LaborGroups News 09Feb04
1) VideoClip: A Political Message from Robert P. Kolb of LaborGroups !
2) NEW for Tuesday, Feb. 10th: Free Webmail-
Yourname (at)
3) Alternative Solutions for AOL Users
4) New for Monday, Feb. 9th: Discount Eyeglasses for Labor Union Members
5) Kerry on Labor
6) The "Union" Difference
7) OPEIU Local 512's On-line 'Zine
8) LaborGroups Internet Survival Kit
9) On the Move 2/4/04
10) Catholic Labor Network
11) Message From Senator George Mitchell
12) Radio LabourStart gets off to a flying start
13) Jobs with Justice Update
14) February 7, People’s Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo
15) The Bush Conspiracy Generator
16) RealClear Politics: 2004 Democrat Presidential Race State Polls
17) Gephardt, Labor Unions Endorse Kerry
18) Harry Stein: Dear Abby says Exporting American jobs is SAD
19) Disinformation Newsletter
22) Resist Maneuvers to Pass Energy Bill!
23) Yahoo, Microsoft studying e-mail postage
24) Chicago: 2/21 Car Caravan Needs Your Active Support
25) Censure Bush for misleading us
26) Secrecy News
27) TruthOut
28) Carolyn Kay's "Make Them Accountable"
29) CLG News
30) Censure Bush
32) The Final Wake-up Call: By Dr. Manzoor Alam
33) Ex-congressman's aide has video of OKC explosion?
Labor4Kerry !
1) VideoClip: A Political Message from Robert P. Kolb of LaborGroups ! [177k]
2) NEW for Tuesday, Feb. 10th: Free Webmail- Yourname (at)
I will be deploying another free webmail service to the general public:
YourName (at)
Hopefully by Tuesday evening it will be available at
and listed on and on
3) Alternative Solutions for AOL Users
"Only for AOL users DISGUSTED with AOL Censorship"
4) New for Monday, Feb. 9th: Discount Eyeglasses for Labor Union Members
5) Kerry on Labor
Courtesy of the AFL-CIO
6) The "Union" Difference
Get the FACTS !
7) OPEIU Local 512's On-line 'Zine
Volume III Issue # 3 of OPEIU Local 512's On-line 'Zine
February 6, 2004
Click the link below to read entire issue or point you browser to:
In This Issue:
Editor's view
Is your e-mail being censored?
Read more......
Another View Point
Organized labor isn’t organized crime, but how would we know?
Read more:
From The Michigan AFL-CIO
Latest Newsletter is available
Find out more.
Book Review
Limbo: Blue-Collar Roots, White-Collar Dreams
by Alfred Lubrano
An interesting read!
Simply click the link below to find out how to purchase with the click of a mouse!
State Employees Attention!
A new development with our group grievance.
Please read!
Find out the details.....
New Move To Steal Veteran's Over Time!
The cold hearted powers that be now want to steal
overtime from Veterans! When will the greed end?
Read all about it:
What they & what is really happening.
Read all about it!
Yuk, Yuk, Yuk
Some topical humor
See what we mean.
Much More
Tips for the cyberunionist, input and feedback, and all of the usual!
We publish twice monthly, every other Friday. Input is welcome and encouraged. To subscribe, e-mail us at:
opeiu (at) opeiu (at)>
or visit:
"The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows
himself to be a fool."
-William Shakespeare
8) LaborGroups Internet Survival Kit
LaborGroups Internet Survival Toolkit
Freeware & Shareware Resources
* Anti-Virus
* SpamKillers
* Firewalls
* Spyware Removers
SpamKiller, by MinuteGroup,
Free Version
Download link:
MyDoom Virus Removal Instructions
Freeware Virus Protection: AVG
Download Link:
9) On the Move 2/4/04
On the Move
February 4, 2004
UFCW Leaders Announce Proposal to Resolve Strike
UFCW leaders announced a dramatic new development in the four
month-old supermarket strike at a press conference held earlier
Led by Local 770 President Rick Icaza, UFCW Presidents: Michael
Straeter-Local 1442; Greg Conger-Local 324; Bill Lathrop-Local
1167; and Connie Leyva-Local 1428 met to announce that a
proposal to submit to binding interest arbitration has been
submitted to Kroger CEO, David Dillion, Safeway CEO, Steve Burd
and Albertsons CEO Larry Johnson.
Joined by Los Angeles elected officials, religious leaders and
community allies, the union stated that it is prepared to
immediately discuss and resolve all details of arbitration with
management, including the most recent unresolved issues between
the parties.
Los Angeles Mayor James Hahn, the Rev. Jesse Jackson and LA City
Councilmembers Eric Garcetti and Antonio Villaraigosa emphasized
the urgency to settle the strike and urged the grocery chains to
allow 3rd party arbitration to move the resolution of the strike
Similar announcements were made in San Diego and Bakersfield.
The union's action follows the kick-off of the national "Holding
the Line for Health Care" campaign launched last Saturday, where
an estimated 18,000 strikers and strike supporters marched from
The Forum to a massive rally in front of a heavily guarded and
nearly deserted Vons in Inglewood.
The largest grocery strike rally in Los Angeles County to date
signaled the beginning of a national campaign to organize more
actions across the country-including civil disobedience and
boycotts to increase pressure on grocers.
On the Move, brought to you by the Los Angeles County Federation
of Labor, AFL-CIO
Miguel Contreras, Executive Secretary-Treasurer; Rick Icaza,
President Organize : Mobilize : Energize
10) Catholic Labor Network
Dear Friends:
I hope to see you at the Catholic-Labor Network Lunch on Sunday, February 22, 2004, during the Catholic Social Ministry Conference in Washington, D.C. Since my last note, we have arranged to attend Mass together at St. Aloysius Church (Eye Street, N.W. & North Capital) , and then walk to the Dubliner (520 N. Capitol St., NW,) for an after Mass, Irish breakfast.
Mass is at 8:00 a.m. We should be at the Dubliner by 9:30. At the Dubliner, we will be able to renew friendships, and share what is going on in our local areas. Following breakfast, we can then return to the Hyatt for the C-L Network lunch. No reservations are needed for Mass and breakfast, but go to to register for the C-L Network lunch.
