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Police Website declares, "Brutality is Fun!"

New controversy has arisen over the "Chicago Police Officers' Network". The site features police jokes, a police "code of ethics", and "real" police stories. However, it also sports an article called "Brutality is Fun" which quotes "dumb citizens", and makes comments such as "beating civilians into raw meat."
The site, found at, features articles about cases the Chicago Police have dealt with, some jokes about various people from 'hookers' to Michael Jackson, and articles of things 'police should know'.

However, there is an article featured on the website boldly declaring 'Brutality is Fun'. Found at , the article states this:

Brutality Is Fun

October 22 marked the second anniversary of the "National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression, and the Criminalization of a Generation." Observers, who were asked to wear black to signify their contempt toward what they believe to be a "nationwide epidemic" of racist violence, amassed in less than impressive numbers throughout 20 cities in America, including New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles. According to the promoters for the "awareness" believe that police brutality "is an outrage that must be stopped." They say the police are "out of hand" and are nothing short of "above the law criminals" who infringe upon the civil rights of law abiding citizens due to racist agendas. Abner Louima, the Haitian immigrant lawbreaker and alleged brutality victim turned divine spokesmen for the "Stop Brutality" cause said, "We are in a war for our lives. I want you to keep on fighting until we win the war." The fine upstanding minority communities are at war for their lives with the evil, racist police. This belief is reinforced by the recent media exposure of several cases in which police officers have been accused of using excessive force on law breakers. In fact, they claim that over 500 people have been killed at the hands of law enforcement officers since 1990.

Could this be true? Are police officers taking the law into their own hands, infringing upon the civil rights of American citizens? Are our law enforcers taking out "innocent minorities" because of a "racist" agenda? Is there a problem with police brutality? Or are the recent events spotlighted in the media just isolated cases that do not reflect upon all officers of the law? The people have cried out. They are concerned. They need an answer.

So, I ask you is there a problem? Ask me and I'll tell you there is one. The problem I see is that there isn't enough police brutality.

I'm sick and fucking tired of reading about "police brutality" in the news, or hearing about it on the television or radio. Every ghetto bastard, every hippie protester and every two-bit philanthropist from here to San Francisco is up in arms over the whole debacle. On every channel, in every newspaper, it's the same fucking thing: "The police are out of hand," "The police are racist," etcetera, ad nauseum. Our law enforcement officers have become persona non grata in the eyes of the Jamal and Janequa Q. Public, because of recent reports and subsequent late breaking news stories. There has been an overabundance of news coverage focusing on the recent seemingly endless events surrounding police brutality and use of excessive force in the line of duty. It seems like on any given night, you can turn on the television and hear about a one-time criminal turned civil rights activist suing some city in America over alleged brutality or "excessive" force used in his arrest. The media whores and the greedy, blood-sucking attorneys close in, elaborating on the events and convince the people of America that this honest citizen has been "wronged" at the hands of racism, ignorance, and intolerance. This in turn fuels protesters, inciting negative press and images of the police community, stirring up dissension, prompting marches and protest rallies for the "abused" victims of police brutality, or in some cases sparking "justifiable" looting and rioting. The good guys quickly become the bad guys and receive flak for the incident in question. In the slums, blacks riot because one of their "brothers" who they didn't even know was roughed up for committing a crime. On college campuses, hippies hopped up on illegal drugs protest against the criminal actions of the police department. Cries of "justice" and "criminals have rights, too" fill the air in sonic dissonance. It's enough to make any law abiding citizen sick. Why do we jump aboard bandwagons in the name of murderers, druggies, rapists, and looters? It seems that everyone these days has rights that must be defended at all costs, unless of course that somebody just so happens to be a police officer.

People are outraged at the beating of Rodney King, the imprisonment of Mumia Abu-Jamal, the shooting of Malik Jones and "Strawberry" Daniels, the "senseless" abuse inflicted upon "helpless" immigrants, the torture of Texas prison inmates, and of course, the beating and sodomy of Abner Louima. The public has been alerted to these heinous injustices and will proceed to condemn the police, even if they don't know the whole story.

