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LOCAL News :: Civil & Human Rights : Elections & Legislation : Peace

F21 Car Caravan Pics

The Car Caravan For Immigrant Rights kicked off this past Saturday with over thirty cars leaving from Our Lady of Mercy Church in the Albany Park community where it traveled up through the Indian/Pakistani neighborhood on Devon to express solidarity with the immigrants who have been facing increased oppression under the Bush Administration...
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The car Caravan included over thirty cars as well as several passing motorists who joined in. The caravan never stopped, being several blocks long, the police were savvy to keep it moving rather than block traffic and garner more attention.

Disappointingly, the immigrant community did not come out as strongly as hoped due to fear of police. The caravan finished much quicker than organizers had projected, so people gathered across the street from the Bundoo Khan restaurant, where the indoor rally later took place. The police were present with surveillance cameras as well as checking on the capacity of the restaurant. No further incidents occurred, but as several speakers mentioned, it was symptomatic of the repression the immigrant community is currently facing.

Of the 82,000 immigrants who complied with the special registrations in 2002-03, none were charged with terrorism, however 13,000 are now being deported.

Co-Sponsored by: Afghan News Network; Albany Park, North Park, Mayfair Neighbors for Peace and Justice; American Friends Service Committee; American Muslim Alliance: Andersonville Neighbors for Peace; Arab American Action Network; Chicago Anti-Bashing Network; Chicago Chapter of Refuse & Resist; Chicago Coaltion Against War and Racism; Chicago Committee to Defend the Bill of RIghts; Chicagoland Coalition for Civil Liberties and Rights; Coalition of Pakistani Organizations; Democratic Socialists of America, Chicago Chapter;Evanston Neighbors for Peace; Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights; The International Socialists Organization; Kucinich for President (Illinois Campaign); Logan Square Neighbors for Justice and Peace; Loyola Anti-War Network; Muslim Civil Rights Center; National Lawyers Guild, Chicago Chapter; Not In Our Name Project, Chicago; Pakistani-American Democratic Forum; Palestine Solidarity Group; SEIU

images copyrighted to protect the peops, contact for usage. thanks, garth



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