Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Labor : Media : Peace

Indymedia's May Day Art Party - Call for submissions!

Chicago Indymedia is throwing a May Day Art Party of the people, for the people, and by the people! We want to show your videos, your photographs, and listen to your poetry and speakouts.

Suggested themes: workers' rights, peace, dissent.

The art party will take place 1 May 2004 @ Polvo Art Studio, 1458 W. 18th St. 1R.

contact (312) 505-0764 for video and spoken word submissions
contact for photo submissions

- History of May Day: 1 | 2
- TRAILER: m20 - the world still says no to war
- view the slide show
- festival flyer (hi-resolution)
- festival flyer (lo-resolution)

studio website:

photograph courtesy of Garth Liebhaber



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