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LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights

Calendar of Chicago Area Progressive Events -- Updated March 24, 2004

Calendar of Chicago area anti-war/anti-racist events brought to you by the Chicago Coalition Against War & Racism. Inclusion in calendar does not necessarily indicate CCAWR endorsement. All activities are in Chicago, unless otherwise noted.
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Featured Items

Sunday, April 4 - Organizing rally for "International Day of Action Against Caterpillar." 4-6 pm, Chicago Temple, 77 W. Washington. End Illegal Home Demolitions In Palestine! Demand that CATERPILLAR stop selling bulldozers to Israel! Organizing rally for 4/23 "International Day of Action Against CAT." Special Guests: Cindy & Craig Corrie (the parents of Rachel Corrie). Their daughter, Rachel Corrie, was murdered by Israeli Occupation Forces on March 16 of 2003 as she attempted to prevent an illegal home demolition in the Rafah district of Gaza ( and Sponsors of the rally are the Chicago chapter of the International Solidarity Movement and the "Stop Cat Coalition" ( Musical Entertainment by Christie Phillips & friends. $5 donation requested (no one will be turned away for lack of funds). Info: 312.491.1789, A23 (at), ISMinChicago (at) or

Friday, April 23 - International Day of Action Against Caterpillar! Peoria, IL. According to the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions ( approximately 10,000 Palestinian homes have been illegally demolished by the Israeli military. Other organizations believe the number of Palestinian homes demolished in a collective punishment campaign is much higher. The vast majority of these homes have been demolished by using specially armored bulldozers manufactured by Caterpillar. Demolishing civilian homes is a crime under the Fourth Geneva Convention, which Israel has signed. Caterpillar management is guilty of aiding this gross violation of human rights. Buses leave from Chicago at 8 am, corner of State Street and E. 13th Street , Chicago. Get your bus ticket by emailing ISMinChicago (at) or call Kevin Clark at 312.491.1789. Sponsored by the Stop CAT Coalition, the Chicago chapter of the International Solidarity Movement, and many others.

Sunday, April 25 - On this day the largest gathering of pro-choice Americans will assemble on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial at the March for Women's Lives! Don't miss this chance to speak out for reproductive freedom on the nation's largest stage, just blocks from the White House. Buses from all over Illinois are being organized right now and bus tickets are available. Call the National Organization for Women at 312.578.9351 to get tickets.


Wednesday, March 24 & ongoing – 24/7 Union Picket – Support the Congress Hotel Strikers! Congress Hotel, 520 S. Michigan. Sponsor: HERE Local 1. Info:

Wednesday, March 24 - 15th Anniversary Studs Terkel Awards, 5-7 pm. Linda Lutton, Alex Kotlowitz and Phil Ponce will be honored for their accomplishments in journalism and excellence in covering and reflecting Chicago in all its diversity. Join us for an elegant, friendly night that brings together media and nonprofit movers and shakers. See to order tickets online.

Wednesday, March 24 – What lessons can be learned from the experience of the largest third-arty movement in American history? Once upon a time the vaunted US two-party system included a huge third-party which was the "big tent" for nearly every progressive, reform and radical movement in American society. At its height in the early 20th century it had upwards of 100,000 members and polled a million votes for its presidential candidate in 1912 and 1920. It was able to win millions of Americans to the idea of democratic public ownership and governance of the economy--in other words, SOCIALISM--that is tabooed today as a dirty word in US politics. Besides projecting a radical vision, the Socialist Party pushed for immediate reforms--against child labor, for workers compensation, social security, women's rights, government regulation of corporations, etc.--which later became part of New Deal-era and other liberal legislation. Yet this party fell victim to external and internal pressures which brought about its decline into a small left party which nevertheless still runs candidates and whose members are active in a wide range of reform and antiwar movements today. Whether or not there are third party campaigns in 2004 that seriously impact American politics (as in 1912, 1920 or 2000), the question of whether or not to push for a progressive third party to the left of the Democrats will remain hotly contested in the years ahead. Join us for a discussion of "The Rise & Decline of the Socialist Party USA." 7 pm, Acme Art Building, 1741 N. Western Ave (2 blocks south of the Western Ave stop on the Blue Line - ample on-street free parking). Participants: Prof. William Pelz, History Department, Elgin Community College, SP International Secretary and Secretary of its Chicago branch; and Mark Weinberg, Political Education Director of the Chicago Democratic Socialists of America. This forum is part of a series on "The American Two-Party System and the Impact of Independent Political Movements" which meets on alternate Wednesdays. Co-sponsored by the Open University of the Left in Chicago, Socialist Party USA Chicago branch, Democratic Socialists of America Chicago chapter, League of Revolutionaries for a New America, and Networking For Democracy. $5 donation asked, nobody turned away. For more information, call the Open University of the Left at 773-329-7379 or 773-384-5797 or email oulchicago (at)

Wednesday, March 24 – “Gender and Diversity in Alternative Media: Empowerment, Critique and Collaboration.” 5 pm, Loyola University, 820 N Michigan, Rm 204. Panelists include journalist Roxane Assaf, Prudence Browne of Beyond Media Education, Leticia Cortez of Hasta Cuando, Christine Geovanis of Hammerhard Media, and Alix Gonzalez of Ritual Multimedia. Part of Loyola's Women's History month. Info: mnava (at) or 773.390.1820

Thursday, March 25 – “Puerto Rican folklore and consumer fantasy slide lecture by visiting artist Miguel Luciano and Taina Caragol. 6 pm, Puerto Rican Cultural Center, 2739-41 W. Division Street. Info: 773.342.8023.

