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Did CIA "Orchestrate" Madrid Train Bombings?

"A Religion can't afford to depricate it Devil!"
Did the U.S.Govt. & CIA "Orchestrate" the Madrid Train Bombings?
Its a simple and straight forward question! But why would they do it? Well lets look at the CIA and U.S.Intelligence "Failures" in Iraq regarding Iraq's WMD's and the subsequent Iraq War that cost hundreds of billions in U.S.Taxpayer Dollars and the deaths of woundings of thousands of innocent Iraqis not to mention the deaths of 540 U.S.G.I's and the wounding of thousands more!

Also the Bush Regime made the case that waging War on Iraq was a good thing for America because Iraq was tied to and supporting and arming Al Queda Terrorists. Subsequent U.S.Intelligence work failed to verify any of this as being true!

So the Bush Regime now has a Fiasco and a Quagmire on its "bloody" hands in Iraq.No one will say it was not a good thing to get rid of a murderous dictator like Saddam Hussein but its the "Cost" in Billions and Thousands of lives thats now impossible for Bush and his Conspirators to justify!
So why not start a new 9/11 in Europe and blame Al Queda.It also helps Tony Blair too!



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