integrity is evidenced from his remarks in an interview about sitting in on democratic meetings and seeing what goes on, he said they make all their decisions based on polls ?? "It's Sick", he said. I have a message for these wayward writers who are taking turns, in a deliberate, orchestrated smear campaign to impugn a modern-day prophet and refuse to recognize, and hence INSULT, the burdgeoning grassroots movement arising from the awakened masses. HERE is The Message---this beautiful movement can only be delayed ,Never stopped because it has Founding Father energy and LightWorkers and healers who Love this Land and the principles of Liberty, Equality and Unity and are working very hard to co-create a New Covenant to give to posterity ! We are alive, real and in tune with the higher cause of our existence.
Kucinich = Truth-Teller, Peoples Hero and New Breed of Conscious World-Leader
We have seen elite-defending propagandists coming out of the woodwork, exposing themselves as establishment appartchiks by suppressing public awareness with the use of omission, ridicule, hyperbole and slander to deflect an insurgent grassroots movement and candidacy which has plans and platforms courageously desiring to change and shift the status quo. Which has to GO ! At a time when True AmeriCaN dreaming, ingenuity and imagination is really needed to inspire once again the hope and realization of unlimited possibilities and sustainable futures. This cynicism, masquerading as wisdom, the neasaying, nitpicking smear tactics is curiously suspect and corrupting of the free spirit and mass mental state- a manipulated, manufactured Mental-Mind-Meld ! This "low vibration" writing, articles are opportunistically capitalizing on some of the population's fear, loathing, insecurity and being sheeple-ized by Big Media, corporate PR and failing to fend off the "consumerism ethos".
These dissent barrier specialists are attempting to characterize an Honest, Noble and Visionary platform that is In Defense of the Public Interest and sustainable policies for a just future and a healthy planet, AS A JOKE and no chance for Peace ? When the most thoughtful, concerned, caring and conscientous members of a society are denigrated and baselessly defamed, that IS one more sign that this culture-sphere needs a look in the mirror and BE turned right-side up again !
Kucinich's campaign is a breath of fresh air, holistically Spirited and elevated the National discussion, dialogue. Witness the other candidates gravitating to the ground he has "staked out" on a number of issues. Kerry thinks it is now popular enough to say "rejoin" the world community, Dean, in one debate said we will leave the troops there a couple years, in following debate has moved down to "as soon as possible".Edwards is one by one lifting planks right from the Kucinich platform, unlike Dennis the others mostly give the same speech simplistically over and over, well Edwards must have read Prayer for America, because the America has 2 governments, one lobbyists,corporations whats left is for the people---this comes right out of an early chapter of Kucinich's best-selling book from an understanding Dennis experienced as mayor trying to pass fair legislation while dealing with the shadow, hidden government of just one major american city, Dennis also phrases it a couple of ways to examplify and clarify. Dr. Dean has also stolen his slogan, have you seen the hope not fear signs ? Evidently they are realizing his crystal-clear crystal ball assessment of the political landscape, especially into spring and summer is proving to be right-on, while they depend on inside political marketers and bought off media's orchestrated reality control.
What I like about Kucinich is his common-sense, unbridled optimism and the most important trait for Presidents in the 21st century- INTEGRITY, with an emphasis on GRIT ! integrity is evidenced from his remarks in an interview about sitting in on democratic meetings and seeing what goes on, he said they make all their decisions based on polls ?? "It's Sick", he said. I have a message for these wayward writers who are taking turns, in a deliberate, orchestrated smear campaign to impugn a modern-day prophet and refuse to recognize, and hence INSULT, the burdgeoning grassroots movement arising from the awakened masses. HERE is The Message---this beautiful movement can only be delayed ,Never stopped because it has Founding Father energy and LightWorkers and healers who Love this Land and the principles of Liberty, Equality and Unity and are working very hard to co-create a New Covenant to give to posterity ! We are alive, real and in tune with the higher cause of our existence.
Kucinich is the only one with consistent, clear, articulated plans and People First in the 21st Policies. He is the only who will garner support necessary to imperatively reign-in the frankenstein monstrousity-which is the indefensible Defense Budget. He is the only one who Did Not further the WMD claims and lies, which promoted a political climate conducive and enabling an "aggressive" war. He has the only solution, Peace Plan to bring our fellow americans home from a Worsening Quagmire.