Thursday, March 25 – “Incarcerated Women & Girls: Reentry Challenges and Opportunities,” a panel discussion, part of the Voices in Time: Lives in Limbo series on incarcerated women and girls. 7 pm, Las Manos Gallery, 5220 N. Clark. Sponsors: Beyondmedia Education & Chicago Legal Advocacy for Incarcerated Mothers. Info: 773.973.2280

Thursday, March 25 – “Uncovered: The Selling of the Iraq Invasion,” a film documentary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. 7 pm, Loyola University Lake Shore Campus, Finnegan Auditorium, Damen Hall. Part of the Loyola Women for Peace’ US Foreign Policy: Truth, War & Consequences Film Series

Thursday, March 25 – “Camus and Sartre: The Story of a Friendship & the Quarrel That Ended It,” with author Ronald Aronson. 7 pm, Left of Center Bookstore, 1043 W. Granville. Info: 773.856.5090 or danny (at)

Friday, March 26 – Critical Mass Bike Ride, 5:30 pm, Daley Plaza. Info:

Friday, March 26 – “Empowering Low-Wage Workers,” immigrant rights training for community advocates and service providers on workplace rights. 9 am-2 pm, Metropolitan Family Services, 3843 W. 63rd Street. Info: 773.476.3534, x63 or suzanneadely (at)

Friday, March 26 - Chicago Anti-Bashing Network live call-in show on CAN-TV, 6:30-6:55 pm on Cable Channel 21 in Chicago

Friday, March 26 thru Thursday, April 1 – “Forget Baghdad,” a documentary on Iraq’s multicultural past and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Facets Cinémathèque, 1517 W. Fullerton. Info: 773.281.4114

Friday, March 26 thru Thursday, April 1 – “Goodbye Lenin,” Wolfgang Becker’s satire on German reunification and the old German Democratic Republic. Music Box Theatre, 3733 N. Southport. Info: 773.871.6604

Saturday, March 27 – “Another Way is Coming: Preparing for the End of Cheap Oil,” Sustainability Through Permaculture meeting on synergizing the peace and sustainability movements. 2 pm, North Park Nature Center, 5801 N. Pulaski. Info: 773.907.1465 or

Saturday, March 27 – Nelson Algren Birthday Party, with music, drama, comedy, irony, awards, and refreshments. 8 pm, Acme Artworks, 1741 N. Western. Info:

Saturday, March 27 – Universal dance party fundraiser for the Metropolitan Tenants Organization. Blackies, 755 S. Clark. Tickets $15/20. Info: 773.292.4980, x222

Saturday, March 27 – “Restoring Rights,” the Muslim Civil Rights Center’s Annual Dinner. Keynote speech by Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez. 5:30 pm, Paradise Elegant Banquets, 9220 S. Harlem Avenue, Bridgeview, IL. Registration: $50 per person (after March 20 or at the doorstep). Register on line at: or call MCRC at 708.598.6640 to register by phone. Buy tickets from any of the following locations: Mosque Foundation, 7360 W. 93rd Street, Bridgeview; Islamic Foundation (Bookstore), 300 W. Highridge Road, Villa Park; Muslim Community Center, 4380 N. Elston Avenue, Chicago. Call MCRC at 708.598.6640 or email info (at) The Muslim Civil Rights Center is a community based non-profit organization with the mission to create awareness about civil rights in United States.

Saturday, March 27 – Premiere of “Patriot Acts,” a film by Sree Nallamothu and Patrick Lohier, co-produced with Chicago's BulletProof Film, Inc. 8 pm, Gene Siskel Film Center, 164 N. State Street. Patriot Acts explores the human cost of the Bush Administration's controversial NSEERS program. Inspired by post-9/11 national security concerns, NSEERS (also known as "Special Registration") required non-immigrant males, 16 and older, from predominantly Muslim countries to register with the Dept. of Homeland Security.The documentary penetrates into the heart of a predominantly Pakistani and Indian community on Chicago's North Side and tells the stories of two men: Tariq Moti, a dancer detained twice by immigration authorities after 9/11, and Mohammad Tariq, a father who came to the United States in search of medical care for his two blind children. Realizing we were witnessing an historical event firsthand, we followed Mr. Moti and Mr. Tariq as the two men navigated a maze of newly minted and controversial immigration laws while under the constant threat of arrest, detention, and deportation.The film also features Chicago immigration lawyer Christopher Helt, human-rights activist Sister Dorothy Pagosa of the 8th-Day Center for Justice, and Pakistani community leader and radio talk-show host Dr.Mujahid Ghazi. The soundtrack was created by Funkadesi, Chicago's own internationally acclaimed band. Set in March 2003, on the eve of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, Patriot Acts captures the turmoil and confusion of a moment during the U.S. Government's 'war on terror' when basic civil liberties were sacrificed at the altar ofa false security. In December 2003, the Department of Homeland Security suspended Special Registration while denying accusations of racial or religious profiling. Ultimately, over 83,000 men from 25 predominantly Muslim countries registered. None were charged as terrorists. For info on tickets, go to

