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Chicago Indymedia

Commentary :: Peace

Why are we still in Iraq you ask?

I recently watched Democracy Now with Greg Palast and Mr. Ali the author of "Bush in Bagdad". They answered my questions of why.

On Freespeech TV I watched a documentary about the Gulf War and what Bush Daddy did to ordinary citizens of Iraq, it is called "Deaths Highway". Google to learn more. It truly hurt me to know this. We should know what daddy did to the ordinary citzens of Iraq. This family needs some Shawshank Redemption.
I call upon Lipinski, Fitzgerald, Durbin to do the correct thing and CENSURE Bush for lying. I am astounded that our tax dollars are paying for these top level cabinet members to go on pretending that they did not know that Iraq did not have WMD's. I knew, I knew because I took the time to read, question and search for the truth. I knew by reading Scott Ritters book, Mr. Ritter was screaming to the world that these accusations were false. Mr. Ritter devoted 12 years of his life to removing the WMD's that Bush Daddy through Regan sold to Iraq even though there were sanctions. Hell, even Bill O'Reilly finally admitted that Bush lied to us.

I know from Paul O'Neil's book that the intent from day one was to seize the assets that Iraq owns. You should be asking "Why are our soldiers still in Iraq?" They are there to protect the assets that Bush is stealing from the people of Iraq, his oil buddies stands to take what is not theirs to take. That's it in a nutshell, our soldiers lives are in jeopardy due to Bush's relentless greed for the pipelines and the oil fields. The people of Iraq owns this oil we do not and we should not. Yet Bush will murder the citizens of Iraq for the oil, Bush will torture the citizen of Iraq for the oil, Bush will kill the children of Iraq for the oil. Bush will willingly murder our children for the oil. When is enough enough? Just as Bush is pushing to privatize Medicare, etc., he is actually doing it in Iraq. Believe it or not Saddam did not like religious fanatics (unlike Bush) he did not care if women became doctors, in Iraq there are many women doctors. Yet now because of Bush the religious right has invaded Iraq and the women are being pushed back just as Bush is trying to do at home. Bush is a liar, not only is he a liar he has pillaged our national resources, he has ransacked every conceivable social program that exists in this country. Our country is no longer the great country it once was because of Bush.

From day one these miserable people have brought to us nothing but destruction, visions of doom and gloom, they have brought us nothing to look forward to. I cannot wait for the elections, I cannot stand the thought of Bush for 4 more years. We will be Argentina, broke, the people living in tents. A great majority of our jobs are gone just as Argentina experienced. A great deal of trust has been blown. Like Vampires, when the people of this country were happy, during Clinton, many owned several homes, many had new cars, many had good jobs, many had plans for the future. Now, many are afraid. They have to look into the eyes of their children and shudder. Their unemployment benefits are running out and were talking about top level/educated people who were making $50,000 to over $100,000...our representatives really hurt the unemployed when they voted against extending unemployment. Let us remember who voted against these benefits when it's time to vote to extend their employment as our reps.

Contact your reps, demand a pull out of Iraq. Demand a censure of Bush. This man is a alcoholic, druggie, liar, murder, thief and deserter. These are not qualities that one normally would respect except for maybe Rush Limbaugh. Bush calls himself a "War President", when in reality he is a frightened chickenhawk. Too afraid to fight but not afraid to send innocent people for a diabolic plan of mass destruction.



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