We Are Everywhere: the irresistible rise of global anticapitalism was described by Canadian writer Naomi Klein as “...the first book to truly capture and embody the exuberant creativity and radical intellect of the protest movements.” Two of the book’s co-producers, author Jennifer Whitney and photojournalist Andrew Stern, are traveling throughout the US in order to present, not only the book, but also the results of their further research and investigation into international protest movements and their ties to the growing anti-war movement. Stern is just back from his second trip to Iraq, and will present hard-hitting images from the streets of Baghdad to accompany Whitney’s analysis. The presentation is a multimedia performance comprised of several elements: a video highlighting the diversity of various threads of resistance around the world, an exhibition of beautiful photos and illustrative quotations from their book, a brief talk on the current situation in Iraq and the connections between the anti-war movements and the global anticapitalist movements covered in We Are Everywhere, and an open discussion with the audience.
The rest of our tour schedule (see below) is still subject to change. If you would like to be on our mailing list (which will consist of tour updates only), can help out with publicity -- particularly flyering or getting us hooked up with radio interviews, or would like more information, please email us at
everywhere (at) riseup.net Also, we're still looking to fill in some dates for the second half of the tour (US west coast), so let us know if you can help with that too.
Thanks so much!
All the best,
Notes from Nowhere
April 16 Chicago Version>04 Fest show opens at 7 pm, WAE is 9-11pm
April 18 Erie, PA Mercyhurst College 3 pm Zurn Hall, Room 114
April 19 Cleveland Case Western University 4 pm Ford Auditorium, in the Allen Building, across from Severance Hall, at the corner of Euclid and Adelbert.
April 20 Pittsburgh Quiet Storm coffee shop
April 21 Providence Brown University at the student cafe
April 22 NYC unconfirmed
April 23 Philadelphia 8 pm sharp! The Rotunda 40th and Walnut, with Robotnicka, Rachel Jacobs, Milkcrate Rustlers.
April 24 D.C. Brian Mackenzie Infoshop Flemming Center 7 pm 1426 9th St. NW (at 9th and P)
(Shaw/Howard and Mt Vernon Sq Metro stops)
April 25 D.C. Signal 66 8 pm with Lost Film Fest/Robotnicka 926 N Street, REAR, NW in Blagden Alley
April 26 Blacksburg, VA 4-6 Homebody Books 119 N.Main St.
then at Virginia Tech, 7 pm, 3100 Torgerson Hall
April 27 Durham Duke University 5:30 pm at Mary Lou Williams Center for Black Culture, on main West campus
April 28 Murfreesboro, TN unconfirmed
April 29 Athens, GA University of Georgia Human Rights Festival
April 30 Birmingham, AL Samford University (unconfirmed)
May 1
May 2
May 3 New Orleans Zeitgeist (with Robotnicka / Lost Film Fest) 1724 Oretha Castle Haley Blvd. (at Felicity)
May 4 Baton Rouge, LA Unitarian Universalist, Goodwood Blvd.
May 5 New Orleans Iron Rail Bookstore
May 6 Houston IMC Rice Cinema
May 7 Austin Monkey Wrench Books 110 E. North Loop
May 8 Austin
May 9 Dallas
May 10 Oklahoma City Book Beat and Co., 8 pm
May 11 Amarillo
May 12 Albuquerque
May 13 Albuquerque
May 14 Flagstaff
May 15 Phoenix
May 16 San Diego Gelato Vero Caffe 3753 India St.
May 17 Long Beach
May 18 LA
May 19 Bay Area Santa Cruz
May 20 Bay Area Oakland
May 21 Bay Area Santa Rosa
May 22 Redding
May 23 Eugene
May 24 Olympia
May 25 Vancouver BC
May 26 Vancouver BC
May 27 Seattle
May 28 Portland