Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

Announcement :: Labor

NEIU Coke boycott Needs Your Help!

The NEIU Coke Boycott against Coke for thier inhuman treatment of its workers in Colombia needs your help.
The NEIU Alliance to Boycott Coke for its inhumane treatment of its workers in Colombia needs your help. We are taking a motion to our student goverment in support of our Boycott of Coke. The differance in if the bill passes may be how many people show up. So we need everyone. NEIU is a public university which all our taxes finance. So we are asking any member of the community who is concerned with social justice to show up and show thier support for the students in thier fight against killer coke on the public campus. The meeting is on Tuesday, March 30th,at 1:40 in SU 003,( the classroom in the lunchroom) Northeastern Illinois University is two blocks west of kimball on Bryn marw. So Help to have our voices heard.



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