Saturday, March 27 – “Is the U.S. Becoming a Police State?” A forum presented by the October 22nd Coalition to Stop Police Brutality and Refuse and Resist Chicago Chapter. 1 pm, Trinity Church, 125 E. 26th Street. Just like they used the "War on Drugs and Crime" to brutalize, criminalize and lock up our youth. Now they're using the "War on Terrorism" to come after the Arab, Muslim and South Asian community and even extending their reach to attack the very right to speak out and resist! Featuring: Stan Willis, Civil Rights Attorney on the USA PATRIOT ACT Ana Mustafa, Arab-American Community Activist Lou Downey, Refuse and Resist a national organization dedicated to stopping the war and the wartime police state For more information contact Chicago (at) or 312.683.5194

Sunday, March 28 – “Media Reporting vs. Facts in the Israel-Palestine Conflict,” with author and media analyst Norman Finkelstein. 10 am, Third Unitarian Church, 301 N Mayfield . Info: 773.626.9385

Sunday, March 28 – 100 Años de Doña Consuelo celebration! 2 pm, Puerto Rican Cultural Center, 2739-41 W. Division Street. $20 donation.

Monday-Tuesday, March 29-31 – Premiere of “The New Americans,” a PBS documentary miniseries , focusing on four years in the lives of a diverse group of contemporary immigrants and refugees as they journey to start new lives in America. Produced by Kartemquin Films, who also produced the critically-acclaimed "Hoop Dreams." Includes the story of Chicagoan Naima Abudayyeh, who emigrated from Palestine to the United States, and includes footage of Palestinian solidarity events in Chicago over the last three years. All five stories are powerful ones, and the broadcast of the series itself is the first time that stories of recent immigrants, especially those of immigrants of color (Africans, Latinos, South Asians, and Arabs), have made it onto a national, television stage. To be aired in Chicago on WTTW Channel 11 (check out for air times). For more info: and view photos at

Tuesday, March 30 - Chicago Coalition Against War & Racism general meeting. All who want to organize against war and racism are welcome! 6:30 pm, 1st Methodist Temple, 77 W. Washington (at Clark), lower level. Call 888.471.0874 or e-mail CCAWR (at) for information.

Tuesday, March 30 – “Chicago Forum on Health Care Access and the Uninsured.” 9 am-1 pm, Gleacher Center, 450 N Cityfront Plaza Drive.

Wednesday, March 31 – The premiere of “Air America Radio,” a new non-right-wing talk radio station broadcasting 5 am - 10 pm, WNTD-AM 950 radio. Non-right-wing talk radio debuts with hosts Al Franken, Lizz Winstead, Randi Rhodes, Janeane Garofalo, Chuck D, Robert F Kennedy Jr, more; all day weekdays.

Wednesday, March 31 – “Guantanamo Between the Lines: Humanitarian Issues,” with Alison Parker of Human Rights Watch and others. 6-8 pm, International House, 1414 E. 59th Street. Sponsors: Center for Middle Eastern Studies, ACLU, U C Amnesty International, Muslim Students Association, Action Towards Peace, and others. Info: human-rights (at) or 773.834.0957

Wednesday, March 31 – Thursday, April 1 – The Jungle, 100 Years Later: A Conference on the Meat Industry in America. A free conference at Illinois State University, open to the public. In 1904, muckraking writer Upton Sinclair visited the stockyards of Chicago. His novel based upon what he saw, The Jungle, was published in magazines the next year and as a book in 1906. The Jungle led to public outcry and increased regulation of the meat industry in America. This conference will critically examine the meat industry today in light of the issues raised in The Jungle, including food safety, animal treatment, environmental impact, exploitation of slaughterhouse workers, public health, and corporate agribusiness. Sponsored by ISU United Students Against Sweatshops, People Against the Mistreatment of Animals, the English Department, Women’s Studies Program, and Global Review. Keynoter is Howard Lyman, speaking on “Distorting the Planet a Bite at a Time.” Other presenters include John K. Wilson speaking on “Meat the Press: Journalistic Jungles”; Liane Casten on the Hazards of rBGH and Milk; Carol J. Adams on “The Sexual Politics of Meat Slide Show”; and Kari Lydersen on immigrant Workers in Slaughterhouses. Info: e-mail jkwilso2 (at)

Thursday, April 1 – Report back (evaluation) on the March 20 protest on the one-year anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. 7 pm, Access Living, 614 W. Roosevelt Road.

Thursday, April 1 thru Sunday, April 11 – Chicago International Documentary Festival (various locations). Screenings of Marina; Death In Gaza; Railroad of Hope; Life In A Basket; Asylum; We Interrupt This Empire; lots more. Info: 773.486.9612 or

Friday, April 2 – Special day to JOIN THE CONGRESS HOTEL PICKET LINE! The Congress Hotel strike passed its 9-month anniversary last week. The Hotel has lost a million dollars worth of business; they've incurred 68 categories of building code violations; and they've even put the hotel on the market. The NLRB has filed a complaint and the Congress will go to trial in late May. Yet the cheap and mean Congress Hotel refuses to sign a fair contract. The strikers have braved the cold winter and maintained the picket line from 4 a.m. to 11 p.m. every single day. While you are always more than welcome to join us on the picket line, we are organizing a special Local 1 action on April 2. Please join us! Congress Picket Line, 520 S. Michigan, 3 - 6pm. Info: lnegstad (at)

