Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Animal Rights

Protecting Animals, USA Meeting!

Protecting Animals,USA (PAUSA) will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 30th, 7PM at the DePaul student center. Our main focus is the promotion of vegetarianism/ veganism and we'd love your input!
PAUSA's monthly meetings are held on the last Tuesday of every month at DePaul University's Student Center and are open to all interested in stopping farmed animal cruelty. Bring your ideas and enthusiasm as we brainstorm on upcoming events, campaigns, and more!

When: Tuesday, March 30, 2004: 7PM
Where: DePaul University Student Center, Rm 313
2250 N. Sheffield, Chicago

Near Fullerton 'L' stop on Red, Brown and Purple Lines.

Note: Visitor Parking is available at the Sheffield Parking Facility, 2335 North Sheffield Ave
and at the Clifton Parking Deck, 2330 North Clifton Ave.



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