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LOCAL Commentary :: Protest Activity

Bravo Roma, Bravo Chicago

Political Commentary from Phoenix, Arizona.
Bravo Roma, Bravo Chicago
by June Scorza Terpstra

My favorite place in the whole world to "take to the streets" and protest is Italy just go to global site and click on the photos of the protests in Rome and you will see why! But you know, if you you go to the Chicago Indy site you see some very rockin photos of Chi-Twn folks mixin it up while saying "get the fuck out" to the bad guys. Bravo Roma, and Bravo Chicago.

As for me, I'm in Arizona and going to the rally there yesterday was deja vu of the 1960's and 1970's dissention and infighting in white peacenik communities come full circle. The forces of "ideology for dummies" were in full regalia, and I'm not talking great street carnival like the Italians and Brazilians. It's more like the film PCU (Politically Correct University) where each "faction" representing is divided from the other and the whole mess is surrounded by cops and infiltrated with agents and assets.

As I entered Los Olivos Park in Phoenix, a white hippie looking woman was playing "Aquarius" on her boombox. I approached a man with an IndyMedia symbol on his shirt to ask about Indymedia in Arizona. This turned out to be Mr. Liberal, who promptly told me not to upload photos that were too big if filing a photo story. And hello to you too! He then proceeded to inform me about the anarchists fight with the peaceniks in Phoenix and how he as a "progressive" agrees with the anarchists (whose excellent statement BTW can be read at the AZ Indy site). I then moved on wondering if I had been beemed backwards in time to take a photo of what I would guess (after 30 years of rallies and protests) was an agent provacateur. This was a man in gueriila pants, Doc Martins with a Palestinian flag held high who when I asked if I could take a photo he remarked that I was the only person in the park who knew his flag was Palestinian. Later, during the speeches, he shouted pro-Sadaam slogans and called republicans and democrats "All kikes." hmmm...Next, I was approached by Garbanzo, the fiddler, who told me his wife's name was chickpea and played me a song about eating beans for breakfast. This was definitely the highlight of my morning (besides the sun and the weather, of course).

As the speeches got underway, some inspiring some insipid, I was struck by the number of plainclothes cops, undercover agents, and ACLU "observers" at the rally. Out of the approximately 300 people they had to be half the crowd! But my favorite part of the rally was when a fine young anarchist lass stood up and read the Monsoon Anarchist Collective open letter to the Anti-War movement some of the Peacnik fascisti tried to silence her! I yelled "Let her Speak!" Whoa, reminiscent of by-gone days and some things truly never change. This is what happens when people do not teach how divide and conquer truly works.

In fact, from the looks of things here in Arizona the fascisti have done their inflitrating so well they probably are not even needed anymore. Folks just follow the PC script for staying divided while keeping real anti-capitalist anti-imperialist resistance from ever having a chance to show its lovely, lively presence. This has been the hegemonic game plan that has worked so well in the USA "movements" since the 1960's and maybe even the 1930's. This is not to say it has not been at work in Europe. After WWII there was a concentrated effort by the new SS (CIA) in the USA to infiltrate and defeat the commies and socialists in Italy. But at least, some cities in the USA, like Chi-Town are putting up a fight and back in Italy this fine old tradition of manifesting in the streets will never die, no matter how pissed off folks are with each other because the people still have a bit of resistance in em.

From the not so wild West (as far as resistance goes)
Genoa June
June Scorza Terpstra
Liberation Central
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