Friday, April 2 thru Sunday, April 4 – Lake Shore Arabic and Farsi Film Festival. Films from Algeria, Iran, Morocco, Palestine, and France. Loyola University Galvin Auditorium, 6339 N. Sheridan. Info: 773.508.3727

Friday, April 2 thru Sunday, April 4 – Farm Animal Sanctuary Conference, Holiday Inn Chicago City Centre, 300 E. Ohio. Speakers, workshops, actions. Info:

Saturday, April 3 – “Generation X-Saddam,” Shelley Saywell’s documentary on Iraq shot on the eve of the 2003 US invasion. Discussion with Kathy Kelly of Voices In The Wilderness follows the film. 8 pm, Chicago Filmmakers, 5243 N. Clark Street. Info: 773.293.1447

Saturday, April 3 – 2004 Midwest Socialist Conference: Resisting U.S. Empire, Fighting for a Better World, sponsored by the International Socialist Organization. 10 am, University of Illinois, Chicago Circle Center, 750 S. Halsted. Join hundreds of socialists, activists, students and trade unionists to discuss the pivotal debates in our movements and how the capitalist system itself can be challenged to create a society based on human need and real democracy. With workshops on: Separate is not equal—the fight for gay marriage; In Defense of Leninism; How can we rebuild the labor movement?; From Vietnam to Iraq: U.S. soldiers against war; From Civil Rights to Black Power: Lessons for Fighting Racism; Socialists in movements—building a United Front; Fighting the racist criminal injustice system; No restrictions! How can we defend abortion rights?; Anybody but Bush?—The politics of lesser evilism; Occupation & Resistance from Iraq to Palestine; Recovery for whom? The Wal-Martization of America; U.S. Coup in Haiti—regime change by another name; Can there be a revolution in the U.S.? Info: 312.458.9380 or midwestsocialists (at) Child care available on request.

Sunday, April 4 – “The Current Situation in Haiti and U.S. Involvement,” with Evanston Alderman Lionel Jean-Baptiste. 10 am, Third Unitarian Church, 301 N. Mayfield, Oak Park, IL. Info: 773.626.9385

Sunday, April 4 – “International Women’s Day Follow-up Meeting.” 11 am, Puerto Rican Cultural Center, 2502 W. Division. Brunch and plan future activities. Info: 773.278.6706

Sunday, April 4 - Free screening of the documentary, “Peaceable Kingdom.” This is the story of how people awakened to the power of their compassionate convictions. It is taking place at 12 p.m. Thorne Auditorium at Northwestern University's Chicago campus, 710 N. Lake Shore Drive. At a time when the public is more concerned than ever about the health and environmental problems associated with large-scale factory farming, Peaceable Kingdom explores another angle of this unfolding story: the interconnected life journeys of farm animals, former farmers, and animal rescuers struggling against an out of control industrial system. Breaking generations of silence in the farm community, Peaceable Kingdom weaves together themes of respect, forgiveness, commitment, and healing, offering a vision of a more peaceful world that is well within our reach. A discussion lead by the filmmakers will follow the screening. All are welcome to attend the free screening, but one must reserve a seat at

Sunday, April 4 – Join Evanston Neighbors For Peace free film showings, featuring "Independent Media In A Time Of War" with Amy Goodman (2003, 30 minutes) and "You Can't Be Neutral On A Moving Train," a biography of Howard Zinn Biography (2003, 70 minutes). 2-5:30 pm, Evanston Library Community Meeting Room, 1703 Orrington Ave. Free to the public. Info:, 847.289.7253 or info (at)

Sunday, April 4 - Organizing rally for "International Day of Action Against Caterpillar." 4–6 pm, Chicago Temple, 77 W. Washington. End Illegal Home Demolitions In Palestine! Demand that CATERPILLAR stop selling bulldozers to Israel! Organizing rally for 4/23 "International Day of Action Against CAT." Special Guests: Cindy & Craig Corrie (the parents of Rachel Corrie). Their daughter, Rachel Corrie, was murdered by Israeli Occupation Forces on March 16 of 2003 as she attempted to prevent an illegal home demolition in the Rafah district of Gaza ( and According to the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions ( approximately 10,000 Palestinian homes have been illegally demolished by the Israeli military. Other organizations believe the number of Palestinian homes demolished in a collective punishment campaign is much higher. The vast majority of these homes have been demolished by using specially armored bulldozers manufactured by Caterpillar. Demolishing civilian homes is a crime under the Fourth Geneva Convention, which Israel has signed. Caterpillar management is guilty of aiding this gross violation of human rights. Sponsors of the rally are the Chicago chapter of the International Solidarity Movement and the "Stop Cat Coalition" ( Musical Entertainment by Christie Phillips & friends. $5 donation requested (no one will be turned away for lack of funds). Info: 312.491.1789, A23 (at), ISMinChicago (at) or

Monday, April 5 – Forum on Cuba and the Cuban 5 with Andrés Gómez. 5 pm, Puerto Rican Cultural Center, 2739-41 W. Division. Info: 773.342.8023

Tuesday, April 6 - DAWN ( DuPage Against War Now) meeting. Glen Ellyn Public Library, 400 Duane St. Glen Ellyn, IL. 6:30 pm - Screening of the Film " Uncovered, The Truth About the Iraq War." 7:30 pm - Regular DAWN meeting- review of March 14th and March 20th protests/rallies- review of pollwatcher findings - discuss voter registration program - special guest - open discussion.

