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Loyola's Peaceniks Present Film Series called "US Foreign Policy: Truth War and Consequences"
A coalition of passionate Loyola University Chicago progressive students and faculty will be hosting a film series hoping to educate Chicagoans about America's foreign policy and its sometimes tragic consequences. The films will be shown on March 11, 18, 25 and April 1 at 7:00 p.m. in Damen Hall Finnegan Auditorium, Loyola University Chicago Lake Shore Campus in Rogers Park-Edgewater.

A coalition of passionate Loyola University Chicago progressive students and faculty will be hosting a film series hoping to educate Chicagoans about America's foreign policy and its sometimes tragic consequences.
Every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. from March 11 to April 1, Loyola Women for Peace will take participants to Panama, Iraq and Venezuela through compelling films, analyzing the impact of American involvement in those regions....
March 11
The Panama Deception
1993 Academy Award, Best Documentary Feature. The Panama Deception documents the untold story of the December 1989 U.S. invasion of Panama; the events which led to it; the excessive force used; the enormity of the death and destruction; and the devastating aftermath. The Panama Deception uncovers the real reasons for this internationally condemned attack, presenting a view of the invasion which widely differs from that portrayed by the U.S. media and exposes how the U.S. government and the mainstream media suppressed information about this foreign policy disaster.
March 18
Hidden Wars of Desert Storm
Hidden Wars of Desert Storm is a fast-paced, informative documentary which bases itself on documents never seen before on television and backed by interviews of such prominent personalities as Desert Storm Commander, General Norman Schwarzkopf, former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark, former UN Iraq Program Director Denis Halliday, former UNSCOM team-leader Scott Ritter and many others.
March 25
Uncovered: The Selling of the Iraq Invasion
This controversial and arresting film takes you behind the walls of government, as CIA, Pentagon and foreign This documentary offers an in-depth look at the unsettling distortion of intelligence and the "spin and hype" presented to the American people, the Congress and the press. The film presents interviews with more than 20 experts, all of whom have informed opinions about the reasons we were given for war and the evidence presented to support those reasons. Some supported the war itself but are deeply concerned about the way information was misused. All believe it is their duty to speak up. Among those interviewed are former Ambassador Joe Wilson, weapons inspectors Scott Ritter and David Albright, anti-terrorism expert Rand Beers, former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, former CIA operative Robert Baer and Washington editor of The Nation, David Corn.
April 1
Venezuela: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
Two independent filmmakers were inside the presidential palace on April 11, 2002, when he was forcibly removed from office. They were also present 48 hours later when, remarkably, he returned to power amid cheering aides. Their film records what was probably history's shortest-lived coup d'état. It's a unique document about political muscle and an extraordinary portrait of the man The Wall Street Journal credits with making Venezuela "Washington's biggest Latin American headache after the old standby, Cuba."
This event is co-sponsored by Loyola Anti-War Network, Loyola Campus Greens, and The Sociology Club.
The films will be shown at Loyola University Chicago Lake Shore Campus in Rogers Park-Edgewater at the Damen Hall Finnegan Auditorium. For more information and directions to the event, please log onto the url provided below.