Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

News :: Protest Activity

Collect evidence in street if police riot

For today's protests, make sure to collect the spent evidence of police riot materials afterwards. Take pictures of cops without name tags. Dress as Santa. Take fake babies to the front lines...
Don't forget your camera. Take pictures of all police without visible nametags, especially riot police.
Take pictures of all machine guns pointing at protesters. Police tend to deny they had machine guns out later.
And if police riot, return after police riot, to the streets as soon as possible, with thick gloves and proper containers and collect the trash left from the police weaponry, the spent cartridges, the unexploded pepper spray pellets, little metal balls, rubber bullets, anything you can find...and keep them as evidence of what was used on the protesters by police. Take video footage. Everyone take phones, broken cell phones will do, and when police become violent EVERYONE whip out PHONES as if calling the press...and talk as if you are speaking to the press...keep the pressure on the police for total accountability at all times. You have a right to protest Bush's insane global destruction and we, as Americans, have the greatest duty of all, to reject this war and to protest it. DO NOT HESITATE TO PROTEST TODAY! Let your body count in numbers today. Let Bush see we are willing to get out of our lazy American routines to protest this important issue of War in OUR NAME...and do not let police get away with intimidating you to stop protesting. It is an American's right and duty. Take fake towel babies wrapped in blankets to make police think there are babies who will get pepper sprayed if they open fire, not that it will stop them, but they may hesitate for a second seeing babies in their faces, to let people media games...come dressed as Santa, or priests and nuns, or Keystone Cops, or Groucho Marx, police look bad beating these characters or at least the media will want to capture it.

Visit and before you go today for some street medicine and protest tactic tips.



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