He is even magnanimous when pointing out differences with Kerry, calmly saying in his radio ad, surely John must remember Vietnam and the draft. 40,000 more John ? Who is telling you to do this ? Surely no one has asked us the people,or the troops, their families, its time for Sunshine government, this idealogical agenda,behind the curtain rule is not serving the public's interests, lets feed not bleed. He has legislation to replace the Patriot Act--called the Ben Franklin act, our right to privacy can be peeping tommed, while the authorities claim for themselves total secrecy ? This act should be immediately rescinded simply because no one read it before they passed it, how often in history has this happened? He is concerned about jobs and workers, on February 17th, 2003 he declared his candidacy giving a speech entitled The Workers White House. NAFTA, GATT and the WTO are beasts negotiated by souless Lobbyists, Corporations and one-world Predatory Capitalists pirates to sell out and sell short the Human Race into a kind of Global Slave plantation, and now attempting to traumatize and condition us into a Prison Planet. Aren't People a national treasure ?, a sacred resource ? We should move up on the list of valuable resources, replacing gold, oil, coal, capital etc. We can shell out tax dollars for roads, rails, infrastructure but can't clothe, feed the hungry and homeless and heal the sick. It is a simple choice--money for death and destruction ? OR money for health and construction ? money to help the kids ? OR money for contracts with NO bids ?
So you so-called writers, dissent-barrier specialists, can you reflect and use your common-sense, like Kucinich and his supporters are trying to share. Do your true motivations lie with progress, real change, evolutionary sparks, quantum leaps-mind creates matter or is your loyalty bought with a paycheck, and are you selfishly hostage to your "career". I have never seen an outpouring by the people, artists of all kinds, create websites, flash animations, music, burn CD's, construct leaflets, banners,signs, self-publish, write letters, meditate, drum, dance and enter into discussions and volunteer on their own, many not even affiliated with the "official' campaign. So let me lay bare the HTML code behind the modus-operandi of journalism in concentrated media and even in so-called alternative rags such as, the sinking, Cleveland Free Times. If the media's product is credibility, they must have had a going-out-of-business-sale cause the shelves are almost empty. Journalistic ethics are really at a low point, the fourth estate is now a tool of the authorities, economic elites almost an organ, or branch of government, ie.Operation Paperclip, embedded is dreaded, where are we headed ? This excerpt from this article titled, The Awesome Destructive Power of Corporate Power Media by Glenn Ford and Peter Campbell--makes this point better than I can, "The corporate media is a window on the dialogue among the rich. They are saying loudly and uniformly that even mild resistance to their rule will be treated as illegitimate and subjected to censorship and ridicule by their media organs. The scope of tolerable dissent has been narrowed, as reflected in the behavior of corporate media." Further------
"In the past year we have seen consciousness-shaking evidence of the corporate media’s implacable hostility to any manifestation of resistance to the current order. Media rushed to embed themselves in the US war machine’s Iraq invasion, and collaborated to actively suppress public awareness of a full-blown movement against the war. Hundreds of thousands of protestors were made to disappear in plain sight. Corporate media conspired -- which is what businessmen in boardrooms do as a matter of daily routine -- not only to shield the public from dissenting opinions (their usual assignment), but to drastically diminish, distort and even erase huge gatherings that were profoundly newsworthy by any rational standard. This is not mere bias, but the end result of the corporate decision making process. There is no line separating “news” producers from larger corporate structures, nor can media companies be neatly segregated from the oligarchic herd. Corporate media’s ties to the Pirates in Washington are organic and nearly seamless. Their collusion seems almost telepathic, because they share the same class and worldview -- the most far reaching consequence of media consolidation." Read more of this story ?--
Hopefully if enough writers, editors and talking heads get approached and reminded of this HTML/modus-operandi, it will penetrate into their sub-conscious, crust,stuffy mindsets so they won't be able to report the same/old, same/old without any dissonance or a straight face, Status-Quo in perpetituity ? It is time to turn good-side UP the society we have been accustomed to, that same organism that to our detriment we keep alive, and that effortlessly endangers millions. Or to put it another way---
UNcle Sam wants you to go clear across the world, AND wants you to die a horrible death, or be maimed,emotionally scarred, For NO Good Reason, to support a lifestyle, that Will eventually destroy the Earth.
Writers who are in no short supply and who are dutiful servants to the "privileged" class and use lowest-common-denominator reasoning to tell people what they want to hear, not what they need to hear are so stifling, depressing and encourage apathy, malaise increasing cultural-deprivation. THose who understand the tension and zeitgeist FELT, these are the birthing pains of a Happy New World flowering forth. And it is our responsibility to use our unique gift and personal missions to BE midwives in this Co-Creation to SOW and make it BE SO !
We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people …The wave of the future is not the conquest of the world by a single dogmatic creed but the liberation of the diverse energies of free nations and free men. … Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind.