Wednesday, April 7 - "Beyond Neoliberalism: The Citizen Schools Project in Porto Alegre," a colloquium featuring Professor Luis Armando Gandin. 6:30-8:30 pm, DePaul University, Schmidt Academic Center, 2320 N. Kenmore, Room 154. DePaul University, the School of Education's Institute for Teacher Development and Research (ITDR) and the Department of Educational Policy Studies and Research are sponsoring a colloquium featuring. The Citizen Schools, serving the favelas of Porto Alegre, are known as an example of institutions challenging neoliberalism and the neoliberal notions of what it means to be educated and to be a citizen. The goal of the Schools is to democratize participation (new structures that respond to the historical exclusion, failure, and dropping out of poor students), democratize government (participatory budgeting and councils of teachers and community), and democratize knowledge (curriculum centered on the perspectives and experiences of the oppressed as a framework through which to view official knowledge). The event is open to the public and admission is free. 2 CPDUs are offered. For more information contact the ITDR at 773.325.1856 or itdr (at)

Wednesday, April 7 – “The Robert La Follette 1924 presidential campaign and Upton Sinclair's End-Poverty-In-California socialist gubernatorial campaign of 1934,” part of a series on "The American Two-Party System and the Impact of Independent Political Movements" which meets on alternate Wednesdays. Co-sponsored by the Open University of the Left in Chicago, Socialist Party USA Chicago branch, Democratic Socialists of America Chicago chapter, League of Revolutionaries for a New America, and Networking For Democracy. $5 donation asked, nobody turned away. For more information, call the Open University of the Left at 773-329-7379 or 773-384-5797 or email oulchicago (at)

Friday, April 9 – “Weaving a Just World With All,” the 24th annual Good Friday Walk for Justice sponsored by 8th Day Center for Justice. Noon – 3 pm, beginning at the northeast corner of Congress and Michigan Avenue. Wheel chair accessible and sign language interpretation provided. Walk proceeds north on Michigan to Jackson, west on Jackson to the Board of Trade, east on Jackson back to the Federal Plaza at Adams and Dearborn. North on Dearborn to Daley Plaza, crossing the Plaza and ending at the Thompson Center (corner of Clark & Randolph). Info: 312.641.5151 or 8thday (at)

Friday-Saturday, April 9-10 - Action Towards Peace at the University of Chicago will be hosting the Student Peace Action Network's Summit. Student activists from campuses all over the country will be converging at the U of C for education, dialogue, and action. Come help us plan the weekend! Action Towards Peace meetings happen every Monday evening at 6:30pm in Cobb Hall (5811 S Ellis Ave.) Please join us if you're interested in helping out with advertising, planning, or education. You can also contact David at dkgardne (at) to get involved and to provide workshop suggestions. Possible workshops include: Non-violent Action Training; Anti-racism Training; Patriot Act and Civil Liberties; Nuclear Proliferation; Messaging Your Message; Local (Chicago) Activism; Middle Eastern Relations 101; and Arts & Activism. Info and registration: visit the SPAN website at

Saturday, April 10 – Café Batey Urbano 2nd Anniversary Celebration! 7 pm, location to be announced.

Monday, April 12 thru Friday, April 16 – 10th Annual PaLante Conference at the University of Illinois Chicago Circle. Speakers, workshops, displays and cultural events. Sponsor: Puerto Rican Student Association.

Tuesday, April 13 – Chicago Coalition Against War & Racism general meeting. All who want to organize against war and racism are welcome! 6:30 pm, 1st Methodist Temple, 77 W. Washington (at Clark), lower level. Call 888.471.0874 or e-mail CCAWR (at) for information.

Thursday, April 15 – “No Taxation with Discrimination,” a national day of protests at post offices around the country on Tax Day demanding equal marriage rights for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered people, sponsored by the network. Here in Chicago, local sponsors are Equal Marriage NOW! and the Chicago Anti-Bashing Network. 5:30 pm, Main Post Office, 433 W. Harrison Street (at Canal Street, just west of the Chicago River). Info:

Thursday, April 15 – “The Homintern: Critical Anxieties about Homosexual Influence on the Arts in Cold War America” with Professor Michael Sherry of Northwestern University’s History Department. Part of the “Queer Origins of Modern American Culture” series sponsored by the University of Chicago Lesbian and Gay Studies Project and cosponsored by the American Cultures, Performance Studies, Social History and Gender & Sexuality Studies Workshops. 3:30 pm, Classics 10, 1010 E. 59th Street. Information: 773.834.4509 or visit

Thursday, April 15 - Manning Marable and Studs Terkel at the Harold Washington Public Library. Details to be announced.

Friday, April 16 – “An Evening of Celebration of a Culture of Resistance,” with Puerto Rican national heroine Lolita Lebrón (invited) and Roy Brown.