Very seldom do you hear that the poor victimized Louima had a prior record, was drunk and disorderly in public, was starting fights and even attempted to beat up the arresting officers. You hardly ever hear that those "defenseless" illegal immigrants were breaking the law the second they crossed over into American soil. Rarely will you be reminded that "Strawberry" Daniels was arrested for buying drugs while pregnant, and then attempted to strangle the officer to death before she was shot. The media doesn't bother telling you that Malik Jones tried to run Officer Flodquist down at high speed before he was shot. Those unfortunate inmates were dealing drugs in prison. Mumia Abu-Jamal killed a police officer in cold blood. And Rodney King was fucked up on every drug known to man, led the police on a high speed chase for many miles, and resisted arrest.

The media has blown the entire police brutality thing way out of proportion, turning the tables on the enforcers of the law, and making the law breakers into the victims.

The police are made into the criminals instead of those who commit the real crimes. But in our society where crime is glorified daily, this is not unusual. The media convinces us all that crime pays and the police are the enemy. We hear it everyday. They are made out to be ignorant, testosterone junkies, just out to kick ass. They are racists, bigots and redneck crackers. People refer to cops as "pigs" and "thugs". Rappers write songs about killing cops, and "shooting pigs", it's no wonder we have such negative images of the police. People have no respect for the law anymore, and they don't care who knows it.

Perhaps the public relations problem is that we just don't understand cops or what they have to deal with on a daily basis. Police officers are forced to deal with every form of scumbag from the wife beaters to the serial rapists on a daily basis. They must deal with perpetrators and law breakers so that honest, law abiding citizens can rest safely at night. Those quick to point the finger at police fail to identify with their brothers and sisters of law enforcement. They believe the anti-police, media propaganda and the bleeding heart rants before trying to see things from the police officer's point of view.

For instance, let's look at the Rodney King fiasco, shall we? Here was a guy, Mr. King, with a prior criminal record who led the police on a high speed car chase that spanned many, many miles. During said chase, I doubt the officers were thinking, "I'm gonna kill this nigger when we catch him." They were too busy thinking about their families and wondering if they were going to live through the night. When the officers finally caught up with Mr. King, they found that he was whacked out on drugs and was potentially dangerous to the arresting officers. The situation had to be handled with extreme caution. After all, he had been known for violent behavior and was fucked up on God only knows what. The felon resists arrest, and threatens the officers. They subdue him with the necessary force and he refuses to comply with the arrest, resulting in more force being used against him. I don't know about you, but if I whack a guy in the head with a billy club and he's still trying to get up, I'm gonna freak out. There's no telling what he could do to you, and he's so drugged up, he can't feel a damned thing anyway. The man posed a threat to the police and they took him out, as well as their frustrations. He was a criminal scumbag who not only broke the law but endangered the lives of innocent civilians and the arresting officers. He deserved what he got. If he would have just stayed the fuck down, all of the unpleasantries could have been avoided. But oh no. The police made the arrest and what happened afterward? The whole "beating" incident is turned around and a greedy lawyer cashes in on trumped up charges of "police brutality" and racism, causing one of the best damn police chiefs, Darryl Gates, to retire, and all hell to break loose. Rodney King, a convicted felon, was released from his charges and was granted millions of dollars in a court of law by the city of Los Angeles. And what does good old Rodney do after it's all over? He goes back to his criminal ways and gets arrested not once but twice on drug charges. Some people never fucking learn. The cops would have done us all a fucking favor had they beaten him some more.

Not only does the media reverse the roles of oppressor and oppressed, but they also trump up the number of reported incidents of police brutality. After that nasty Rodney King incident, seeing that the American public responded well to the whole "police brutality" thing, the reporters began witch hunts for more of the same. Any case in which an officer was forced to use hit weapon against a criminal was blown out of proportion in favor of the criminal. The number of actual incidences seemed to increase exponentially as well. But in fact, despite the excess coverage, sources show a 20% decline in complaints against the police departments nationwide.

The most common charge brought up against the police is that of racism. The reporters know what sells papers and what gets those Nielson families tuned in: racism. It is the popular belief in the Black communities that the police "act differently" in Black neighborhoods than they do in areas predominately White. The numbers also show that police shoot Black suspects proportionately more than they shoot White suspects. Now, to the untrained activist who is looking for a reason to get upset about something, this is obviously damning evidence that the police are racist bastards who are taking the law into their own hands. Sounds like a good enough reason to riot and burn down the neighborhood, doesn't it? But if you consider that a proportionately greater number of violent crimes are committed in Black communities as opposed to White communities, and that Blacks commit a far greater percentage of violent crime than do Whites, perhaps the evidence isn't so damning after all, does it, Malcolm?

