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Anarchist becomes subject of Federal Probe

Obscure anarchist becomes the target of Federal Probe

Stephen DeVoy, anarchist, subject of Federal Probe

merchandise sales, defamation of corporations, suspicion of domestic terrorism

By Gabriela Herrera

American Post Staff Writer

Sunday, March 7, 2004; Page A01

CAMBRIDGE, MA (Reuters) 13:30 -  Stephen R. DeVoy, owner of websites at, ,, and has
become the subject of a Federal Probe in regard to illegal merchandise sales and
sales tax evasion. In addition to Federal action, a civil lawsuit has been filed
by the Austin-based corporation Cycorp, Inc. in connection to defamation and
libel published on DeVoy's websites. Preliminary investigation reveals some
substance to the investigation, authorities said.

Although Mr. DeVoy denies any wrongdoing, it has been proven beyond a
reasonable doubt that there has been more than casual defamation of several
companies and individuals. Telephone records as well as files subpoenaed from
EarthLink Hosting, (Mr. DeVoy's web host),  contain cached web pages
containing the libel as well as names of individuals who have accused Mr. DeVoy
of harassment and defamation. In early 2003, Mr. DeVoy fled Austin, Texas
shortly after being sought in connection with a computer store robbery in a
southern California establishment. Mr. DeVoy, an unemployed programmer began his
harassment campaign after being terminated from Cycorp, Inc. due to lack of
performance and excessive absenteeism. DeVoy was also suspected of stealing
company secrets for possible sale to unknown foreign parties. After the firm
became aware that Mr. DeVoy was involved in an anarchist movement responsible
for domestic terrorist activities, his termination was hastened.

In addition to defamation charges, the Federal Probe will investigate Mr.
DeVoy's bumper sticker sales and online merchandising campaign. According to the
Internal Revenue Service records, Mr. DeVoy failed to report income coming from
such sales as well as failing to provide a return policy for defective
merchandise. One customer reported that upon requesting a refund for bumper
stickers he did not receive, Mr. DeVoy blocked e-mail messages from the sender.
The stickers reportedly faded within days of being placed on the bumper of the
purchaser's vehicle. In other reports, Mr. DeVoy's stickers began to appear on
police cruisers owned by the Cambridge Police Department. The campus authorities
have reported incidences of being forced to remove them from vehicles and
building facades as well.

Mr. DeVoy is known to be suffering from a mental condition known as
Paranoid Personality
,  for which he takes medication and is required to see a
therapist. The mental health facility which has been assigned to Mr. DeVoy has
reported that he has failed to keep appointments.

Given Mr. DeVoy's criminal record as well as his inclusion in the Department
of Homeland Security's list of potential domestic terrorists, it is possible
that the Federal Bureau of Investigation will play the biggest role in the

American Post





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