Your brother in Christ,
Fr. Sinclair Oubre
sinclair (at)
11) Message From Senator George Mitchell
This weekend John Kerry goes to bat in the Michigan, Washington and Maine caucuses. Strong finishes in those states bring us one step closer to the nomination, but John Kerry and his field teams need your help. Your dollars fund Kerry's visibility in every state contest.
There's a tough fight coming up in November. It is vital that our party be led by the best and the strongest candidate. That's why I'm writing to express my strong support for Senator John Kerry.
We've been blessed with several outstanding candidates. I support John Kerry because I believe that he is best able to advocate and advance the principles of our party and to win in November.
I worked side-by-side with John Kerry for many years. He was and is a close friend. In the Senate he is a strong and effective leader on both foreign policy and domestic issues.
Although there has not been much debate so far in this election year on environmental issues, I believe these should and will be important in the general election campaign. One of the reasons I so strongly support Senator Kerry's candidacy is his outstanding record on the environment. He was a leader in the fight to reduce acid rain emissions, to strengthen the Clean Air Act, and to protect the Arctic Wildlife Reserve from drilling.
Our children's futures will be decisively affected by what happens in November. It is critically important that we Democrats nominate and support our best and strongest candidate.
I urge you to join me in supporting Senator John Kerry for President of the United States.
With my thanks and best wishes,
George J. Mitchell
12) Radio LabourStart gets off to a flying start
* Radio LabourStart gets off to a flying start
* No Sweat Sneaker
* Can't come to London? Listen to the conference online
* LabourStart launched in Danish
I'd like to apologize to all those who were turned away in your attempts to connect to Radio LabourStart ( during our first 48 hours online.
We underestimated the number of potential listeners and had to upgrade the service on Tuesday to ensure that everyone who attempted to connect would get through.
In addition to expanding our bandwidth, we've also added some new features this week: daily news updates from LabourStart (in addition to the news we're running from the Workers Independent News Service), much more music (at least 90 minutes per day), and more features (for example, you can hear the winner of this year's Labour Website of the Year talk about the union's site).
Coming soon -- expect to hear an even wider range of labour music as we expand our online track library to include more than 350 songs. We're also planning many more features, including interviews, in the next few days.
You can help support Radio LabourStart in the following ways:
1. Donate generously. Go to:
2. Listen every day. The more listeners we have, and the longer they listen, the higher we feature on Live365's list of stations. Play the station at work or other public places, if you can. Don't forget the address:
3. Tell everyone you know -- pass this email message on. Soon there will be many online trade union radio stations -- but today there are very few. Listen to the pioneers.
4. Help us with content. If there are songs or other audio files we should be playing, let us know. If you've got a great radio voice, offer to record texts for us.
The world's only 100% union-made sneaker (that's "trainer" to us over here in England) is being rolled on on May Day 2004. Made by unionized workers in Jakarta, Indonesia, this is another great idea from the people behind NoSweat Apparel. If you buy the sneaker now, shipping is free of charge. More details are here:
To visit the No Sweat Apparel home page, go here:
Tomorrow (Saturday, 7 February) an important conference is taking place in London -- the convention of the trade union left. Speakers will include the RMT's Bob Crow, Billy Hayes of the CWU, Mark Serwotka of PCS, and many others. If you can't attend, you can still listen to a live broadcast of the conference. It's not on Radio LabourStart, but here (starting at 11:00 GMT):
Our 12th language edition is now online -- in Danish. You can visit it here:
Expect to see LabourStart in even more languages throughout 2004.
Have a great weekend.
Eric Lee
13) Jobs with Justice Update
available online at
-- WORKERS' RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS - December 10 Day of Action
to Fight for the Freedom to Form Unions
The recent Congressional vote to adopt Bush's Medicare
privatization and prescription drug program was a setback for
senior citizens and all working people. The Bill contains
provisions that will seriously undermine Medicare's future as a
publicly administered health insurance plan for people over 65
years of age and an important safety net for working families.
However, the Medicare drug benefit debacle offers a strategic
reform opportunity. Combined with ongoing struggles by union
members against health care cost shifting and community outrage
about cuts in essential health care services, now is the time to
link the anger and frustration over the new Medicare plan into a
broader effort to secure universal coverage based on the
original Medicare model.
To that end, Jobs with Justice is organizing a national "health
care action day" on Thursday, March 4 to demand real health care
reform. By acting together on the same day, we can pressure
employers and politicians to take immediate action to expand and
improve, not undermine, Medicare-type coverage. We hope to see
hundreds of thousands of workers and community activists across
the country wearing stickers in their workplaces and
participating in creative actions that promote health care for
An organizing kit and educational materials to help promote
workplace and community-wide discussion about the need for a
political solution to the health care crisis are available on
the JwJ website at .
To get involved in the day of action, call (202) 434-1106 or
sign up at the JwJ website.
Jobs with Justice has been working with the UFCW to support
70,000 grocery workers in Southern California who have been on
strike since October 11, 2003 in a valiant fight for retention
of their health benefits. Safeway management is demanding the
workers accept what amounts to a 75% cut in health coverage for
new workers and a 50% cut for current employees. These workers
are putting their livelihoods and their families on the line to
protect not only their own health care benefits, but the health
care benefits of all workers.
If Safeway has its way in Southern California, children will go
without medical care, families will be forced into poverty, and
people will be moved from work to welfare for their heath care
benefits. Beyond southern California, 100,000 Safeway workers
around the country will soon enter contract negotiations.
Safeway is asking for such dramatic concessions in southern
California that if they win, workers everywhere will lose. The
ripple effect will be felt by workers in other sectors of the
economy. Safeway management has stated that it must remain
competitive with Wal-Mart, and Safeway's health care proposal
mimics Wal-Mart's brutal health care policy. In other words,
Safeway believes that even though operating profits for the
grocery chains have risen over 10 times faster than their
contributions to worker health care in Southern California,
workers must pay more for their health care benefits. If Safeway
wins on this issue, workers can only expect a further
Wal-Martization of their jobs and their lives, one of low wages
and nearly non-existent benefits. Southern California's Safeway
workers are holding the line for all workers, and a loss for
them will be a loss for all workers.
