On April 16-18, 2004, activists and organizers will come together at the Brookdale Campus of Hunter College New York, NY for the Second InternationalConvention of Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition.
Sustainable Struggle: The Road to Palestine
Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition's 2nd International Convention
Brookdale Campus of Hunter College
New York, NY
April 16-18, 2004
On April 16-18, 2004, activists and organizers will come together at the Brookdale Campus of Hunter College New York, NY for the Second International Convention of Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition.
This convention will encompass workshops, keynote presentations and strategy sessions geared toward enhancing knowledge, organizing and developing the North American and international movement for the Right of Return of Palestinian refugees.
The convention will be a groundbreaking assembly, bringing together active voices from North America and abroad for a weekend of education, training, empowerment, and continued building of the movement for Palestinian self determination and return. Al-Awda's convention has been endorsed by numerous organizations (see:
www.alawdaconvention.org )
Speakers Include:
Dr. Karma Nabulsi
PLO representative from 1977 to 1990
Dr. Salman Abu Sitta
Former member of Palestine National Council and General Coordinator for the Palestinian Right of Return Congress
To register online go to:
www.al-awda.org/conventionregistration or
For information on accommodation visit:
For regularly updated information, go to:
For information on the convention's guiding principles go to:
www.al-awda.org/foundingdocument or