Friday, April 16 – “What Are You People For Anyway?: What are the Next Steps for the U.S. Global Justice/Fair Trade Movement,” a symposium for activists. 10:30 am – 4:30 pm, The Rodeway Inn, Halsted and Madison Streets. From Seattle in 1999 to Cancun and Miami in 2003, global resistance to the corporate trade agenda has brought the “free trade” momentum to a temporary halt. But where do we go from here? What lessons can we draw from our colleagues in developing countries? What are the goals of an alternative national and global economy? What economic policies are needed? What concrete proposals can move toward those goals? First panel inculdes Barbara Dudley of the Alliance for Sustainable Jobs and the Environment; Dave Foster, Director, District 11, USWA, Minneapolis; Mark Levinson, Policy Director & Chief Economist, UNITE New York City; Denise O’Brien, Women, Food and Agriculture Network, Atlantic, Iowa; and Mark Ritchie, President, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Police, Minneapolis. The second panel will address strategies within the Global Justice Movement. Efforst are being made to divide the movement into “respectable” NGO types inside free trade conferences and “violence prone anarchists” outside. How do we advance our direct action strategies beyond the increasingly choreographed dance with the police and a fence, and how do we maintain strategic and tactical unity as we build our new global system? Panel participants include Jeanne Passarelli of the Alliance for Sustainable Jobs and the Environment; Stewart Acuff, Director of Field Organizing, AFL-CIO, Washington, DC; Jennie Busch, Chicago Jobs with Justice; John Sellors, Director, The Ruckus Society, Oakland, CA; and Greg Asbed and Lucas Benitez, Coalition of Immokalee Workers, Immokalee, FL. For more info or to register, contact Dan Leahy at the Alliance for Sustainable Jobs and the Environment, 360.709.9324 or leahyd (at), or contact Bill Carey at 219.881.6212 or wcarey (at)

Saturday, April 17 and Sunday, April 18 – “Mother Earth Meets Mother Jones: Why Labor and Environmentalists Need Each Other to Defeat Bush’s Wal-Mart Economy,” the Alliance for Sustainable Jobs and the Environment Chicago Conference. Topics include: “Global Trade and Global Justice: Beyond the March to Miami, What’s Next?”; “Corporations Make Me Sick”; “Workers’ Health is Environment Justice”; “Lake Michigan: Its Ecology and Economy”; “Energy Future: Re-empowering the Midwest”; “Direct Action Imagery”; and “Wal-Mart: An Equal Opportunity Offender.” Speakers include Margaret Blackshere, President of the Illinois State AFL-CIO; Jack Darin, Executive Director of the Sierra Club Illinois Chapter; Max Rameau of the Miami Workers Center; Ella Hereth of the Chicago Student Labor Action Project; Jessica Arada, Executive Director of the Latino Union of Chicago; Michael Prokosch of United for a Fair Economy; Hilary Chiz of PACE International Union; Denise O’Brien, Women Food and Agriculture Network; Bryony Schwan, women’s Voices for the Environment; Bill Yockey, International Representative, United Mine Workers of America; Kristin Shrader-Frechette, Professor of Philosophy at Notre Dame; Representative Jan Schakowsky; Cheryl Mendoza of the Lake Michigan Federation; Mary Mulligan, City of Gary Brownfield Coordinator; Fred Redmond, Assistant Director, USWA; Bracken Hendricks, Executive Director, Apollo Alliance; Grant Smith, Citizen Action Coalition of Indiana; Mike O’Brien, USWA rep at Northern Indiana Public Servic ecompany; John Sellers, Director, the Ruckus Society; Rebecca Hanscom, Teamsters Central States Lead Organizer; Mo O’Brien, Montana Medics Network; and Jim Bakken, UFCW. Union delegates and environmental organization registration fee is $150 (includes lunch both days). Low income registration registration before April 2 is $50 (a limited number of scholarships are available – please call). Info: Jeanne Passarelli, 360.709.9324, or Bill Carey, 219.881.6212 or wcarey (at)

Saturday, April 17 - 48th Ward Green Committee Earth Day Festival and Civic Fair. 10 am – 4 pm at the Broadway Armory. Info: marcloveless (at)

Sunday, April 18 - “The Finger,” all-gender-queer-open-mic-and-variety-show. Hosted by Nomy Lamm ( and Ana Jae. 7 pm at Early to Bed (female queer owned and operated sex toy store) 5232 W. Sheridan. $3 donation

Tuesday April 20 - Presentation by former Ugandan child soldier Akallo Grace Grall, 7:30 pm at Roosevelt University at Michigan and Congress in the Congress Lounge. Presentation is sponsored by Amnesty International Group 113 and the Roosevelt University Women's and Gender Studies Program. Ms. Grall was kidnapped and forced to be a child soldier for the Lord's Resistance Army at age 15. Ms Grall is a survivor of severe human rights violations and forcible "marriage" to an army commander, but was able to escape and, despite considerable odds against women seeking an education, Ms Grall completed her schooling and is now studying journalism at a university in Uganda, in addition to her humanitarian work helping other child soldiers. Ms Grall will speak about her own experiences as well as the problem of use of child soldiers in conflict situations in Africa and the abuse of women and girls in the context of armed conflict. For further information please contact Elise at aiis (at)

Wednesday, April 21 – "Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict," with Norman Finkelstein, author of "Image and Realtiy fo th eIsrael-Palestine Conflict," "The Rise and Fall of Palestine," "A Nation on Trial: the Golhagen Thesis and Historical Truth," and "The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering." His writings have appeared in the London Review of Books, Journal of Palestine Studies, New Left Review, Middle East Report, Christian Science Monitor, and Al Ahram Weekly. Born in Brooklyn, NY, he is the son of Holocaust survivors. Sponsor: Committee for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine. Info: JustPeace1 (at) or 312.427.2533, x18

Thursday, April 22 – “Bala Perdida/Stray Bullet” film screening and benefit for IPRAC. Film directed by Raúl Merchand Sánchez. 6 pm, Biograph Theater. $20.

