Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights : International Relations : Miscellaneous : Peace

Eyewitness to Occupation: From Iraq to Palestine

From Iraq to Palestine, this is what occupation looks like:
*7:00pm Tuesday March 16*
*Chicago Circle Center - 750 S. Halsted*
*White Oak Room - take escalators to 3rd floor*

Khury Peterson-Smith - Campus Antiwar Network
Part of a delegation to Iraq in January with United for Peace and Justice. Observed life under the new dictators of Iraq, the US military.

Eric Peters - Palestine Solidarity Group
Participated in an international delegation to Occupied Palestine in the fall of 2003 during which he witnessed both the immediate and long-term impacts of Israeli military occupation upon Palestinian society. Photo slide presentation will accompany the talk.

Sponsored by: Palestine Solidarity Group, Students for Social Justice, Students for Justice in Palestine, Campus Antiwar, International Socialist Club, Muslim Student Action Network



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