Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Protest Activity

St. Louis Brings 200 on Peace Train to M.20th Rally

There's a Peace Train leaving, and you'll want to get on, or at least help send it off. Instead of War will be traveling to Chicago to join in the "Midwest Still Says No To War" March on Lake Shore Drive, sponsored by UFPJ and the March 20 Anti-War Organizing Coalition.
Saturday, March 20, marks the one year anniversary of the commencement of the Bush Administration's war on Iraq. One year and 8,000+ Iraqi lives later, Bush's dreaded Iraqi WMDs are nowhere to be found and American soldiers are still dying. On March 20, demonstrations will be held in cities across the U.S. and around the world in a Global Day of Action Against War and Occupation.

There's a Peace Train leaving, and you'll want to get on, or at least help send it off. Instead of War will be traveling to Chicago to join in the "Midwest Still Says No To War" March on Lake Shore Drive, sponsored by UFPJ and the March 20 Anti-War Organizing Coalition. Download the flyer here and distribute it far and wide!

Join us! Saturday March 20, train departs St. Louis at 4:35 am and returns to St. Louis at 10:40 pm (ticket information below, or buy tickets online here.)

On Friday evening, March 19, Instead of War will host send-off marches in St. Louis beginning at 7pm (meet at 6:45) on Grand Ave. and in the Delmar Loop:

Feeder marches, Friday evening, 7 pm:

Feeder March #1 begins at St. Alphonsus Rock Church at Grand and Cook
two blocks north of Powell Symphony Hall
parking available at the church
march to the Grand metrolink station
ride metrolink to Savvis Center

Feeder March #2 begins at University City City Hall on Delmar
parking available at Delmar Metrolink or in U City Loop area
march to Delmar metrolink station
ride metrolink to Savvis Center

From Savvis Center at 8:00 pm all march to Federal Building to encircle the building.

From Federal Building march back to Savvis Center plaza for Send Off, signing the Peace Train Banners, celebration, etc


Tickets for the Peace Train to Chicago on March 20:

Adults $50
Seniors $44 (age 62 and up) - only 20 available
Children $25 (age 15 and under) - only 20 available

Buy your tickets:
• Online using Mastercard, VISA or Discover with the secure PayPal system - click here
• By postal mail: Send check with name, address, phone and number and type of tickets to:
Instead Of War
438 North Skinker
St. Louis, 63130
• Phone: Call Anna at 314-715-5303 or Bill at 314-664-8551

Need additional information? Got questions? Call Anna or Bill, above, or write to: peacetrain (at)

Can't make the train? We invite your donation so that others who cannot afford the cost may go. Thank you!



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