While listening to Mike Malloy this morning, I heard about death threats against Eric Blumrich of
www.bushflash.com posted on one of the sickest, most twisted, insane websites.
While listening to Mike Malloy this morning, I heard about death threats against Eric Blumrich of
www.bushflash.com posted on one of the sickest, most twisted, insane websites:
Apart from Combat 18, I have not really come accross such insanity on the Net -- I admit I haven't spent time searching for such filth, either.
Apparently, those champions of hate announced a contest with a prize to be given for the death of Eric. They even included the Mapquest info on Eric's address.
Well, I checked out the website -- I was immediately transported to a mind-altering state that only hallucinogenics are capable of producing.
There is even a spot that ridicules Rachel Corrie's death:
Make what you want of it......but I, for one am appalled.