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LOCAL Announcement :: Civil & Human Rights : Environment : Globalization : International Relations : Labor : Peace : Protest Activity

Activities Being Planned for G8 Summit in Georgia

Here is an update of events planned leading up to, and surrounding the G8 summit on Sea Island in Georgia in June 2004.
More details about these events will be posted on the g8carnival committee website at and the Atlanta Indymedia website and Activist Calander.
Here is an update of events planned leading up to, and surrounding the G8 summit on Sea Island in Georgia in June 2004.
More details about these events will be posted on the g8carnival committee website at and the Atlanta Indymedia website and Activist Calander.
To get involved in planning, participating in any of these activities, contact info (at) to get involved with educational events/screenings, contact robochik at (replace the at w/ @ symbol)

Events leading up to summit:
Educational events:
Savannah Ga, Armstrong University March 30, others TBA
Brunswick (g8 and the environment forum) March 16, others TBA
Atlanta, TBA film screenings, forums
Athens, Ga, March 3, film screening, others TBA
Hilton Head SC, April 14 film screening

Non-violence trainings, activist skillshares:
Atlanta, TBA
Savannah, TBA
Brunswick, TBA
Athens, TBA

Events surrounding summit:
Civil Liberties March and Concert: march from the Civil Rights Museum to a park in downtown Savannah, with a rally in the park, possibly a ticketed concert in Savannah, more details as they are available.

TOES (The Other Economic Summit)
An economic conference with speakers from around the world to be held at SCAD, or Armstrong University.
This event will incorporate a media center for those wishing to provide coverage of this event.

Nonviolence trainings, and activist skillshares, more details as they become available.

Interfaith prayer services

Coastal Bike rides to summit activities, from Atlanta, Athens, South Carolina, and Florida to Brunswick

Peace Walks from Atlanta and Jacksonville Fla. to Brunswick more details as they become available

Film series about Globalization Issues

March and rally/concert more details as they become available

Educational Carnival: Carnival type events with informational booths, demonstrations and events with groups promoting social justice issues such as Fair Trade, clean sustainable environment, economic justice
Will include live music, films, etc.

Globalization debates, issue forums

Environmental Cleanup Actions: nonviolent, symbolic environmental cleanup actions/ media events to bring attention to Brunswick's corporate pollution problems since the g8 summit is being held in the same county as 4 superfund cleanup sites

Indymedia Center: to get involved in the planning of the Southeastern Georgia g8 IMC, contact imc-atlanta (at)
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