Friday, April 23 - International Day of Action Against Caterpillar! Peoria, IL. According to the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions ( approximately 10,000 Palestinian homes have been illegally demolished by the Israeli military. Other organizations believe the number of Palestinian homes demolished in a collective punishment campaign is much higher. The vast majority of these homes have been demolished by using specially armored bulldozers manufactured by Caterpillar. Demolishing civilian homes is a crime under the Fourth Geneva Convention, which Israel has signed. Caterpillar management is guilty of aiding this gross violation of human rights. Buses leave from Chicago at 8 am, corner of State Street and E. 13th Street , Chicago. Get your bus ticket by emailing ISMinChicago (at) or call Kevin Clark at 312.491.1789. Sponsored by the Stop CAT Coalition, the Chicago chapter of the International Solidarity Movement, and many others.

Saturday, April 24 - The Progressive republican Neoconservative Caucus and Friends of the Green Planet invite you to the screening of two documentary films on the use of depleted uranium for war and for sale on Saturday, April 24 at 1:00 ("Hidden Wars of Desert Storm") and 2:15 p.m. ("Metal of Dishonor: Depleted Uranium, the Pentagon's Secret Weapon") followed by discussion. Refreshments and admission free, so bring everyone you know. Where: LaGrange Park Library, 555 N. LaGrange Road, LaGrange Park - downstairs in the community room. Contact after Apr. 8: navesel (at) or 708/588-0583.

Sunday, April 25 – On this day the largest gathering of pro-choice Americans will assemble on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial at the March for Women's Lives! Don't miss this chance to speak out for reproductive freedom on the nation's largest stage, just blocks from the White House. Buses from all over Illinois are being organized right now and bus tickets are available. Call the National Organization for Women at 312.578.9351 to get tickets.

Tuesday, April 27 – Chicago Coalition Against War & Racism general meeting. All who want to organize against war and racism are welcome! 6:30 pm, 1st Methodist Temple, 77 W. Washington (at Clark), lower level. Call 888.471.0874 or e-mail CCAWR (at) for information.

Wednesday, April 28 – “The Roosevelt 1930s New Deal era and the Henry Wallace Progressive Party Campaign of 1948,” part of a series on "The American Two-Party System and the Impact of Independent Political Movements" which meets on alternate Wednesdays. Co-sponsored by the Open University of the Left in Chicago, Socialist Party USA Chicago branch, Democratic Socialists of America Chicago chapter, League of Revolutionaries for a New America, and Networking For Democracy. $5 donation asked, nobody turned away. For more information, call the Open University of the Left at 773-329-7379 or 773-384-5797 or email oulchicago (at)

Friday, April 30 – Critical Mass Bike Ride, 5:30 pm, Daley Plaza. Info:

Friday, April 30 - Chicago Anti-Bashing Network live call-in show on CAN-TV, 6:30-6:55 pm on Cable Channel 21 in Chicago.

Friday, April 30 – “Seeds of Change,” the Crossroads Fund annual benefit at the Chicago Cultural Center, 78 E. Washington. This year’s benefit hnors Handy and Kristin Landsey, and th eCoalition of African, Asian, European, and Latinio Immigrants of Illinois (CAAELII). Handy Lindsey is the former President of the Field Foundation, and Kristin Lindseyis the former Senior Vice president of the Donors Forum of Chicago. CAAELLII is a partnership fo 19 community-based immigrant orgnaizations formed in 1996 with the purpose of coutnering the discriminatory effects of welfare and immigration “reform” legislation. Tickets start at $60, and include buffet dinner, open bar, music and dancing. For tickets or info on sponsoring the event, call 773.227.7676 or visit

Saturday, May 1 – International Worker’s Day Ceelbration on the state of Latino Immigrants. Dedicated to the undocumented worker. Panel led by Emma Lozano. Special presentation of poetry book by Rosario Contreras. Co-sponsored by the National Boricua Human Rights Network and Centro Sin Fronteras.

Saturday, May 1 – Two Revolutionary Videos: “Army AWOL,” U.S. campitalist/imperialist war of terror in Vietnam, and “Land and Freedom,” working-class fight/love story during the Spanish Civil War of the 1930s. 7-10 pm, New World Resource Center, 1300 N. Western Avenue. Organized by the CHIcago REVolutionary NETwork (CHIREVNET). Info: 773.784.9364 or diannas (at)

Wednesday, May 5 – “The Rise of Alternative Parties Since the Vietnam War,” part of a series on "The American Two-Party System and the Impact of Independent Political Movements" which meets on alternate Wednesdays. Co-sponsored by the Open University of the Left in Chicago, Socialist Party USA Chicago branch, Democratic Socialists of America Chicago chapter, League of Revolutionaries for a New America, and Networking For Democracy. $5 donation asked, nobody turned away. For more information, call the Open University of the Left at 773-329-7379 or 773-384-5797 or email oulchicago (at)

Friday, May 7 – Pat Humphries and Sandy Opatow in Concert. Called the "true spirit-child of Woody Guthrie," activist musician and award-winning songwriter, Pat Humphries, will perform at the Unitarian Church of Evanston (Ridge at Greenwood) on Friday May 7th at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $12 in advance and $15 at he door. For tickets, contact Susan Soric at 773.973.2416

Friday, May 14 – “Boogie Not Bombs” anti-war fest at DePaul University. Sponsored by DePaul Students Against the War. Details forthcoming.