Jobs with Justice is urging people not to shop at Safeway-owned
stores, including Vons, Safeway, Pavilions, Carrs, Dominick's,
Randalls, Tom Thumb and Genuardi's, until Safeway does the right
thing and provides affordable health care to all its workers.
More than 2,000 Jobs with Justice activists have already taken
the pledge not to shop at Safeway until they treat workers
fairly. If you have not done so already, please take a moment to
send them a free fax at . JwJ is also putting
together a letter to be signed by concerned Workers' Rights
Board members throughout the country to be delivered to
Safeway's CEO, and local JwJ coalitions around the country are
preparing to take action at local Safeway-owned stores. For more
on what you can do to support Safeway workers, visit .
In Portland on January 24, over 100 Portland JwJ activists,
community activists, labor unionists, students, concerned
citizens, and a drum corps marched on the Lloyd Center Safeway
in support of the striking workers. Supporters marched into the
store, up and down the aisles, chanting to demand fairness for
workers and affordable health care for all, and criticizing the
greed of supermarket chains trying to take advantage of the
economic downturn to strip down worker benefits. After marching
through the aisles, people gathered together at the front of the
store before proceeding back outside for a ceremonial Safeway
"membership card" cutting. Representatives of various unions,
organizers from Jobs with Justice, and members of the community
spoke about the importance of fighting for health care for all
workers, and pointing out the crucial importance and precedent
that will be set by the outcome of this struggle.
The week of March 29, students and workers will celebrate the
lives of Cesar Estrada Chavez and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by
joining together to demand justice for workers on their campuses
and in their communities. March 31 is Cesar E. Chavez Day in
California, and April 4 marks the 36th anniversary of Dr. King's
In 2003, students and workers came together for over 280 actions
during the fourth annual National Student Labor Week of Action.
Addressing a range of issues from sweatshops to living wages to
the right to organize for campus workers, students and workers
came together to win concrete victories a build a more powerful
The Student Labor Action Project is a joint project of Jobs with
Justice and the United States Students Association. Partnering
organizations for the National Student Labor Week of Action are:
United Students Against Sweatshops, National Movimiento
Estudantil Chicana/o de Aztlan, TransAfrica, Student Action with
Farmworkers, Not with Our Money, the Organization of Chinese
Americans, and the NAACP Youth and Student Division. Visit for more information, or to
sign up.
For nearly one year, St. Louis Jobs with Justice has been
working hard on the case of Freda Green, a caregiver at a
state-run psychiatric center. Freda is a strong patient advocate
who was dismissed almost a year ago in retaliation for
"whistle-blowing". Freda had a history of aggressive patient
advocacy. She consistently filed grievances about unsafe
staffing conditions, especially unsafe staffing ratios involving
patients who have been deemed dangerous to themselves or others.
In October 2002, Freda witnessed a worker giving inappropriate
care to a patient. She tried to report it twice at the facility,
but supervisors ignored her report. Ultimately, she reported the
incident directly to the heads of the Department of Mental
Health (DMH) at a collective bargaining meeting. She was
dismissed the next week for "failing to report patient abuse in
a timely manner." Her union, AFSCME, immediately put this
termination into the appeals process open to state workers. This
case has proved how dangerously flawed that process is.
The St. Louis WRB held an investigatory hearing in February
2003. Following the hearing, the WRB doggedly applied pressure
on this case. First, the WRB tried unsuccessfully schedule a
meeting with the head of DMH to meet on the larger issues raised
by the Green case. Then WRB members came to witness and express
support at the state˙żs hearing on Freda's case. After the state
hearing, JwJ began mobilizing WRB members to write the Attorney
General to urge him not to appeal any positive ruling. Finally,
as the one-year anniversary of Freda's case was approaching, the
WRB decided to bring a "birthday cake" to the state's worker
grievance body, which had still failed to rule on Freda's case.
Once the board heard the cake was coming, they moved up
consideration of the case. Finally, in November, Freda received
the strongest possible decision - full reinstatement and full
back pay!
WORKERS' RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS - December 10 Day of Action to
Fight for the Freedom to Form Unions
To win higher wages, health care for their families, and job
security, workers have historically engaged in organizing and
collective bargaining through unions. But too often, when
workers try to organize, they are harassed, intimidated and even
fired. Thirty million workers say they want a union, but
employers spend millions to fight their unionization efforts.
Increasing corporate power, the lack of meaningful oversight of
corporate behavior, and diminished union density combines to
undermine the ability of all workers (organized or not) to
bargain collectively with employers around issues of wages,
benefits, and workplace democracy. To dramatize the failure of
U.S. labor law and the NLRB to protect workers' democratic
rights, Jobs with Justice, the AFL-CIO, and unions joined
together for a day of action on December 10, International Human
Rights Day.
An unprecedented national mobilization of tens of thousands of
workers and their allies turned out for rallies and events in
dozens of U.S. cities. From Seattle to Miami, from Teamsters to
teachers, from religious leaders to community activists , we are
united in our goal of restoring workers' freedom to form a union
as a human right in the US. December 10 was only the beginning
of a larger campaign to bring workers' rights issues to the
forefront. In the months and years to come, Jobs with Justice
will continue to work closely with our union allies to bring
democracy to US workplaces.
Jobs with Justice coalitions in 28 cities nationwide worked
closely with local allies to plan a range of activities from
educational presentations to distributing stickers for people to
wear in their workplaces to rallies to Workers' Rights Board
(WRB) Hearings shining a light on workers rights issues.
Following are a few highlights from around the country:
Washington, DC
In Washington, DC, a coalition of labor unions and community
groups worked together to plan for a massive rally at the US
Department of Labor and a mass leafleting of commuters. On
December 3rd, 350 volunteers leafleted 25 different subway
stations with flyers about the rights of workers to form unions
and "Workers' Rights are Human Rights" stickers. Volunteers
handed out thousands of flyers, signed up lots of new activists,
and identified workers who want unions. On December 10, more
than 2,000 people rallied at the US Department of Labor to
protest anti-worker policies. Workers from the federal
government and local businesses shared their stories of
organizing unions while faced with illegal employer intimidation
and harassment. Protestors heard from AFGE President John Gage
and AFSCME President Gerald McEntee about the fight for the
freedom to form unions and the law banning unions in the new
Department of Homeland Security. Senator Ted Kennedy joined the
rally to promote the "Employee Free Choice Act", a Bill to
strengthen workers' rights that he introduced into Congress.
