LOCAL Announcement :: International Relations : Peace : Protest Activity : Right Wing
Early Warnings: Gen. Tommy Franks to speak in Lisle, 3/14
"The Global War on Terrorism: From Policy to Practice"
Tommy R. Franks, retired Commander in Chief, U.S. Central Command during invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq will be speaking on Sunday, March 14, in the Dan and Ada Rice Center of Benedictine University in the Village of Lisle.
Tickets $17.50, $37.50, $50, half-price for students, faculty, and staff.
Gen. Franks to speak at Benedictine
Daily Herald ^ | 10/18/03 | Kari Hartman
Rudy Giuliani, Mikhail Gorbachev and Margaret Thatcher are just a few of the internationally known figures who have visited Benedictine University in recent years.
Retired Gen. Tommy Franks will be next on the list.
Franks, who led the U.S. military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, will speak at the Lisle university on March 14.
"We couldn't think of too many other people who've had the impact he's had on the world the last couple years," said university spokesman Phil Brozynski.
Tickets go on sale on Dec. 15 for the speaking event. Franks also will meet with area high school students on March 14 to answer their questions.
Franks retired in August from his post as four-star general and commander in chief of U.S. Central Command. He served as a second lieutenant in Vietnam in 1967 and was assigned to the Pentagon, serving under the chief of staff in 1976.
He also served as an assistant division commander during Desert Storm and has served in Germany and Korea.
"We feel very fortunate that the timing worked out and we were able to get him here," Brozynski said. "He has had a remarkable military career."
In recent years, Benedictine has brought in prominent speakers as part of the Richard C. Becker Great Issues - Great Ideas Lecture Series. In addition to Giuliani, Gorbachev and Thatcher, the series also has included Desmond Tutu and George and Barbara Bush.
Past speakers have delved into topics such as government, race and peace.
Tickets will go on sale Dec. 15 and will cost $35 for bleacher seats, $75 for main floor seating and $100 for seats in the first 10 rows of the main floor.
The 2 p.m. March 14 event will take place in the Dan and Ada Rice Center. Franks will meet with high school students at 11 a.m. that day in the Krasa Center.
For details, call (630) 829-6003.
Loose Lips Note: This lecture is part of the Richard C. Becker Lecture Series. Despite the stiff ticket prices, this event is sponsored by the university, Nicor, AND the Chicago Tribune (Exclusive Media Sponsor).