Sunday, May 16 - “The Finger,” all-gender-queer-open-mic-and-variety-show. Hosted by Nomy Lamm ( and Ana Jae. Every third Sunday of the month at Early to Bed (female queer owned and operated sex toy store) 5232 W. Sheridan 7pm $3 donation

Monday, May 17 - 2nd National Day of Rallies for Equal Marriage Rights! On that day Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered rights activists and our allies around the country will demand full equal legal rights for LGBT people, not “separate but equal” civil unions or other rotten “compromises.” May 17th is the day the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court said that state had to begin issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples. It is also the 50th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas decision outlawing “separate but equal” institutions for African Americans. In Chicago, the protest will be at 12 noon at the Cook County Marriage License Bureau, 118 N. Clark Street (across the street from Daley Plaza).

Wednesday, May 19 – “The Relevance of Third Parties Today,” part of a series on "The American Two-Party System and the Impact of Independent Political Movements" which meets on alternate Wednesdays. Co-sponsored by the Open University of the Left in Chicago, Socialist Party USA Chicago branch, Democratic Socialists of America Chicago chapter, League of Revolutionaries for a New America, and Networking For Democracy. $5 donation asked, nobody turned away. For more information, call the Open University of the Left at 773-329-7379 or 773-384-5797 or email oulchicago (at)


On-Going Events:

Daily, 7-9 am - Democracy Now! is now in Chicago! Amy Goodman, Juan Gonzalez, and their guests are a daily independent source of news on matters like the occupation of Iraq. WZRD, 88.3 FM

Mondays thru Fridays, 3:45 pm - Hear Pacifica's Free Speech Radio News on WZRD 88.3 FM

Mondays thru Fridays, 6 pm - Hear Pacifica's Free Speech Radio News on WLUW 88.7 FM.

Mondays, 6 pm - Peace Pledge Chicago meetings, 2502 W. Division.

Mondays, 7-9 pm - Twice-monthly meeting (1st and 3rd Mondays) of Andersonville Neighbors for Peace, at North Shore Baptist Church, 5242 N. Lakewood, room 131 (Lakewood is three blocks east of Clark, and the church is one block north of Foster.).

Mondays - First Mondays of each month. Department of Peace Coalition meetings. 7 pm, Thomas Ford Library, 800 Chestnut, Western Springs. (MarjorieZ (at)

Tuesdays, 7 pm - South Siders for Peace at the Beverly Unitarian Church, 10244 S. Longwood Dr, Chicago. Info: lswolf (at)

Tuesdays, 7 pm - Hyde Park Committee Against War and Racism weekly meeting at University Church, 57th and University, Chicago. Info:

Tuesdays, 8 am - Silent Presence for Peace at the Federal Building - Peace Vigil, Federal Plaza, Dearborn & Jackson. 8th Day Center for Justice: 312.641.5151

Wednesdays, 3 pm - Food Not Bombs: Meals for the Hungry. Loyola El Station.

Thursdays, 7:30-9:30 pm - Neighbors for Peace weekly meeting. St. Nicholas Church, 806 Ridge Ave. Evanston (3 blocks west of the Main St. 'L' station).

Thursdays, 7 pm - Southside Slam. Open Mics at N'diga Coffee & Books, 3510 W. 63rd Street. List opens at 6 pm, performances begin at 7 pm. Bring a gently used book and get in free ($2 otherwise, performers free, no cookbooks please). Non-smoking, children friendly environment. Info: 773.925.2517

Thursdays, 9 pm - Homolatee, Queer Words and Music, hosted by Scott Free. No Exit Café, 6970 N. Glenwood.

Every last Saturday of the month - Waukegan Food-not-Bombs will be serving vegetarian and vegan food to all those who wish to eat at Jack Benny Plaza in downtown Waukegan. People who can bring or donate food are highly appreciated, but the most important thing is your stomach and your sense of social justice. Please contact the RedAlert Collective for more info. or redalertcollective36 (at)

Saturdays, 9 am - "This Is Hell" irreverent radio show. WNUR 89.3-FM. Info:

Saturdays, 9 am - "Live from the Heartland" progressive radio show. WLUW 88.7-FM. Info:

Sundays, 1:00-2:45 pm - Food Not Bombs serving free vegetarian meals to the hungry @ corner of Lincoln and Fullerton.

Sundays, Noon-1 pm - Not In My Name weekly vigil: End Israel's occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip & East Jerusalem. Water Tower Place, 830 N. Michigan. For more info, go to


Emergency Response Plan to War & Racism
Sponsored by the Chicago Coalition Against War & Racism

1. If the U.S. starts another full scale war on another country besides Iraq, a protest will take place at 5 pm+ at the Federal Plaza, Adams & Dearborn Streets, Chicago, the day the bombing begins. There will be a larger follow up protest at the same time & place the day after.

2. In the event of a provocative attack on community leaders or organizations in the Chicago area, CCAWR has constructed a phone tree to mobilize the community to quickly protest the attack, whether at a police station, federal government office, or other appropriate place. To get on the Emergency Response phone tree / e-mail list and receive regular calendar updates such as this one, send your contact information to CCAWR (at)



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