“Yesterday other group members traveled to Amman in Jordan, were they are about to be examined on the order of the Finnish Criminal Police by the Finnish Police on a training mission in Jordan.”
March 25th 2004
FINLAND (IRAQ) – On March 23th 2004 two Finnish Businessmen on Iraq were killed as a result of a 'friendly fire'. Men were on their way to an unscheduled meeting, when black vehicle started to follow them and fired towards the car in an underpass.
Men were part of a Finnish Teknologiateollisuus ry's business delegation.
/1/“Yesterday other group members traveled to Amman in Jordan, were they are about to be examined on the order of the Finnish Criminal Police by the Finnish Police on a training mission in Jordan.
Central Criminal police has been contacting to Iraq through Ministry of Foreign Affairs and they have promised to assist local Iraq Police.
We can commit interrogation here in Finland, if we receive any such request, explains the constable Ari Soronen, which is the head of investigations.”
No hard feelings, but is this the clearest evidence of communism or what? -A Finnish police never appears to the crime scene, and then they explain, that the investigations can be held in some other place than the crime took place. The final drop must the remark of Finnish Police assisting on criminal investigations 'if they receive any such request'.
Circumstance is a bit same, and as ironic, as F.B.I. were to give a public notice after President Carter's assassination, that they have to enter North-Pole to pull their investigation just to make sure, that they make it right this time.
And from North-Pole they send a telegram to U.S.A. explaining, that they are willing to assist in the investigations remotely in case they are needed.
Well, with a variation, that Finnish Cops run they nation as they commit their 'examination'.
Do you remember any violent act pulled towards U.S.A. citizen were F.B.I. would not drag their a** to some distant corner of the world just to make sure they get the thing done right? Sometimes I really envy all intelligence people, because it is so easy for them to make the difference to these officials.
On my mind Finnish Police is entirely entitled to face U.S.A. military staff having taken over Iraq, and it is not an excuse to avoid entering Iraq, even most our cops are either socialists or commies. -After all – if I am not mistaken, then it was a Security Police operation to fill in Iraq on Finnish TNT at the first place? There is absolute no reason to fear any longer.
And usually when a police is on a training mission, then it can also mean on a spying trip... as we can remember from Bosnia, when two British Police were arrested as agent carrying explosives in the military vehicle! At least we know were you can find these Finnish Policemen in case someone need them – I do not.
Apupoika – Business Intelligence Finland
Åke Tyvi
/1/ Source: