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LOCAL Announcement :: Children & Education

Students Demand Right to Organize

Students with the Addison Trail High School branch of the Student Liberation Collective will demand the right to organize on campus.
Students, Faculty, Parents, and supporters are encouraged to join ATHS SLC members to demand the right to organize an SLC in their school.

Students at Addison Trail have been asking the administration at A.T. for official club status for 3 quarters. They have been asking for the right to distribute their paper, Notes From The Underground, and be able to use school facilities for meetings, forums, rallies, and information campaigns. They have been operating as an unofficial school club, with a volunteer staff member as a sponsor and no rights but the right to meet.

The students are tired of asking for our rights to be respected. We are now DEMANDING that the school recognize us as an offical club by Friday, March 26 or else we will put the heat on the Illinois High School District 88 Administration.

Last year, Willowbrook High School (88) banned the SLC and its newspaper (then the Suburban Underground)under the pretense that the administration wished to keep the school neutral on the issue of war. The next week, yellow "Support the Troops" ribbons were being sold in the school (showing the hypocrisy of the administration's decision).

Support the SLC and the right to student organizing! Stop the attacks on free speech and free expression! Demand that the SLC be granted full school club priveliges!

Come to the District 88 Board of Ed. meeting on Monday, March 22 at 7:30 PM and join students, parents, faculty, and other supporters to demand rights for the SLC! The B.O.E. meets at the District 88 Boardroom, at 101 W. HIghridge Road in Villa Park.



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