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LOCAL Announcement :: Animal Rights

The Jungle, 100 Years Later: A Conference on the Meat Industry in America

A free conference at Illinois State University, open to the public
Wed. March 31-Thurs. April 1, 2004
The Jungle: 100 Years Later

In 1904, muckraking writer Upton Sinclair visited the stockyards of Chicago. His novel based upon what he saw, The Jungle, was published in magazines the next year and as a book in 1906. The Jungle led to public outcry and increased regulation of the meat industry in America. This conference will critically examine the meat industry today in light of the issues raised in The Jungle, including food safety, animal treatment, environmental impact, exploitation of slaughterhouse workers, public health, and corporate agribusiness. Sponsored by ISU United Students Against Sweatshops, People Against the Mistreatment of Animals, the English Department, Women’s Studies Program, and Global Review. Email jkwilso2 (at)

Schedule of Events
Weds. March 31, 7pm, Bone Student Center Old Main Room
Keynote Speaker: Howard Lyman
“Distorting the Planet a Bite at a Time”
Howard Lyman is a former rancher and lobbyist for agribusiness who became a vegan and spoke out against the current practices of the meat industry. Lyman’s appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show resulted in one of the most famous civil trials in American history. Lyman is the author of Mad Cowboy.

Weds. March 31, 9pm, Stevenson 101
Documentary on farm animal rescue and Farm Sanctuary: Peaceable Kingdom (2004, 77 min.)

Thursday, April 1
Bone 3rd Floor West Lounge
9:30-10:45am: “Meat the Press: Journalistic Jungles”
with John K. Wilson.
John K. Wilson is the author of The Myth of Political Correctness: The Conservative Attack on Higher Education; Newt Gingrich: Capitol Crimes and Misdemeanors; and How the Left Can Win Arguments and Influence People: A Tactical Manual for Pragmatic Progressives.

Bone 3rd Floor West Lounge
11am-12:15pm: Panel discussion: Land Connection speakers on alternatives to corporate agribusiness.

Student Services Building room 375
12:30-1:45pm: FREE LUNCH. Speaker: Kathleen de Grave
Kathleen de Grave is professor of American Literature at Pittsburg State University in Kansas. She is the author of Swindler, Spy, Rebel: The Confidence Woman in 19th Century America and the feminist novel Company Woman. She is the editor of a new, uncensored edition of Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle (See Sharp Press, 2003).

Bone 3rd Floor West Lounge
2-3:30pm: Liane Casten on the Hazards of rBGH and Milk.
Liane Casten is author of Breast Cancer and director of Chicago Media Watch (

Center for Visual Arts 151
4pm: Carol J. Adams, The Sexual Politics of Meat Slide Show.
Carol J. Adams ( is the author of The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory; The Pornography of Meat; Neither Man Nor Beast: Feminism and the Defense of Animals; and several other books.
5:30pm: Free Reception (Vegan)

Atkin-Colby Basement
7pm: Global Review: Kari Lydersen on immigrant workers in slaughterhouses.
Kari Lydersen is a Chicago journalist and author of a forthcoming book on immigrant laborers.



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