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Labor and Environmental Conference April 16-18 Chicago

The Alliance for Sustainable Jobs and the Environment Chicago Conference will be help at the Rodeway INN April 16-18. See leaflet for detail and agenda.
symbosium and conference flyers color 3-15-04.pdf (61 k)
The Alliance for Sustainable Jobs and the Environment Chicago Conference
Mother Earth Meets Mother Jones
Why Labor and Environmentalists Need Each Other to Defeat Bush’s Wal-Mart Economy
April 17-18--Chicago Rodeway Inn -Halsted and Madison

Labor and environmentalists will not always agree, but the Alliance for Sustainable Jobs and the Environment (ASJE) believes that both our movements are stronger when we can work together.
With a hostile political regime in Washington, 2004 is a critical time for labor and environmentalists to collaborate more effectively.

Conference Topics:
Welcoming Remarks
Margaret Blackshere, President, Illinois State AFL-CIO
Global Trade and Global Justice: Beyond the March to Miami. What’s Next?
Max Rameau, Miami Workers Center
Ella Hereth, Chicago Student Labor Action Project
Jessica Aranda, Executive Director, Latino Union of Chicago
Michael Prokosch, United for a Fair Economy
Corporations Make Me Sick
Hilary Chiz, Rapid Response Coordinator, PACE International (Invited)
Denise O’Brien, Women Food and Agriculture Network
Bryony Schwan, Womens Voices for the Environment
Keynote Speaker: Workers’ Health is Environmental Justice
Kristin Shrader-Frechette, Professor of Philosophy -Notre Dame Saturday
Representative Jan Schakowsky (D-IL-9) SUNDAY
Lake Michigan: Its Ecology and Economy
Cheryl Mendoza Lake Michigan Federation
Mary Mulligan City of Gary Brownfield Coordinator
Fred Redmond, Assistant Director, United Steelworkers
Energy Future: Re-empowering the Midwest
Bracken Hendricks, Executive Director, Apollo Alliance
Grant Smith, Citizen Action Coalition Indiana
Mike O’Brien USWA rep at Northern Indiana Public Service Company
Direct Action Imagery
John Sellers, Director, the Ruckus Society
Rebecca Hanscom Teamsters - Central States Lead Organizer
Wal-Mart- An Equal Opportunity Offender
Jim Bakken UFCW
Evening Entertainment: Rachel Hicks’s Film on the March to Miami.
Performance of “Mother Tongue” by the Matrix Theater of Detroit

REGISTRATION -PLEASE PRINT: Mail with Fee to: ASJE, Box 602, Olympia, WA. 98507
NAME________________________________ ORG. ________________________________________
STREET _____________________________ CITY ______________ STATE ___ ZIP ________
E-mail __________________________________ PHONE ____________________________
r Union Delegates and Environmental Organization Registration Fee $150 (included lunch both days)
r Low income registration before April 2nd. $50 (Scholarships are available. Please call.)
Checks should be sent to: ASJE, PO Box 602. Olympia, Washington 98507 before March 29th. Hotel Rooms at $79/night for a single or double. Call the Rodeway Inn. (312) 829-5000 before April 2nd. For more conference information, call Jeanne Passarelli at (360) 709-9324 or send an email to: leahyd (at) Please call to discuss being an organizational co-sponsor of the conference. The hotel is located just west of the Kennedy Exp. in Chicago’s Greektown. The Blue line from O’Hare stops four blocks away at UIC/ Halsted and the Orange Line from Midway stops at Wells and Washington 10 blocks away. It’s also close to the AMTRAK and Greyhound stations. Chicago area contact Bill Carey 219-881-6212 wcarey (at)

What are the next steps for the US Global Justice/Fair Trade Movement?
Friday, April 16, 2004
10:30 am to 5:00 pm
(Action at 9 AM for CINTAS workers sponsored by UNITE)- See below
The Rodeway Inn, Halsted and Madison, Chicago, Illinois
$ 10 donation requested
First Panel: 11:00 to 1:00 pm
From Seattle in 1999 to Cancun and Miami in 2003, global resistance to the corporate trade agenda has brought the “free trade” momentum to a temporary halt. But where do we go from here? What lessons can we draw from our colleagues in developing countries? What are the goals of an alternative national and global economy? What economic policies are needed? What concrete proposals can move toward those goals? Panel Participants:
Barbara Dudley, Moderator, Alliance for Sustainable Jobs and the Environment
Dave Foster, Director, District 11, USWA, Minneapolis MN
Denise O’Brien, Women, Food and Agriculture Network, Atlantic, Iowa
Mark Ritchie, President, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, Minneapolis

Second Panel: 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm
The resistance to the trade agreements has been both inside the trade summits and outside in the streets. Efforts are being made to divide this opposition into “respectable” NGOs types inside and “violence prone anarchists” outside. How do we advance our direct action strategies beyond the increasingly choreographed dance with the police and a fence, and how do we maintain strategic and tactical unity as we build our new global system? Panel Participants:
Jeanne Passarelli, Moderator, Alliance for Sustainable Jobs and the Environment
Stuart Acuff, Director of Field Organizing, AFL-CIO, Washington, D.C.
Jennie Busch, Chicago Jobs with Justice
John Sellers, Director, The Ruckus Society, Oakland, CA
Greg Asbed and Lucas Ramirez, Coalition of Immokalee Workers, Immokalee, FL
More information: Dan Leahy at the Alliance: (360) 709-9324 email: leahyd (at) Chicago area contact: Bill Carey 219-881-6212 wcarey (at)

CINTAS ACTION: Before the start of the panels there will be a short briefing at 9 AM at the hotel followed by a short walk to join an action in support of the laundry workers at CINTAS who are trying to organize with UNITE. CINTAS is a member of ASJE’s Rogue’s Gallery.



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