Yet still, Black urban communities distrust the police and claim they are being singled out. As we all know, it is much easier to find a scapegoat than to accept the folly of your own ways.

Whenever the police do their jobs, it is never good enough for the people of America. They claim that the crime rates are too high. They claim they want the drugs off of the streets and out of their neighborhoods. They run to the police whenever there are problems. Yet, when it comes time for the police to do an effective job against the criminals, the people turn around and say that the cops are "too forceful", "too brutal", or unfair to the suspects. Even in cases like that of the Malik Jones case or that of "Strawberry" Daniels, when an officer's life is threatened, and he defends himself, people scream that so-and-so was "murdered" at the hands of "murderer's sanctioned, disciplined, and unleashed to keep the oppressed in line".

These men and women risk their necks and lives every day for people like you and me, and this is the thanks they receive? Day in and day out, they have to contend with whiney hippies and deadbeat, jobless, ghetto scum pointing their pipes at them, taunting them with cries of "racists" and "cowards". They have to sit by idly as criminals walk due to dropped charges, lack of evidence, or one of the other countless loopholes in our legal system which allow the guilty to go free. And what do the accused do when they regain freedom? Why, they sue the police department of course for roughing them up during the arrest, of course. They hire controversial lawyers and win millions while the officers lose their jobs. And why? Because the police were keeping the streets safe for us!

Why is it that whenever a cop goes up on these doctored charges, everyone sides with the piece of shit criminals? While the cops are out in the killing fields protecting us from crime, we are in the streets protesting them and their methods. Hell, even some of the spotlight crazed politicians jump on the bandwagon in order to cash in. Consider if you will, the Malik Jones case again. Though the courts found Officer Flodquist innocent on all charges based on the fact that he shot Jones in self defense, the governor of Connecticut has opted to reopen the case to a Federal Grand Jury in order to win the political support of the Black population still upset over the shooting. Hey, it's an election year. You would have sold out your peers, too. I'm so fucking tired of it all. The police are doing their fucking jobs. They are getting the criminals off the streets, so who gives a fuck how they do it? As long as it is effective. Just look at Mayor Guiliani's campaign against crime in New York City or Menino's efforts in Boston. Sure, the cops crack a few skulls here and there, but the crime is down and the people feel safer. Well, everyone but the criminal community feels safer.

Cases of police brutality, whether hyped up or not, should not be seen as God-awful acts of hate crime or "above the law vigilantism". They should be revered. See, when a person breaks the law, they lose their rights. They have no rights. The only rights they deserve are those they receive to the fucking head for resisting arrest. The second you sneak across that border, Pedro, your ass is grass. The moment you don that red or blue do-rag to show you are "down" with your set, your "colors" become a target for snipers. If you resist arrest, you get beaten. If you threaten an officer you die. See, we don't need any more criminals, we have too many as is, so who cares if we lose a few? Certainly not me.

In fact, we need more brutality. Send a message to would be law breakers that we are not going to tolerate them or their crimes against society any longer. We've tried reasoning and it doesn't work. Sometimes violence is the only reasonable answer. It's not a racism thing. It's not a hate thing. It's a justice thing. Criminals deserve no justice, they deserve only pain. Lots and lots of pain. The more pain the better. Make them pay. I guarantee you that after a good enough beating, if they are still breathing they won't commit anymore crimes. One more rehabilitated criminal. When the crime rates plummet, the gangs disappear, the murders decline and violent crime diminishes, you will know that your support of brutality against criminals played a role in the peace. The next time you hear about another beating or shooting of a criminal at the vicious hands of a law enforcement officer, don't throw stones or cast judgment. Rather raise your pint glass in the air and celebrate the rehabilitation or extermination of one more low life. Throw in a copy of the Rodney King video, and have a good chuckle. Enjoy the brutality, because police brutality is fun. Police brutality is fundamental.

It's something you truly must see for yourself, but hurry! The website has gained public attention, and the officer in charge of the website is to 'review and remove' any 'objectional material'.

--- This article was written by "Optikal Illuzion", a student and revolutionary located in the small town of Streator, Illinois. This is his first published article.

** Repost from Infoshop News **



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