in his rare "press conference" Bush clings tenaciously to the idea that WMD "might" still be found in Iraq
is there any doubt that Bush - Cheney - Rumsfeld plan to suddenly "discover" WMD in Iraq as an election campaign surprise?
there are now widespread reports of clandestine movements of containers in Southern Iraq, containers which are "off-limits" to all inspections, and which are dressed up as relief shipments, although the relief agencies themselves insist that ONLY officially registered vehicles and containers are part of their own work.
this development is clear indication of the downright evil intentions of Bush and his junta. not only are their lies piling up to the moon, their treachery stinking to high heaven, but they go on sacrificing decent people on their bloody altar of world domination.
details of the mystery shipments here:
are these developments in any way related to the mysterious "hauling" jobs that took place at Baghdad Airport last year? At that time dozens of US soldiers were suddenly stricken with a "mysterious illness," medically discharged, and some of them died.
Quote: "Josh Neusche, was a healthy young soldier on June 26, 2003, when he reported that he was going to serve on the secret hauling mission, by July 1, 2003, he was in a coma, and that day was suddenly classified by the military, as medically retired from the Army without Josh or his family’s consent. Josh did not die until July 12, 2003. "
see full article:
Let us not allow this despicable bullshit to continue! Where are the news organizations! Will you stand there kissing Dubya's ass, just like you have been for years, while they rob another election? At the cost of how many more lives???
Bush, Cheney, and their rotten gang of traitors don't give a tinker's damn about shedding our blood.
But what about you, so-called "journalists" ??