Miami, FL
South Florida Jobs with Justice, the AFL-CIO, the Laborers, the
Carpenters, SEIU 1199 FL, OPEIU, and more union and community
allies joined together on December 10 to fight for workers'
rights. Activists started the day with a bang when they arrived
at a Jackson-Lewis (America's most notorious union-busting law
firm) breakfast where they were training local CEO's and HR
managers how to bust unions. Activists greeted them with a round
of special workers rights holiday carols before they were
escorted out of the building! Next was a Workers Rights Board
hearing where workers like Isma Sadius and Marie Suprinat talked
about being unjustly fired for trying to organize unions at
their workplace. Over 300 workers and allies packed the house at
this powerful hearing, where US Rep. Kendrick Meek explained why
he is a co-sponsor of the Employee Freedom of Choice Act. Our
allies on the Board presented a strong resolution condemning the
specific cases of anti-union activity and supporting labor peace
language. After the hearing, activists took it outside for a 300
person rally at the Torch of Friendship to "Take Back the Right
to Organize" and to "Take Back our Public Space to Peacefully
Assemble in Miami!" As ralliers were rocking to the Latin beats
of DJ Johann, they heard solidarity messages from Amnesty
International, NAACP, Haitian American Grassroots Coalition, and
others. Fred Frost, South Florida AFL-CIO President, finished up
the rally with an inspiring declaration on "next steps" in the
movement, and called on everyone to mobilize for a "strategic
organizing and rank and file activism" training on Jan. 29 in
Atlanta, GA Atlanta activists began the day at Marta [public transport]
stations handing out leaflets about the importance of Human
Rights Day and workers' right to form unions. Volunteers then
loaded onto 7 buses that went to a diverse grouping of union
organizing sites divided by 7 regions. The buses each were
filled with mixtures of various local union activists who seemed
to relish doing actions at one another˙żs work sites. At the end
of the day, activists converged at Turner Field and then marched
to rally at the state capitol. The rally included a wide range
of speakers from elected officials like Mayor Shirley Franklin
and Rep. John Lewis to union leaders like Teamsters President
Jimmy Hoffa to representatives from Atlanta's Civil Rights
community like Dr. Joseph Lowery and Rev. James Orange to
workers trying to organize unions with FLOC and the UFCW.
Indianapolis, IN
Central Indiana Jobs with Justice coordinated the distribution
of nearly 12,000 "Workers˙ż Rights Are Human Rights!" stickers
and educational fliers through local unions and community
groups. Six unions and several community representatives also
joined Jobs with Justice for a news conference in Indianapolis
to call attention to the workplace sticker action, the proposed
Employee Free Choice Act, and the ongoing struggle by Hamilton
Southeastern school bus drivers to win recognition for their
union in the absence of a collective bargaining law. Senator
Evan Bayh and Rep. Julia Carson provided statements for the news
conference, and the stickers and fliers were also distributed to
delegates at the Indiana State AFL-CIO convention in Lebanon,
Boston, MA Eastern Massachusetts JwJ and the AFL-CIO came together for a
WRB Hearing at the Massachusetts State House attended by over
100 people. Workers from almost every sector testified about the
problems they faced when they tried to form a union in their
workplace. WRB members included Father Ed Boyle, Rabbi Barbara
Penzner, Fausto DeRocha of the Brazilian Immigrant Center, and
author Juliet Shor. The WRB found that workers' right to
organize is being violated in Massachusetts. Following the
hearing, WRB members brought that message to a crowd of over
5,000 people at Boston Common. Workers and community allies
marched from the Common to the offices of the National Labor
Relations Board (NLRB). This was the largest labor rally that
has taken place in Boston's recent history, and it has already
had a positive impact. One of the workers who testified at the
WRB hearing had her case reopened by the NLRB, and E. Mass JwJ
hopes to use a forthcoming report from the hearing to carry this
momentum through 2004.
St. Louis, MO Nearly 500 500 labor and community activists filled the parking
lot at a St. Louis area Wal-Mart chanting "Workers Rights are
Human Rights!" on a snowy December 10. Worker voices were front
and center at this rally in front of one of the community's most
egregious violators of workers' rights. We heard from area
workers that live the tragic state of US labor law including:
Henri Guyton, who was leading an organizing campaign with
Teamsters 610 at Midwest Waste Management when he and four other
workers were dismissed within a week of each other; Linda Meyer
who led a group of workers at the Suburban Journals newspapers
that won their union election with the St. Louis newspaper
guild, only to be stalled at the bargaining table until they
could decertify the union; and Chauncey Lewis, a worker at Mozel
Industries (now that the employer fired five committee members
organizing with UFCW 881 the remaining workers are working
mandatory overtime, handling dangerous chemicals).
Buffalo, NY
CEJ/Buffalo Jobs with Justice connected access to health care
and the right to organize as two important human rights at their
WRB Hearing on the Health Care Crisis as part of International
Human Rights Day. At the hearing on December 4th, many workers
testified that their reasons for seeking union representation
were related to health care and insurance benefits not provided
by their employer. Workers from different sectors of the economy
testified including: retired workers, laid off workers,
underinsured workers, city workers, and health care workers. In
addition, the Board heard testimony from employers who are
increasingly unable to provide benefits to their employees.
Small business owners, non-profit administrators, and city
government officials all talked about their inability to provide
adequate wage increases and/or benefits because of the rising
costs of insurance premiums. Board members included Rep. Louis
Slaughter, Rep. Jack Quinn, Dr. Rudy Meuller, M.D., and Rev.
Anthony Harris.
