Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights
Internationalism the Legacy of Malcom X
In celebration of Malcolm X's birthday
Internationalism the Legacy of Malcolm X
Thursday, April 22, 2004, 7 PM Malcolm X College
1900 W Jackson Blvd - Auditorium
042204b.pdf (214 k)
In Celebration of Malcolm X's birthday -
Internationalism the Legacy of Malcolm X
"Our interests are international, rather than national. Our interests are world-wide. ...
The person who realizes the effect that things all over the world have right on his block, on his salary, on his reception or lack of reception into society, immediately becomes interested in things international."
Malcolm X College - 1900 W Jackson Blvd -Auditorium
Thursday, April 22, 2004, 7:00 PM
Suzanne Adely, Palestine Solidarity Group
Larry Holmes, steering committee, International A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism)
Ayinde Jean-Baptiste, Ad-Hoc Committee to Protect Constitutional Democracy in Haiti
Sarah Smith, Chicago Youth Delegation to Cuba
Thick Routes Performance Collage
Music of the primeridian
Sanabel Palestinian Debke Group
Sponsored by Chicago Volunteers for International A.N.S.W.E.R., Free Palestine Alliance, International Action Center - Chicago, Malcolm X College Student Government Association and Nicaragua Solidarity Committee