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A Tribute to Sheik Ahmed Yassin, Martyr of Anti-Zionist Resistance, and Deeply Respected Spirtual Leader!!! The Zionist Enemy Must Be PUNISHED!!! |
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Tears of Rage and Sorrow, wishing to annihilate so-called "israel" forever, run down our face. As most of you have now heard, Sheik Yassin, a founder and Spiritual Leader of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), and steadfast defender of Palestinian dignity has been assassinated by the Zionist Enemy. We support fully the retaliation message that will follow, and stand by the Unity of the Islamic Ummah and the the Arab patriots of Palestine as they draw a clear line in the sand teaching the Zionist occupiers that Arab/Islamic Palestinian blood, particularly of its esteemed leadership, isn't cheap. Sheik Yassin was a truly great man, a shining example of spirituality, and steadfast Anti-Zionism, who was deeply respected by freedom fighters of all walks of life around the world, and a brave defender of the Arab and Islamic people, in our era, were their dignity is trampled upon and mocked. His was a message, which understood clearly that the only was to liberation Palestine, is the armed struggle. This message we reiterate clearly to all anti-war forces in the US, which are under the illusion otherwise. We call on the masses in the US, to rally around this occasion, in honor of Sheik Yassin, and of all the Intifadah's Martyrs, as an occasion for strengthening their resolve to reject normalization with the Zionist Entity of so-called "israel", to bring about the liberation of Palestine, FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA! At this time we would like to reiterate the following: 1. Palestine is all of historic Palestine, not just the West Bank and Gaza, and that the Zionist Entity does not constitute a valid nation, but a colonial setter apparatus, on inherently Palestinian Soil. That is the Zionist Entity does not have a right to exist, it never and and never will. No "International institution" or Palestinian Traitor is empowered to betray Palestinian birth right. The Zionists occupiers must be RUN TO THE SEA OR KILLED!!! 2. We stand call for unity of the Palestinian Charter, and recognize that ARMED STRUGGLE is the only way of liberating Palestine! 3. The "jews" are a religion and not a nationality, and hence do not have the right of a nation to national self-determination. The Zionist entity is an imperialist base in the heart of the Arab world designed to permanently separate its east wing from its west wing. Their is no "israeli" civilian, because they are objectively occupiers on Arab soil, that is COMBATANTS. They only have a right to civilian status on the soil of the nations they belong to. To operate under the "israeli" apparatus or guise is to necessarily make one a MILITARY TARGET!!! 4. WE AFFIRM THE NECESSITY, VALIDITY, AND EFFECTIVENESS OF THE HUMAN BOMB TACTIC!!! The Human Bomb Tactic and Hamas have come to be synonymous with one another in the minds of the west. While the Human Bomb Tactic, even as applied in Palestine, is much older than Hamas, it is to the credit of Hamas, and in particular to Sheik Yassin, that it has become such a powerful tool of resistance to the Zionist enemy. The Zionists are paralyzed with fear of the human bomb. They know that with it, they can never have full security or safety for the livelihood of themselves and those they care about. They know that their will never be a day when Palestinians give up their claim for their collective right of return, in full, and the complete liquidation of the Zionist colonial apparatus on its soil.The human bomb tactic is so deeply vilified by the Zionist mouthpieces, because it is exactly the correct pressure point to attack them at. This is a good thing, and not a bad one. The only rule of struggle against an occupation on your soil is "By Any Means Necessary". The human bomb tactic is necessary, valid, and effective. We look forward to it killing a lot of Zionists in retaliation for the assassination of Sheik Yassin, just as we would support and applaud any form of anti-fascist armed resistance! We Denounce those so-called "anti-imperialists" who renounce the Human Bomb Tactic, and point clearly for the masses to see that they are in fact really a wolf in sheep skin. We ask that the Socialist and Anti-Imperialist States reiterate their support for the Militarization of the Intifadah, and stand behind the clear fact that their is no such thing as an "israeli" civilian. We also open up our website for tributes and commentary on the Martyrdom, of a beloved hero, and spiritual leader Sheik Yassin, condemning all allegations that those who fight for freedom are so-called "terrorists". If you would like to make a valuable addition please email: iraqiresistancesolidarity@yahoo.com with the subject heading "Tribute". To all Arab, Islamic, and progressive masses: Let us stand up, untie, and answer the scum "israel"!!! MAY THE HEROIC AND SELFLESS MARTYRDOM OF SHEIK AHMED YASSIN GO DOWN IN HISTORY AS THE DAY SHARON BEGAN TO PAY!!! LONG LIVE PALESTINE, FREE AND ARAB, FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, FOREVER!!! LONG LIVE THE INTIFADAH, ITS HUMAN BOMBS, AND ITS MARTRYS!!! DEATH TO THE ZIONIST ENTITY!!! |
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Tel Aviv Will Surely Pay For This!!! | |||||||||||||||||||
Links To Hamas On-Line Articles: |
