Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

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8th Annual Chicago Air & Water Show Protest

Say "NO" to the Midwest's largest military commercial for recruiting, huge budgets and war.
9AM-3PM, Sat.-Sun., Aug. 18-19; at the East end of the Pedestrian bridge which crosses Lake
Shore Drive 2 blocks North of North Ave. Come for as long as you want. Over 2 million
spectators view the military's killing machines. We hold banners and distribute over 15,000 leaflets to the thousands crossing the bridge.

The Midwest's Largest Military Commercial for recruiting, astronomical budgets and waging war

Say NO to war
NO to $635 Billion military budget, when including hidden funds ($1.7 Billion a day)
NO to recruiting our young for death dealing activities

Sat.-Sun., Aug. 18-19, 2001
9AM - 4PM
At the East end of the pedestrian bridge
which crosses Lake Shore Drive
2 blocks North of North Ave.

Over 2 million come in a spirit of fun to view B-2 stealth bombers, the Blue Angels Navy public relations team, and other high tech aircraft used in the almost daily bombing of Iraq. Children of all ages are seduced by the false glamor of the military and its weapons. This is Chicago's 43nd annual A&W show.

100s of thousands cross the foot-bridge - a perfect audience for our banners and leaflets. Last year we distributed 15,000 leaflets

YOU ARE INVITED to demonstrate with us to help bring about a world of peace, justice and care and love - a world without injustice and war - for our families and for all families. Our treasures should be used for life giving activity, not life taking.

Come for as long as you want. If possible, let us know when you will come and for how long so we will be able to organize our presence more effectively. Bring a wide-brimmed hat, sun-screen, and water. Port-a-Potties are nearby.

If you want to add your organization's name to the list of endorsers, please let us know.

Endorsers: What will we give/leave the children of the world coalition, Voices in the Wilderness, 8th Day Center for Justice, Illinois Peace Action, American Friends Service Committee-Chicago, Pax Christi-IL, Veterans for Peace-Chicago, Central Committee for Conscientious Objection (CCCO), World Federalist Association-Chicago (list in formation)

For more info or leaflets:
Br. Paul Bossie, 773-275-9516
Bob Bossie, 312-641-5151



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