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CPT Iraq: Plight of the Occupied

Mahmoud huddles beneath two blankets at Abu Ghraib prison outside Baghdad. U.S. forces raided his home by mistake last September.  Aisha weeps for her imprisoned brothers and their now-homeless wives and children.  She has not seen them since June...
February 9, 2004
IRAQ: Break Every Yoke--A Lenten Fast for Justice and Healing in Iraq

"Is this what you call a fast, a day acceptable to the Lord?  THIS is the kind of fasting I desire: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke.  Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your wound will quickly be healed.  The ancient ruins will be rebuilt, and the foundations restored. Isaiah 58:5-6, 8, 12.

Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) members living and working in Iraq appeal to the worldwide church to join a Fast for Justice and Healing throughout the season of Lent.

Mahmoud huddles beneath two blankets at Abu Ghraib prison outside Baghdad. U.S. forces raided his home by mistake last September.  Aisha weeps for her imprisoned brothers and their now-homeless wives and children.  She has not seen them since June and cannot get permission to visit.  A young soldier looks out at the night, haunted by what he has seen and done.  He wonders if he will ever heal.

No one knows how many Iraqis are being detained.  The Coalition Provisional Authority is able to provide names and locations for 11,000 to 13,000 detainees, but human rights organizations estimate that there are over 18,000.  Due process for the detained is unbearably slow or nonexistent, and many suffer abuse, hunger, and psychological distress in prison.  Their families struggle to get by and wonder if their loved ones are dead or alive.

Thousands of families --both in the U.S. and Iraq -- ache for the wounds of war to be healed. It is time to ask for miracles.  It is time to empty ourselves and beg for God's mercy and compassion.  It is time to proclaim a fast--a "day acceptable to the Lord."

We fast to set the oppressed free and to break the yokes of injustice that keep thousands of Iraqis imprisoned without due process.  We fast to become more vulnerable to God's presence as we seek ways to reduce the fear, violence, and injustice that imprison all of us.  We fast to seek the miracle of forgiveness, peace, and healing from all the terrors of war.  We invite you to fast with us.

CPT members in Iraq will fast in a variety of ways (liquids-only, Ramadan-style dawn to dusk) and  will engage in daily public witness in Baghdad.

Please JOIN THE FAST in whatever way you are able:

*       Give up a meal, a TV show, or a favorite pastime each day during Lent.  Spend that time in prayer for a detainee and their family.

*       Join with a group to fast in a particular way for the entire season of Lent, each person taking one day per week.

*       Join with a group of friends, church community or family to fast or eat a simple meal and pray for peace.

In the spirit of Isaiah, take concrete actions to BREAK EVERY YOKE:

*       Write letters on behalf of Iraqi detainees and their families. Go to CPT's website for the names and addresses of detainees, the Coalition Provisional Authority officials who are in charge of these detainees, sample letters, and other information.

*       Organize your church/community/group to participate in CPT's action campaign on behalf of Iraqi detainees.  Contact CPT's Chicago office for a campaign organizer's kit.

*       Hold a public vigil to draw attention to the plight of Iraqi detainees.  Possible symbols could include candles, posters of detainees, and wearing handcuffs and head-shrouds to graphically depict the situation of Iraqi detainees.

Sharing your prayers, actions, and experiences of fasting will provide encouragement and inspiration for others around the world.  Please send your comments to <guest.903627 (at)> or <guest.769927 (at)>

Christian Peacemaker Teams is an initiative of the historic peace churches(Mennonites, Church of the Brethren, and Quakers) with support and membership from a range of Catholic and Protestant denominations.Supporting violence-reduction efforts around the world is its mandate.

To receive news or discussion of CPT issues by e-mail, fill out the form found on our WEB page at



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