The Workers Rights Board Hearing was preceded by a Health Care
Day of Action across the City. An estimated 5,000 health care
workers wore stickers saying "Health Care for All, No Cuts in
Benefits and Services!" on Tuesday, December 2 to increase
visibility of the health care issue. CEJ/Buffalo JwJ will
release the report from the hearing along with a local strategy
for reform on March 4, 2004, the national Health Care Day of
Cleveland, OH Cleveland Jobs with Justice worked with local unions to
distribute workplace educational materials along with over
12,000 "Workers' Rights are Human Rights" stickers to be worn in
workplaces on December 10. Over 250 people attended a moving
Workers' Rights Board Hearing on the right to organize. Among
the WRB members who heard testimony from workers struggling to
organize unions in their workplaces were Congressman Sherrod
Brown, Dr. Edie Rassell of the United Church of Christ, and Dr.
Wendy Johnson of the Cleveland Department of Health. Following
the hearing, over 700 people rallied at Marc's discount food
store, where workers are trying to organize a union with the
UFCW. Spirits were high despite the failed attempt by Marc's to
get a restraining order against the rally. WRB members joined
Rev. Bob Strommen's attempt to enter the store to present Marc's
management with the "UN Declaration of Human Rights" and a
letter from WRB members supporting the right to organize, but
the delegation was stopped at the door. Rev. Strommen then led
the delegation in a prayer outside the doors until he was cut
short by the police.
Philadelphia, PA On December 10, more than 1,000 people came together at the Arch
Street Friends Meeting House for a WRB Hearing on the Right to
Organize. The WRB heard the powerful testimony of nine workers
who have fought for their rights in the workplace. Their stories
were truly touching and inspiring, and served as a powerful call
to action. Following the testimony, the Philadelphia JwJ WRB
passed a resolution advocating employer neutrality during union
organizing drives. The success of this WRB Hearing would not
have been possible without the workers who boldly stood up to
share their stories and without the Philadelphia Central Labor
Council and the many supporting member unions who mobilized
workers for this important event.
Providence, RI
Over 150 Rhode Islanders joined together for a Workers' Right
Board Hearing to expose the labor violations of the Providence
Journal and to demonstrate the failures of the NLRB process. The
Providence Journal and its parent company, the Belo Corporation,
have been found guilty of 27 Federal labor law violations in its
dealings with TNG-CWA Local 31041, the union representing 420
janitors, reporters, ad sales reps, clerks, photographers, and
editors. Providence Councilman Miguel Luna, Melba Depena of the
RI Latino Action Political Action Committee; Dr. Richard
McIntyre of the University of Rhode Island and Rev. T. Michael
Rock, Central Congregational Church were among the WRB members
who heard moving testimony from the workers about the Providence
Journal illegally hiking medical costs, cutting vacations, and
intimidating workers. Despite the NLRB's findings, the Journal
has refused to negotiate a new contract with workers since 1999.
The Board made recommendations that the Providence Journal
return to the bargaining table to negotiate fairly with the
workers. Following the hearing, activists rallied with nurses
who are trying to organize with SEIU 1199 NEHCEU at Kent County
Memorial Hospital.
Austin, TX
70 people turned out to rally at the Health and Human Services
Commission to protest the implementation of social service cuts
and the privatization of state jobs. The focus of the rally was
health care and social services as human rights and the
necessity of organizing to combat attacks on working people.
Speakers included representatives of the Texas State Employees
Union, Education Austin, American Friends Service Committee/Tan
Cerca, and U. Texas Watch. Later that day, JwJ helped to
organize a forum at the Education Austin building focusing on
the legal rights of workers to join unions and bargain
collectively. Speakers included a U. Texas law professor, a
representative of the Equal Rights Center, and Education Austin.
Dallas, TX
In Dallas, the AFL-CIO, Jobs with Justice, and CWA Local 6150
organized a rally on December 10 to support CWA 6150 members in
a tough contract negotiation with Comcast. Union supporters from
the several CWA Locals, the Teamsters, UAW, Plumbers, and TWU
stood together to demand that Comcast negotiate fairly with
workers. Organizer Daryl Russell started off the day at 8 AM by
speaking on the KNON "Workers' Beat" program. Then he went to
the studio of Dallas artist Cesar Maxit to pick up a 7-foot-tall
papier mache pig labeled "Comcast Greed Hurts Workers."
Activists heard from CWA 6150 President Larry Ihfe, then chanted
and sang as they picketed on the sidewalk.
Salt Lake City, UT Activities began at 8:30am with a rally of Kennecott Utah Copper
workers and their allies to protest human rights abuses by Rio
Tinto, Kennecott's parent company. At 9:30am, 150 prominent
local politicians, academics, labor, community and religious
leaders gathered for a "Workers' Rights are Human Rights"
Conference. Participants heard firsthand accounts of abuses from
lifelong Kennecott Copper employees, nurses at Salt Lake
Regional Hospital, 911 dispatchers from Ogden, and coal miners
fired by the Kingston clan. The conference discussed the
history, economics and hard truths facing all Utah families when
they try to improve their working lives. At noon, about 100
people went to Salt Lake Regional Hospital to join nurses for
informational picketing in support of their organizing campaign.
Utah JwJ also organized a rally at the entrance of the Co-Op
Mine in the central Utah mountains (a few hours outside Salt
Lake City). For several months, Utah JwJ has been building
community support for these mostly Mexican immigrant workers who
are fighting for fairness on the job. 80 miners were fired for
trying to organize a union, and have been on an unfair labor
practice strike for 3 months. These workers, many of whom have
worked at the mine for over a decade, make $5.25-$7/hour in an
industry where the average wage is $20/hr. Workers are forced
to work with injuries, are denied workers' compensation, lack
health insurance, and are forced to work under unsafe
conditions. On December 13, Utah JwJ organized a 57-passenger
bus full of activists to rally with the miners and delivered
four pick-up truckloads of food and supplies.
Seattle, WA
On December 2, Washington State JwJ held a Workers Rights Board
(WRB) hearing where workers testified first-hand about how many
local employers blatantly violate rights to organize a union and
the law without consequence. Over 100 participants including
many elected legislators were educated about this rampant
epidemic raging through workplaces such as Wal-Mart, Harley
Davidson dealerships, St. Peter's Hospital, El Dorado Stone in
Carnation, downtown office buildings, local farms and dairies.
