Oh my god! This is our President!
As much as the media and his aids try to airbrush, edit and hide this buffoon, they can’t help him when he goes solo. I have no idea what he was talking about. It was like listening to the ranting of severe schizophrenic
Uh,,, huh ,, freedom.,,Freedom loving people, uh,, stay on track ,,stop a dangerous network, defend freedom. We must win. Hug, weep love the victims of 911, uhhh, Osoma Ben Ladin is responsible for sure. The Iraqi people are angry at the at the occupation. I would be angry at occupation too… No body our youngsters will not die in vain. Err,, If we need more troops I’ll send them, if we don’t need more troops they’ll stay home. No body likes to see dead people on television, I don’t, unless it’s a John Wayne movie. It’s GUT wrenching. Uhh, Hopefully something will pop in to my head, all this pressure. Must think, must concentrate. I wish you would have given me that question before hand.
Stay the course, not shake our will, finish the job, noble work. I don’t plan to lose
my job, believe me, people believe in me.
"Some people say if you’re Muslim or brown skinned you can’t be democratic, that your not capable of freedom, I strongly disagree with this."----direct quote
I will win the election. I have a message that’s on track I look forward to the fight.
I am a man of peace Uhh,, it’s hard for to be President err.. tuff destions. Trying to change the world…
Commies for Bush! Four more disastrous years. A vote for Kerry is a vote for Blair