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Impeachment Not Censure, You Morons!

Once again Liberals are showing their total lack of spine and total lack of ability to strike the iron while the iron is white hot. This is what happened when they declared their control over the peace movement that rose up against the war in Iraq by stating they were "backing away from more confrontational forms of protest like non-violent civil disobedience like blocking traffic in the streets of major cities" in the U.S. in March and April of last year.
Impeachment Not Censure, You Morons!

By Lloyd Hart

Once again Liberals are showing their total lack of spine and total lack of ability to strike the iron while the iron is white hot. This is what happened when they declared their control over the peace movement that rose up against the war in Iraq by stating they were "backing away from more confrontational forms of protest like non-violent civil disobedience like blocking traffic in the streets of major cities" in the U.S. in March and April of last year. Except now the position the Liberals are taking of censure instead of impeachment borders on, no no, thats wrong, is the same as the kind of pissing in their pants cowardice Liberals showed when they wouldn't confront Johnson over the Vietnam War in the 1960's. Mike Flugennock, please, do a Cartoon. I need a Cartoon, cause I'm gonna flip.

The surprising thing is, so-called progressives like Ben Cohen and his organization True Majority are participating in this lame campaign, spreading on the Internet, calling for the censure of George Bush for "misleading" the American public about the intelligence that led to war. Censure is what Bill Clinton deserved for letting an act of oral sex escape the Oval Office. What rich Liberals like Ben Cohen should get straight in their head is that when it looks like a duck, it is a duck and not a fricking turkey. He lied! I'll say it again, he lied and he lied with intent to commit criminal conspiracy. The language these brain dead Liberals should be using should run like so:

-George Bush and members of his cabinet along with the U.S. military Joint Chiefs and members of the U.S. intelligence community joined in a criminal conspiracy of planning and executing an international crime against humanity for the single purpose of taking over and privatizing into transnational Corporate hands the second largest oil reserves in the world in the state of Iraq. It is for this crime that we are calling for the impeachment of George Bush, Dick Cheney, and the entire cabinet in order that they may be sent to the International Court at The Hague to face trial for war crimes.-

But of course this is not what Liberals are asking for, they're asking for censure revealing how out of touch and uninspiring Liberals are and why they can't get elections in this country over the 50 percent mark in terms of the voting age public participation. For God's sakes, hundreds of U.S. troops are dead, thousands wounded, tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis dead and injured, billions wasted and all you spineless rich liberals and progressives can call for is censure. Yeah, don't rock the boat guys, you just might fall out.

Go co-opt someone elses movement, like the right wing maybe.



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