The WRB panel pledged to hold this hearing in order to educate
more elected legislators and the broader public and start
addressing this embarrassing blight on our nation's human rights
At a special hearing on January 27, the Washington State House
Commerce and Labor Committee heard testimony from these very
same workers. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted
by the United Nations in 1948, includes the right to join a
union. Likewise, U.S. law says Americans have the right to join
a union, free from threat, intimidation and coercion by their
employer. The committee will consider acting on HB 2926, which
would allow the state Human Rights Commission to investigate
employers accused of denying workers the basic human right to
join a union, and HJM 4037, which would petition Congress to
pass the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA).
The EFCA, introduced in November, articulates the kind of labor
law reform necessary to restore the workers' right to join
unions. It would allow employees to freely choose whether to
form unions by signing cards authorizing representation; provide
mediation and arbitration for first contract disputes; and
establish stronger penalties for violation of employee rights
when workers seek to form a union. The EFCA currently has 26
co-sponsors in the U.S. Senate (S. 1925), including U.S. Sens.
Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell, and 134 co-sponsors in the
House (H.R. 3619), including every Democratic member of
Washington's delegation.
The workers at Williams Control in Portland, OR, members of UAW
Local 492 won their strike after almost a year of maintaining
100% solidarity. UAW 492 and Portland JwJ brought many different
unions and community groups to the picket line, organized
rallies at the plant that included theater and puppetry directed
by the workers, leafleted the neighborhoods of the plant manager
and the human resource manager, and collected food and money to
help the strikers. JwJ also helped the Local do research into
cross border solidarity and get letters of support from workers
at Volvo, one of Williams Control's European customers. In the
new contract, the workers won full family health benefits,
retiree benefits and were able to keep all of their union
language. After this victory, the company tried to de-certify
the union, but the workers prevailed. Even many of the workers
hired as scabs during the strike voted to keep the union! The
company did everything it could to break the union, but workers
held strong.
14) February 7, People’s Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo
February 7, People’s Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo
Bush runs for cover on WMD lies
by Susan Webb, 02/05/04
Following the declaration by President Bush’s chief U.S. weapons hunter
David Kay that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction prior to the U.S.
invasion – the administration’s stated reason for the Iraq war – Bush’s
move to set up an investigation commission to look into “intelligence
failures” is being assailed as a damage control and cover-up effort.
Read entire article at
Voters say ‘Anybody but Bush’
by Tim Wheeler, 02/05/04
COLUMBIA, S.C. – Favorite son John Edwards carried South Carolina and John
Kerry captured five other states in the Feb. 3 Democratic primaries. Gen.
Wesley Clark eked out a narrow win in Oklahoma. Sen. Joseph Lieberman of
Connecticut dropped out. But regardless of the state, voters sent a loud,
clear message that Bush must go Nov. 2
Read entire article at
Two forerunners in the fight for civil rights
by Paul Robeson (1898-1976), 02/05/04
Negro history: The history of the whole Negro people. A proud heritage of
Read entire article at
Grocery unions call for arbitration
by Joe Hancock, 02/05/04
Presidents of the seven locals of striking and locked out Southern
California grocery workers appeared in simultaneous press conferences in
Bakersfield, Los Angeles, Palm Desert and San Diego on Feb. 4 making
public a joint letter challenging three supermarket CEOs to submit the
strike’s outstanding issues to binding arbitration.
Read entire article at
2005 budget feeds ‘beast’
by Terrie Albano, 02/05/04
News Analysis
Military contractors Boeing and Northrop Grumman were the big winners in
the $2.4 trillion budget presented to Congress Feb. 2 by George W. Bush.
The proposed budget is a financial blueprint for disaster in Bush’s drive
to keep the White House.
Read entire article at
‘School of Assassins’ protesters sentenced
by Jack York, 02/05/04
FORT BENNING, Ga. – The trials of 27 people arrested here for their
November protest of the infamous “School of the Assassins” began Jan. 26
before a federal magistrate.
Read entire article at
Visit to read the entire edition, back editions and subscribe
Donate online at
-- People's Weekly World/Nuestro Mundo 235 west 23rd st New York, NY 10011
15) The Bush Conspiracy Generator
The Republicans have been dishing out some nasty slams against
you, your family, and organization. Why not return the favor !
16) RealClear Politics: 2004 Democrat Presidential Race State Polls
17) Gephardt, Labor Unions Endorse Kerry
Already flush with endorsements from establishment Democrats, presidential front-runner John Kerry is poised to secure the backing of former rival Dick Gephardt and his once-loyal labor unions, further clearing the Massachusetts senator's path toward the nomination.
His opponents, meanwhile, are seeking to slow his rapid rise and establish themselves as his alternative. A fallen Howard Dean is camping out in Wisconsin with hopes of resurrecting his struggling campaign. And, sons of the South, John Edwards and Wesley Clark, are stumping in that region.
``Kerry has the momentum because he looks like a winner. He looks like a winner because he's been winning,'' said Ron Kaufman, former adviser to former President George H.W. Bush.
The upcoming campaign calendar likely will heap even more momentum and more delegates onto Kerry as well. His rivals haven't made much of an effort in Michigan, Washington or Maine, where contests this weekend offer 228 delegates combined.
Edwards, who won South Carolina's primary, and Clark, who found victory in Oklahoma, both looked to Tuesday's primaries in Tennessee and Virginia, with 151 delegates, to keep Kerry winless in the South and keep their own candidacies alive.
On Thursday, Edwards planned a bus tour of Virginia before heading to Tennessee, where Clark also planned to travel. Kerry was set to show up in that state as well after visiting Michigan.
Dean, meanwhile, is staying in Wisconsin - except for a brief sojourn to his Burlington, Vt. headquarters - to execute his last-ditch strategy. On Thursday, he cut short a day of campaigning in Michigan to fly to Wisconsin. He told supporters in an e-mail that he would be out of the race for the Democratic nomination if he did not score a victory in the Wisconsin primary.