--John F.Kennedy
Historical writing needs the input of the minorities and the Nerds and Geeks, bullying and domination is Sooo 20th century !
If one nation claims that history,geography or bloodlines give them the right to subjugate other nations or peoples, there can be No Peace
Whose Side is John Kerry on?
by Walter F. Wouk
Email: walter (at) (verified) 08 Feb 2004
President "wannbe", John Kerry, challenged George Bush with a defiant, "Bring it on!" But the fact is, when George Bush "brought it on" John Kerry backed off.
Presidential candidate, Senator John Kerry, challenged George Bush with a defiant, "Bring it on!" But the fact is, when George Bush "brought it on" John Kerry backed off.
When Bush began his assault upon civil liberties by proposing the Patriot Act, John Kerry supported him. When Bush demanded the unrestricted ability to wage war on Iraq – or any other country of his choosing , Kerry supported him. And when Bush sought to consolidate his power over the American people via the Homeland Security Act, Kerry supported him.
Senator Kerry failed to ask the tough questions when tough questions should have been asked. He remained silent while bonafide patriots were castigated for speaking out against the Bush regime -- and he looked the other way while our soldiers were sent to fight and die in an illegal war.
Worse yet, he failed to honor his oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic," while domestic enemies waged war on our civil liberties, which begs the question -- whose side is John Kerry on?
Author's Note: I am a member of Vietnam Veterans Against the War
See also:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Campaign Diary
Hail, Kerry: Senator Facing-Both-Ways
Farewell, Clark: "Dude, Where's My Candidate?"
Kerry voted for Clinton’s crime bill and for Clinton’s Counter-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act which set the template for Bush’s Patriot Act, which Kerry, who now loses now opportunity to belittle the insipid John Ashcroft, also saw fit to support.
Kerry has indulged himself in some dutiful populist rhetoric against Big Oil, the drug companies, the HMOs and “the influence peddlers. Given his overall record, these burbles are not to be taken seriously, as anything beyond campaign insurance against the occasional populist talk of John Edwards, his sometime rival on the primary trail.
The Kerry campaign has the enduring benefit of the vast fortune of Mrs Kerry, the former Teresa Heinz, the tumultuous child of Portuguese empire. Mrs Kerry can use her inheritance to run issue ads. Her interest in environmental issues has been mostly expressed through her Heinz Foundation whose board until very recently was adorned by that hero of free-market enviros, Ken Lay of Enron.
Where is the media taking politics in this country? This is what happens when we let the media decide for the Peoples Free? Fair? elections? Didn't MoM ever say honesty is the best policy? A NewDay? A New Way? coming to a realization, a passionate friend Near You, For You, For ALL...................................................
They are more concerned with winning than making a difference. They stand for nothing and nothing is what we get when we vote such watered down, so-called "alternatives" into office. Their shallow campaigns serve as great examples of why so many Americans are disillusioned with the voting process. We've been telling ourselves that we have to settle for candidates that we don't like, we don't trust, and that don't have any good ideas for
our country. But unfortunately for those that close their eyes to the political problems that face our country, the problems do not disappear but only grow larger as people find comfort in not thinking about them.
It is too early in the election year to be voting for "anyone but Bush," giving into to the presumption that all elections are about the lesser of two evils, as if saying "I'd rather that you just cut off my foot instead of my whole leg."
When we repeat these words as a society, ("politicians are always corrupt, war is inevitable, poverty is inevitable," etc.), our pessimism creates a self-fulfilling prophesy, and problems remain unsolvable. We use the same kind of rhetorical scapegoating with our interpersonal problems. Think about the part of yourself that you really don't like, but can't seem to change. We make up excuses all the time blaming the world around us for the problems that only WE can solve. And this is the case with our political system. It is much easier to sit back and complain about the government and "the system" that makes are lives difficult than to put some time, energy, and resources into trying to change the conditions that have existed so long they seem "inevitable." To sit back and complain is to sit on the sidelines of your own life, caving into the notion that this is just "the way it is," "the way our government is,"
and "the way I am."
There is a much more inspiring way of viewing life. It is a view that Louis Armstrong summed up well when answering a question about why he wrote "It's a Wonderful World" when the world is so full of hatred and violence. He explained that the world is indeed a wonderful place; it is the way we are treating it and the way we are living that are causing the problems. In this view, we can create our own reality instead of past doing it for us. In this view we are
all autonomous beings. Self-empowered beings. Capable beings. Creative beings. Evolving beings. Unpredictable beings. Compassionate beings. Loving beings. Caring beings. Human beings.