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News :: Labor

For Haiti's Workers: From Bad to Worse

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 26.5 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON LA INDYMEDIA AUDIO LINK BELOW
For Haitian Workers – From Bad to Worse
With Chris Floyd – U.S. journalist and columnist with the Moscow Times and Counterpunch
Charles Arthur, Director of Haiti Support Committee(U.K.)

Charles Arthur reporsts that the new union of workers at the Grupo M free trade zone factory at Ouanaminthe on Haiti’s border with the Dominican Republic has been violently busted. The Grupo M management, who make garments for Levi-Strauss, has enlisted the support of the armed insurgents who overthrew the Haitian government to break the union.

Despite Aristede’s mostly abysmal polices toward labor in recent years, Floyd believes that he was overthrown because he tried to raise the minimum wage, to the princely sum of two dollars a day. This move outraged the American corporations - and their local lackeys - who have for generations used Haiti as a pool of dirt-cheap labor and sky-high profits. It was the last straw for the elitist factions, one of which is actually led by an American citizen and former
Reagan-Bush appointee, manufacturing tycoon Andy Apaid.

Building Bridges is regularly broadcast over WBAI, 99.5 FM in the N.Y.C
Metropolitan area on Mondays from 7-8pm EST and streamed at



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