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Chicago Indymedia

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OfficeMax's Racist Commercials

OfficeMax's Stephen Fetchet character

Below is my complaint to OfficeMax. I'm sure you have seen the current TV ads. I'm trying to contact as many free-thinkers as possible on this matter.

Pat Coleman


Your Racist TV-Ad Campaign

Well I USED to shop at OfficeMax. One of your recent ad-campaigns is an insult to people, especially those with African ancestry. Obviously, you will know which one I'm talking about; the commercial with the African male dancing around wide-eyed, in his menial skilless job handing out supplies to superior ALL WHITE office employees.

Every time I see this commercial, it makes my stomach turn watching your company use yet ANOTHER turn on Stephen Fetchet serving his white masters happliy and mindlessly.

Actually I'm surprised you didn't find a way to work in the character eating watermelon and fried chicken, or raping a white woman. I'm sure your customers who sympathize with certain Invisible Orders find nothing offensive with this ad.

I will make my friends, family, and social organizations that I can contact, aware of my own personal complaint about this excercise in careless, racist stereotyping to sell your corporate image to 300 million Americans (at least).

Pat Coleman
Chicago, Illinois

(A former customer)




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