LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity
Picket the Congress Friday, and everyday!
Chicago Anarchist Anti-Authoritarian Autonomist Coalition is calling out for everyone who is available to join us at the Congress Hotel Picket line this Friday.
This Friday from 4pm-6pm join the strikers of Local 1 at the Congress Hotel. The strikers have been picketing for just over 10 months, we need to all pull together, show solidarity, and help to end this strike with the strikers gaining all that they demand. Please bring noise makers, drums, supportive labor signs, and free food for strikers if you can. Everyone regardless of political beliefs is encouraged to join up. But please, let's all remember that this is for the workers not just some opportunist's chance to sell their paper.
Congress Picket Line, 520 S. Michigan
Reminder: The picket line is every single day 4am-11pm and we encourage anyone who can make it to walk the line whenever they can in solidarity.