March 4th Flyers and Materials
sample march 4th flyers and materials
bnbflyer.pdf (452 k)
slcmarch4.pdf (546 k)
studentstrikepacket.pdf (733 k)
Who is participating?
Students from Colleges and Universities all over Chicagoland, students from the city colleges, from the chicago public schools and many suburban high schools, youth not attending school.
WHAT is going on?
Students and youth are taking action at their schools and in their communities. A list of events will be posted soon. Then people will converge downtown for the...
Main rally:
March 4th 4:30 pm
Federal Plaza (adams & dearborn)
Because there is always money for war, but never enough for education, healthcare and human need.
Because if we don't speak out now against attacks on our civil liberties we might not be able to speak out about anything tomorrow.
Because another world is possible, and we can make it real.