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LOCAL News :: Protest Activity

Archive of Chicago March 20 coverage: Breaking Developments

7:00 AM: The 30-mile march is well underway. It launched at 6:45 am, with about twenty people involved at the start

9:44 AM: The 30 Mile March is continuing as scheduled. It arrived in 18th Street and Pilsen; it now comprises more than 50 people and is continuing to downtown as scheduled

10:00 AM: Reports are coming in of a police dispatches being sent to Roosevelt and Halstead for the Youth and Student Feeder March.

10:13 AM: A report has come in -- three one-man police cars have been dispatched to Roosevelt and Halstead for the rally to take place at that corner

10:18 AM: Another report -- 50 or 55 protesters on 18th street are (perhaps) moving toward Halstead

10:25 AM: Dispatch from Halstead and Roosevelt, more than 50 police line the street to keep the rally there on the sidewalk. The rally is slated to meet up with the 30 Mile March soon.

10:34 AM: We have a report of police squads being sent to Dearborn and Ontario; may or may not be connected to protests

10:57 AM: A convoy of protesters is moving north on Halstead. 40-50 protesters are exiting a bus on Mies Van Der Rohe (downtown Chicago, near Musueum of Contemporary Art). Helicopters have been dispatched.

11:16 AM: 77 W. Washington: some 100 protesters. Report from Chicago Temple reports a packed crowd.Squad cars and about 20 police and bicycle cops. Reports are tentative regarding a compromise to let protesters take Michigan Avenue.

11:27 AM: Protesters with signs on Michigan Avenue have been sigted heading north.

11:33 AM: Police appear to be making Dearborn their blockade line: no protesters are allowed further east than Dearborn.

11:47 AM: Dearborn bloackade appears to be confirmed. There's a contingent of some 300 diverse people marching on Dearborn.

12:03 PM: The 30 Mile March has made its way to the Michigan/Pearson protest, at Chicago and Michigan. Some 500 people are now participating the 30 Mile March.

12:25 PM: People are leaving Chicago Temple, but not in large numbers. Reports are also coming in of small groups of protesters (maybe 15 or so) on Michigan Avenue. Plus, people have begun to converge in Federal Plaza.

12:43 PM: Some 350 people have assembled in Federal Plaza.

12:50 PM: Water Tower Plaza update. Crowd (and All-American Marching Band) is marching south. Police are handing out flyers ordering dispersal to the crowd. No dispersal has occurred. Massive amounts of both protesters and police. Anti-war protesters have taken the city-approved police route. No conflict so far. The 30 Mile March was dwarfed by the protest already at Michigan and Pearons. Thousands of protesters are present at least.

12:55 PM: Cook County police are setting up a line of police along Wacker.

1:15 PM: Reports of units from the South side for reinforcements. Reports alsoof a police line breaking on State St. And a breakaway march of some 25 people down State Street.

1:16 PM: Milwaukee reporting a rally with 600-900 people.

1:22 PM: Report of an arrest at Superior and Wabash, someone is being held in a wagon.

1:23 PM: Reporting from Chicago and Ohio. Chicago and Clark standoff. Thousands of people (?)

1:31 PM: Confirmation of one arrest, that of Superior and Wabash. Being held in wagon. Confirmed of numbers: about 5000 people.

1:32 PM: Buses that are cutting off east and west street.

1:35 PM: On Randolph, reports of a massive police presence of correctional vans. "They look ready".

1:39 PM: Milwaukee reports taht some 1000+ protesters are marching there.

1:42 PM: Clark and Wacker report. March is heading south.

1:58 PM: Correction. The Clark march is the sanctioned march. It headed east on Chicago and Pearson. Then it went down Clark street, eventually over the river. Federal Plaza is becoming the central locale for the march.

2:18 PM: Report of an incident perhaps 45 minutes earlier of a protester who was evidently penned by police. This took place at/near Grand and Clark.

2:46 PM: Huge, and I mean huge, rally at Federal Plaza. Speeches are going on. Incredibly massive, almost daunting, police presence.

2:59 PM: There appear to be two arrests as a result of the massive Clark street march. The two arrestees are being taken to State and Adams.

3:02 PM: Reports have come in of pro-war protesters at Jackson and Dearborn.

3:06 PM: A moment of possible confrontation between protesters and "motorcycle people" has passed. All is calm.

3:32 PM: A report has come in that there were actually three confirmed arrests, not two.

3:50 PM: Milwaukee Update: We have a confirmed count of some 1200 people who partook in the Milwaukee protest.

4:57 PM: Things are and have been winding down in Chicago. Very positive day overall, by numerous accounts.

  • Further dispatches should be posted to the Chicago Indymedia newswire.

  • For breaking news of events worldwide, please visit Milwaukee Indymedia and Arkansas Indymedia

  • If a lawyer is needed, please call the National Lawyers Guild (Chicago chapter): 312-913-0039

  • Health tip of the moment: Bring raingear, umbrellas, and lots of water. Look for Chicago Action Medical. Phone number forthcoming.



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