justice Coalition

More info as it becomes available. Keep an eye on for more coverage and information.
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