My name is Michael Hoffman and I am a veteran of the recent war in Iraq. I returned to the States in May of last year and have been speaking out against the war as a member of Vets For Peace since November. I am emailing all of you to inform you that I am now going to start organizing the returning veterans of the war in Iraq. Please feel free to give my contact info to any returning vets you have contact with. I hope to have an official name and mission statement made up by early next week. I'll will keep you up to date with more info as it comes.
Michael Hoffman, member VFP, chap. 31, Philadelphia, PA
arti57 (at)
63 N. Delmorr Ave.
Morrisville, PA 19067
"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?"
Who watches the watchmen?
-Juvenal, 347
Used as the epigraph to the Tower Commission Report, 1987