Chicago Indymedia :
Chicago Indymedia

LOCAL Announcement :: Peace

SPAN Summit at the U of C April 9-10

Action Towards Peace at the University of Chicago will host this year's SPAN Summit. Contact David at dkgardne (at) for more information, or to get involved.
Hello all-
Action Towards Peace at the University of Chicago will be hosting the Student Peace Action Network's Summit on April 9-10. Student activists from campuses all over the country will be converging at the U of C for education, dialogue, and action. Come help us plan the weekend!
Action Towards Peace meetings happen every Monday evening at 6:30pm in Cobb Hall (5811 S Ellis Ave.) Please join us if you're interested in helping out with advertising, planning, or education. You can also contact David at dkgardne (at) for information or to contribute information for workshops. Please visit the SPAN website at for more information, registration info, and flyers.

*Possible workshops include:
-Non-violent Action Training
-Anti-racism Training
-Patriot Act and Civil Liberties
-Nuclear Proliferation
-Messaging Your Message
-Local (Chicago) Activism
-Middle Eastern Relations 101
-Arts & Activism

Thanks much,
David Gardner
Action Towards Peace



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