``We must win Wisconsin,'' Dean wrote in the e-mail. ``A win there will carry us to the big states of March 2 and narrow the field to two candidates. Anything less will put us out of this race.''
The four candidates are positioning themselves for a Feb. 17 showdown in Wisconsin, but Kerry has the most money coming in and supporters on board. On Thursday, he picked up endorsements of Maine Gov. John Baldacci and former Sen. George Mitchell. In Michigan, Sens. Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow agreed to support him.
Officials said Gephardt would announce his backing of Kerry on Friday in Warren, Mich. They said the alliance of labor groups formed by the Teamsters and more than a dozen industrial unions to support Gephardt's failed White House bid likely would follow in several days after union presidents brief their members.
Campaigning in Tennessee, Edwards dismissed Gephardt's endorsement, saying ``if you look at the history of endorsements in this campaign, they haven't had a lot of sway with voters, which is understandable. Voters make their own decisions.''
He also nipped back at Clark, who earlier this week accused Edwards of hypocrisy for criticizing while campaigning proposals he voted for in the Senate - education reform, the Patriot Act and the Iraq war.
``This is the kind of petty sniping that people are sick of and my campaign is about something bigger and stronger,'' Edwards said. ``I think what General Clark should be talking about is what he wants to do for the country.''
Clark, too, was in Tennessee, a first-time candidate struggling to explain the latest in a series of changing comments on abortion.
``What I said is that I'm in favor of choice...'' he told reporters. ... ``I would hope that it would be done only on rare occasions, but it's a woman's right to choose.''
On Wednesday, Clark said, ``I'm against abortion, but there's the law of the land and that comes from the Supreme Court ... and I support the Supreme Court.''
Earlier this winter, he told a New Hampshire newspaper he opposed any government restriction on abortion. He later amended that to say he supported the high court's 1973 ruling that guaranteed abortion rights, as well as a subsequent case that allowed states to limit them.
18) Harry Stein: Dear Abby says Exporting American jobs is SAD
Greetings! "This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!", Psalm 118:24.
My friend Lisa Pineau, provided me this Jan 29, 2004 link. Below I show you a portion of that page holding a transcript of CNN's Wolf Blitzer with Dear Abby (now written by Jeanne Phillips, the daughter of Pauline Phillips who was the original "Abby" [alias Abigail Van Buren]). Most interesting is what Abby, having a pulse on America, says in the last paragraph of her interview, shown near the end of the body of this email. Abby says: "And the truth is that jobs have been exported out of the country to China and to India and Mexico. And it's just very sad,..."
The relevant transcript snippet below is from:
BLITZER: Earlier we asked: Why did the current author of Dear Abby begin working on the column? The answer, earn allowance. Jeanne Phillips began working for her mother, the founder of Dear Abby, at age 14 to earn her allowance. She helped Pauline Phillips by answering letters from young people.
For almost half a century, if you have wanted to see what's on America's mind, you haven't had to look any further than your local newspaper and a "Dear Abby" column. Pauline Phillips started it under the name Abigail Van Buren in 1956. Today, her daughter continues to offer advice on just about any subject you can name.
Jeanne Phillips, better known as Dear Abby, is joining us now live from our L.A. Bureau.
Abby, thanks very much for joining us.
What's on the minds mostly right now of the American people you're communicating with?
JEANNE PHILLIPS, "DEAR ABBY": Well, I'm hearing from people who are chronically jobless or I'm hearing from their spouses or their parents.
And they're talking about the frustration and the fear and the anxiety that people encounter when they have sent out 125 resumes and gone on 15 interviews and haven't heard a thing back. There's an embarrassment factor, too.
BLITZER: Well, I read your column every day. And I watch your advice, which almost always is excellence advice. But what do you tell these people, a man, for example, who has been searching for a year or two years, has a family to support, has been working diligently to find a job, and simply can't find one in the current job market?
PHILLIPS: I tell him not to give up hope. That's No. 1. I tell him that he may have to reorganize his priorities and look for a different kind of work than he has been looking for, accept a lower rate of pay.
I would tell people these days that they should check out a Web site called, which is a government program that's been put together to try to address the needs of people who are jobless and try to get them resettled in different jobs.
BLITZER: This has an enormous impact on the spouse as well, the wife, let's say, of someone who's really desperately looking for work. What do you tell the spouse?
PHILLIPS: I tell the spouse to hang in there, that she has to understand that she's dealing with a husband who is probably depressed already, may have turned to some sort of a substance or be spending hours on his computer or hiding in front of a television set. I try to tell her to hang in there and to be patient and realize, this probably won't last forever.
BLITZER: I know you've been doing this for many, many years. Is it any different today than it was, let's say, five or 10 or 15 years ago, the quality, the kinds of questions you're being asked?
PHILLIPS: I deal with people's emotions. I'm the friend that they confide in.
So, they're constantly confiding in me about what's going on in their lives that they wouldn't be talking to the neighbors about or wouldn't be talking to their family about. Have the questions changed? Not to any great degree. People are constantly more open about their problems, you know, as time goes by. They're used to be subjects people didn't talk about at all that they're quite willing and open about now.
But this business of chronic joblessness is one that I find to be a particularly touchy issue, because these people blame themselves for the fact that they can't find work. And the truth is that jobs have been exported out of the country to China and to India and Mexico. And it's just very sad, because the statistics that we're reading about in the papers today, you know, that this percentage and this percentage, these are our neighbors. These are real people behind those statistics. And everybody should keep that in mind.
BLITZER: Excellent advice, as usual, from Dear Abby. Thanks so much for joining us.
Back to me -- I suggest writing her from time to time about your own job exportation concerns. You have to email through a browser form located at:
Regards and PTL,
Harry Stein
Texas Labor Champions (Member)
hstein (at)
19) Disinformation Newsletter
Disinformation Newsletter: Thursday February 5, 2004
Edited by Alex Burns (alex (at)
Our new book 'Lines In The Sand', Russ Kick's '50 Things You're Not
Supposed To Know', Richard Metzger's "Book of Lies", and the long-awaited
'Disinformation' DVD are now available from
our online store! .
Today's "Oblique Strategies" Reading:
"Decorate, decorate."
