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Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights : International Relations : Peace

3/16: Remember Rachel Corrie

Remember Rachel Corrie!
Tuesday, March 16
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
DePaul University Student Center
Room 120, 2250 N. Sheffield Avenue, Chicago
Free Admission!
View “The Killing Zone”!
Gihad Ali, DePaul student & Palestinian poet
Click on image for a larger version

On March 16, 2003, Rachel Corrie, was murdered by Israeli Occupation Forces, as she attempted to prevent the illegal demolition of a Palestinian home in Rahaf (Gaza.) Rachel was a 23-year-old college student from Olympia, Washington serving as a volunteer with The International Solidarity Movement is a Palestinian led movement of Palestinian and international activists that use nonviolent direct action tactics to challenge the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine. DePaul Students for Justice for Palestine and the Chicago chapter of the International Solidarity Movement invite you to attend this special evening where we will honor Rachel Corrie.

A free screening of the acclaimed video “The Killing Zone” will be shown during the program. The powerful footage filmed by Channel 4 News (England) during a five week stay in occupied Palestine has left seasoned Palestinian solidarity activists in tears. The 45 minute film documents gross human rights abuses by Israeli military personnel against Palestinian civilians, international peace activists, and a British cameraman filming a story. “The Killing Zone” contains footage of the Israeli army attacking the memorial services for Rachel Corrie held by Palestinians and her comrades with the International Solidarity Movement.

We strongly urge everyone, whether you can attend this event or not to plan on joining us at the March 20 “march and rally” to end the US Occupation of Iraq. The event begins at 12 noon at Michigan and Pearson. This is a Midwest regional protest that also calls for an end of the occupations of Palestine and Afghanistan. Following the march, a rally will be held at 1:30 PM at Federal Plaza (Dearborn & Adams.)

For further details contact: International Solidarity Movement 312-491-1789
ISMinChicago (at)
DePaul Students for Justice in Palestine at 773-339-2115



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