feature articles from the new Traveling Soldier, an anti-war newsletter for GIs
The new issue of Traveling Soldier is out! This issue features:
1. "I saw the destroyed villages, I saw lives destroyed by what happened
there": interview with USMC LCPL Mike Hoffman, who was in the invasion of Iraq and is now a member for Veterans for Peace and the Campus Antiwar Network in Philadelphia about his experiences there and the prospects of more GIs opposing the occupation of Iraq.
2. Lou Plummer reports on the military families, vets, and GIs who marched at Ft. Bragg on March 20th.
3. Larry Syverson reports on the military families' march on the White House, Walter Reed Medical Center where most of the wounded from Iraq are sent and Dover Air Force Base, where Bush has banned any coverage of the returning dead from Iraq.
4. What they won't tell you about Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - Hospital worker Tom Barton explains that one of the best ways for returning GIs to cope with PTSD is through anti-war activism.
5. Wounded soldier needs your help! The Pentagon has sent a medically unfit soldier back to the front-lines on patrol in Baghdad. Send an email to his mother to help get him out of harm's way.
6. The lesser evil in 2004? John Kerry, seen by many as the anti-war movement's hope, is nothing of the sort. Voting for him isn't the answer - it's building a movement in the steets, on the campuses, at workplaces, and amongst veterans and active duty GIs.
7. The story of the first soldier to quit Iraq war, Camilo Mejia, with an appeal from his mother to support him in his fight for Conscientous Objector status.
8. A report on Marine morale in Okinawa, Japan
9. Words from the front-lines, a compilation of what soldiers are saying about the war in Iraq.
10. Download the new Traveling Soldier to pass it out at your school or workplace.