Bismillah Hir-Rahman Nir-Rahim, As-Salaamu' Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu We weep and mourn the death of Al-Mujahid Shayhk Maulana Yassin. He was a beloved servant of ALLAH who sacrificed everything for ALLAH and Palestine. His sacrifice and martyrdom have won him great reward in the Hereafter. We shall always revere and cherish his memory and great work in this world in the service of ALLAH. The criminal Zionist pigs in Israel were well warned that if anything should happen to Shayhk Yassin they would be the losers and now that they have committed this murder they shall know what fear and terror really is. In retaliation for Shayhk Yassin's death thousands of Zionist pigs shall die and we shall the pleasure of killing Sharon like the pig that he is so help us God. The murder of Shayhk Yassin shall strengthen the resistance a million fold. America should not be spared of punishment as it has been covering, supporting and defending the criminals in Israel. America and Israel are the festering cancerous boil that threatens to destroy all of humanity and their murdering Shayhk Yassin is the nail in their coffin. ALLAHU AKBAR !! DEATH TO SHARON !! DEATH TO ISRAEL !! DEATH TO ZIONISTS EVERYWHERE !! Fi AmmanALLAH from the servant of ALLAH Shayhka Maulani Aeisha Muhammad |
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Message on the "killgisiniraq" Yahoo News Group Forum: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/killgisiniraq Après l'assassinat du cheikh Yassine, les Brigades Ezzedine Al- Qassam, branche militaire du Hamas, ont promis dans un communiqué un "tremblement de terre" en représailles. "Celui qui a pris la décision d'assassiner Cheikh Ahmad Yassine a en fait décidé de tuer des centaines de sionistes", a affirmé cette organisation dans un communiqué. Celui-ci comporte une menace voilée aux Etats-Unis en affirmant que "les sionistes n'ont pas perpétré cet acte sans obtenir le feu vert de l'administration américaine terroriste et celle-ci doit assumer la responsabilité pour ce crime". Le communiqué affirme que la riposte à l'assassinat du cheikh Yassine dépassera le cadre des territoires palestiniens et d'Israël. "Tous les musulmans dans le monde islamique auront l'honneur de participer à la riposte à ce crime", affirme le communiqué. "La guerre est désormais ouverte avec ces assassins, ces criminels et ces terroristes", a quant à lui déclaré le dirigeant du Hamas, Abdel Aziz Al-Rantissi, dans une déclaration diffusée la chaîne de télévision Al-Arabiya. "Ce ne sera pas une revanche mais une guerre ouverte", a ajouté le responsable du Hamas, avertissant les Israéliens qu'"ils n'auront plus de sécurité qu'en dehors de la Palestine". Le ministre palestinien chargé des négociations Saëb Erakat a parlé de "crime ignoble". Il a averti qu'il fallait s'attendre à une escalade de la violence. Vive le Hamas et courage aux Résistants. |
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So what has Zionism achieved from killing Sheikh Ahmed Yasin, the spiritual leader of Hamas? Israel is already well established as a cruel occupation capable of the most heinous crimes, therefore no new terror or cruelty factors to be employed as deterrence to our national resistance to Israeli occupation were achieved from killing an old man on a wheelchair, using American made missiles launched from American made fighter plane, bought with American taxpayer money, and piloted by American trained pilots. Sharon, the democratically elected prime minister of Israel, is a well-established criminal at large; therefore he did not achieve a new dimension of criminality by committing this extra heinous crime. Hamas has not lost in moral, political, or military strength by the cowardly crime of Israel, on the contrary, much gain and popularity were achieved when the symbol of Hamas transformed from an old man on a wheel chair into a martyr of the highest status. Israeli dreams of a Palestinian-Palestinian clash for political power proved to be nonsense. The whole Camp David framework that serves Israeli interests on the regional level is weakened and on the verge of collapse under increased popular Arab hatred of Israel for its lengthening record of criminality. America, the alley of Israel sought it in American interest to try and distance itself from the criminality of Israel, fearing increased levels of hate induced terror that are sure to come. Even the most Zionist Israeli despots locked themselves in their homes afraid to go out in the streets despite the propagated safety bestowed upon them by Sharon's apartheid wall. So what miserable victory did the war and terror machine of Israel, the 3rd military power in the world, achieve from committing such a low cowardly crime by assassinating the old man! Nothing but moral, political, and military bankruptcy for Zionism, the racist apartheid monster, was achieved by the criminal prime minister of the unmoral abnormal state of Jewish racism. This is a very steep plunge into the downfall of Zionism achieved by the sadistic sick mentality of Sharon. Israelis are not more safe, don not feel more safe, and have no right to feel safe, anywhere, as long as Sharon is committing crimes on their behalf. No Zionist has the right to feel safe, anywhere, as long as Zionism is committing crimes against humanity. Criminals as well as their supporters should and will be brought to justice, because justice is right. Criminals like Sharon are not capable of understanding that no matter how monstrous the wrong may be, it can and will be corrected. Such is nature, and all hitherto history proves that wrongs can never last. Bakr Al-Tamimi |
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