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Chicago Indymedia

Announcement :: Environment

Eastern Forest Defense Camp 2004

Announcing: The Eastern Forest Justice League’s 2004 Eastern Forest Defense Camp, August 13-21, in Virginia.
Eastern Forest Defense Camp 2004

Announcing: The Eastern Forest Justice League’s 2004 Eastern Forest Defense Camp, August 13-21, in Virginia.

Hosted by: Eastern Forest Justice League, CLINCH Coalition, Katuah Earth First!, Buckeye Forest Council, Kentucky Heartwood, Southern Appalachian Biodiversity Project, Audubon Society, and the National Forest Protection Alliance.

Calling all activists, forest dwellers, concerned citizens, and others ready to react on behalf of our great Eastern forests! In this training camp, we will focus on our evolving skillset of non-violent direct action tactics. We are looking for folks from the Northwoods (Great Lakes and New England), Central Appalachians, Southern Appalachians, the Great Coastal Swamps, the Piedmont, the Pine Barrens, the Allegheny (Cumberland) Plateau, the Ozarks and the Midwest to join us in Virginia as we share skills, techniques and ideas for defending our forests.

Expect workshops on: tree-sits/tree climbing; rigging knot tying; basic and advanced blockades (including pungi stakes/tripods/bipods); field kitchens; field survival; supply drops; cell structure; modern criminology/forensics; forming a cell on campus; radio communications; banner making; cash transfers; privacy issues; water collection/purification; campaign strategy; safe houses; forest monitoring; letter drops; watching the police; vehicle/equipment sabotage; forming a network; hydroponics and cultivating endangered species; gender issues in the forest; first incarceration; self defense; media messaging; sexual identity; police negotiations; underground issues; security culture/when an agent knocks; woodland movement; self defense in court; choosing a lawyer on appeal; staying safe in custody; forming a cell in prison; underground networks outside the US; earning a law degree from behind bars; and local flora, fauna, and lore.

Also, we are looking for more workshop ideas, so tell us on your registration what other workshops you would like to see or help lead.

Please Note: YOU MUST REGISTER TO ATTEND! Registration deadline is July 10. The registration is attached to this email and available from our website for download.

Registration can be sent to

PO Box 571
Athens, OH 45701
Or via e-mail to:
efjl (at)



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