Today's Quote: "Former Senator Max Cleland has become a veritable fixture
at John Kerry campaign events, and at first glance the reason seems
obvious enough: Who better than a war hero to remind voters that Kerry has
a sterling military record of his own? But, as my colleague Peter Beinart
has pointed out on numerous occasions (see, for example, here and here),
Cleland's presence on the campaign trail also serves as a vivid reminder
that battlefield medals--or even lost limbs--are no impediment to attacks
on a candidate's patriotism. After all, it was just over a year ago that a
Republican defeated Cleland for his Senate seat by portraying him as
unwilling to support President Bush in the war on terror. If Bush was able
to savage Cleland despite his honorable military record, is there any
reason to think he won't be able to do the same to Kerry?"
~~ Jonathan Cohn, "Veteran Operative"
In his excellent book 'The Diamond Age', author Neal Stephenson considered
the beneficial impact that nanotechnology, or engineering at a nanometer
scale, on a future feudalistic China. But the contemporary reality is
very different, as Microsoft found out, when critics charged the software
giant with selling technology that China uses to jail its political
dissidents. The post-Tiananmen climate, where human rights abuses are
overlooked for 'most favored nation' status and lucrative trade deals, may
have a very dark side, indeed.
Faulting US, Germany Frees A 9/11 Suspect
Archaeologists Find 1400 Year Old Tomb Of Anglo-Saxon King,11711,1142003,00.html
Gibson Film Gets Huge Marketing Effort
The Human Element In Keeping Nation Safe
Iraqi WMD: A Week On And The Whitewash Continues
Tenet Says US Analysts Never Used Word 'Imminent'
Not Fooling Anybody
Pocket Chickens Make Comeback
LBJ Aides Push History Channel For Probe Of Show
Questions Over Pakistan Government Role In Nuke Scandal
President's Statement On Massachusetts' Court Ruling
The Purple Storm
The Real Kerry
Microsoft Sold China Technology Used To Jail China Internet Users
George Bush: Idiot Or Ubermensch
50 Things You're Not Supposed To Know (Russ Kick)
'Russ Kick has proved himself a master at uncovering facts that "they"
would prefer you never hear about. The giant Disinformation Guide series
edited by Kick has become the definitive place to find revelations about
government cover-ups, scientific scams, corporate crimes, medical
malfeasance, historical whitewashes, media manipulation, and other
knock-your-socks-off secrets and lies. This CD-sized book packs the same
powerful punch in a small, attractive package.'
Book of Lies (Richard Metzger)
'Disinformation's "wicked warlock" Richard Metzger gathers an
unprecedented cabal of modern occultists, magicians and forward thinkers
in Book of Lies. Whereas past Disinformation volumes like You Are Being
Lied To, Everything You Know is Wrong and Abuse Your Illusions focused on
secrets and lies from the mainstream media, government and other
establishment institutions to rethink what a political science book could
look like, Book of Lies redefines occult anthologies, packaging and
presenting a huge array of magical essays for a pop culture audience.'
'Disinformation's BOOK OF LIES is a 21st century grimoire, a How To book
designed to inspire the young magician-warriors of this new and turbulent
century. In the apparent derangement of our times, this book is both a
call to arms and an armory also. Get tooled up, get out there . . . and
start bending reality.' –Grant Morrison (
Disinformation Newsletter: Friday, 6 February 2004
Edited by Alex Burns (alex (at)
Our first book for children, 'Lines In The Sand', Russ Kick's '50 Things You're Not Supposed To Know', Richard Metzger's 'Book of Lies',
and the long-awaited 'Disinformation' DVD are now available from our online store! .
Today's "Oblique Strategies" Reading:
"Is it finished?"
Today's Quote: "Bryant, who condemned homosexuality as immoral and
'against God's wishes,' is best known for her 1977 campaign to repeal a
Miami ordinance banning anti-gay discrimination. Her organization, Save
Our Children, claimed that gays -- or 'known practicing homosexuals,' in
her lingo -- were converting children to homosexuality. It was thus no
surprise that after Bryant succeeded in her self-described crusade against
the bias ordinance, she turned her sights on Florida's adoption laws."
~~ Joanne Mariner, "Anita Bryant's Legacy"
Sick of the Super Bowl non-controversy? Feel like Janet Jackson's
now-infamous breast incident will incur the wrath of the FCC's Michael
Powell? As event planners continue to have nightmares, and politicians
scramble to use this opportunity for more restraint (or censorship), we
begin today with a reminder that far more confronting incidents are a
regular part of the black and death metal underground. Often viewable on
grainy video bootlegs, these concerts showcase bands, like Gorgoroth's
recent scandalous tour of Poland, who will never get to play the American
Super Bowl, except perhaps in one of Grant Morrison's alternate universes.
Bush Announces Intelligence Panel
Dean Scrambles To Avoid Knockout Punch
Aussie Record Industry Raids Kazaa's Offices
Powerful Earthquake Hits Indonesia
Norwegian Black Metal Band Shocks Poland
Bar-coded Beef
Getting The Media You Deserve
The J Man Runs Down The Democratic Primary
US No-Fly List Includes Peace Activists, Civil Rights Attorneys
Into Africa
Holy Pop Relic
The Dreamers
Ambient Information
John Sperling Wants You To Live Forever
Ex-Sex Pistol Quits Reality TV Show
50 Things You're Not Supposed To Know (Russ Kick)
'Russ Kick has proved himself a master at uncovering facts that "they"
would prefer you never hear about. The giant Disinformation Guide series
edited by Kick has become the definitive place to find revelations about
government cover-ups, scientific scams, corporate crimes, medical
malfeasance, historical whitewashes, media manipulation, and other
knock-your-socks-off secrets and lies. This CD-sized book packs the same
powerful punch in a small, attractive package.'
Book of Lies (Richard Metzger)
'Disinformation's "wicked warlock" Richard Metzger gathers an
unprecedented cabal of modern occultists, magicians and forward thinkers
in Book of Lies. Whereas past Disinformation volumes like You Are Being
Lied To, Everything You Know is Wrong and Abuse Your Illusions focused on
secrets and lies from the mainstream media, government and